Thursday, July 11, 2019

Osharian waters

Well Osharian scientists claimed that underground aquifers where used by the Egyptians for transportation of goods between Atlaspolis and Cairo. In the ancient history of Atlantis volcanic springs are talked about often.
a massive spring system was well known about up until around 11,000 b.c. this article is not about that. This is more an answer to where the vast water volume might have come from.  
According to a new study by a group of U.S. geophysicists, a reservoir of water three times the volume of all of Earth’s oceans has been discovered inside a layer of blue rock ( ringwoodite ) 440 miles deep.  The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of Earth's water. Some geologists think water arrived in comets as they struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea that the oceans gradually oozed out of the interior of the early Earth. 
Earth once was a icy moon of Saturn until it was knocked out of it's orbit.This orbital gap lines up with star maps of Nibiru's orbit.
Planet Tia'mat as it was known then, because it was a rogue planet while traveling. Know as Nibiru when in its natural orbit around Sirius C. But Sirius neutron star supernovaed sending it flying into our solar system.  It hit Earth when it was still a moon of Saturn.  Knocking it into Earth's orbit that we know now. Then it orbited for 2 billion years before Tia'Mat hit it again creating the Earth's largest moon.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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