Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Osharian MDNA travel


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   (  Osharian MDNA travel. )
    In the beginning of the third dimensional experience there was physics and other basic laws. Karma can be binding in the 3rd dimension. Meaning if you interact in the 3rd dimension you build physical bonds and relationships. If your body dies and you still have binding karma, you will have to come back, hence the later cycles of reincarnation. The reincarnation must normally be through the same bloodline that they were from. Mel-Chi-Zadok ( Yashau Christ),was the first to not be bound by the Sin karma. He was able to ascend at will. Hence resurrection instead of reincarnation.  In his next return he is claimed to bring a MDNA design that can vibrate at 3 different frequencies at the same time. This means translation is not required at that point to travel from sphere to sphere. 
     As it was there was a time when higher being could ascend at will. Once negative forces came into this form Sin was claimed as the negative karma built up. This is when Anu came into this place, the One. Back to the case at hand.  A detailed record much like an advance black box, data record. When Atlas first colonized Kingu, Earth he was able to retain family history through MDNA. This DNA a organic record. Atlas built special reactors. Called by many names. The Pharos light tower is a close idea of it. The point being that there were 3 primary reactors. And 2 pole reactors. There were later 5 more built to make a world grid. It is only in the 21st century that we begin to understand the technology they used.  Later these reactors were used for much more than energy. Each reactor was part of a computer system, based on crystalline technology.  Wireless energy and data access. Each reactor had a control tablet made out of the same element that the reactor  core was made of.
The Osharians are responsible for the angelic tablets creation. A seeing stone was necessary for non angelic beings to use to be able to interface. Where as Alteans could  bluetooth to the tablets and then wi-fi to the reactor. 
The Sapphire reactor is in the eye of Africa.  Richat structure. A geothermal uplift. Once volcanic natural springs flowed up into the circles made up on alkaline and quiz crystal.  The circles worked as a battery and conductor. There was a up flow from ancient volcanic tubes coming in from across the Sahara underground,  then changing direction towards the Nile.
There is a second vent that runs the other direction towards the Atlanic ocean underground,  subterranean as we  call it from the Greek meaning below world of Anubis and later Osiris, the Osharim,  Osharian. The natural structure was altered some to make a set of canals and cross waterways  and subterranean networks in place. To build the Saphire reactor a shaft was drilled 444 miles through the Earth crust in a volcanic location.  At this depth the vent, shaft goes into a layer of the Earth made up of highly pressurized water crystals later named Ringwoodite. A vast amount of water is stored in the layer under the crust. 3 times water our oceans all together. The Osharians utilized this reactor for all functions that computers and other devices do in today's time. Atlas knows how to focus the great crystal of the Saphire,  water element. In later times Atlas learned to use the reactor to give a strong enough charge to a MDNA strain and get the specific carrier signal of a physical being.

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