Friday, November 13, 2009

Osharian source information list

Many people have asked me where this information comes from. Some of it comes from Osharian doctrines past down through out the ages. Many of these records are in fragments that have come from a number of ancient sources. I have spent over 23 years of study and investigation on the subject of the Oshar. Some information was gained by the Oshar, but much of it came from hundreds of other records from other cultures through out time. Below is a list of many but not all of the sources of information obtained on this subject. Note that many of this information has in the past been forbidden to access by the public. Some records are yet to be translated into English. Other information is highly restricted and protected by other groups. I have worked with many of these groups to obtain some but not all of this restricted information. We as Oshar do not believe in any information unless it has been research and cross referenced with other fields of science. In the end the Oshar have been destroyed over and over. This is why for many of thousands of years the Oshar have remained secret and underground. It is only in the information age that we have come out of hiding to seek out other Osharians and to begin relationships with other orders and groups. Once again I would like to point out that this is the beliefs of the Osharian Rite Freemasons and no other groups. If people in modern times can believe in the new doctrine of the Holy Bible that is no more than 4,000 years old, then it is not to hard to believe in doctrine that is many thousands of years older. Many people believe in the Holy Bible with out question and with out first researching any other sources of information to prove or disprove this doctrine. Also with out first researching the origins of the Holy Bible. People please do your home work before giving into any one school of belief, and or doctrine. We don't state this information lightly. Some groups will undermine our findings because it doesn't follow their own doctrines. Some of our doctrine is undermined by other groups because they have gone out of their way to cover up, hide or destroy such information. Our knowledge has been sacred and secret for good reason. Mankind doesn't want people to know the great evil and bad things we have done to our selves and our people over the ages. We the Oshar have gone out of our way to uncover the hidden truth of history. If you don't believe, then do your own research to see what you may uncover.

List of sources:
Tablets of O-Notis, the Tulmud, the Torah, the Merkabah, the Keys of Enoch, the Mason book of Tau and Ts, the Egyptian book of the dead, the Sumerian tablets, the Qumran Dead Sea scrolls, the scrolls of Thoth, the Hebrew holy Bible, the Alphabetic Labyrinth, the scrolls of Edessa, Edger Cayce's works, Nikola Tesla's works, Michio Kaku's Parallel worlds book, Peter Lemesrier's The Great Pyramid Decoded, W.H. Muller's Pollaria, Frank Joseph Hoff's Forbidden research, Zecharia Sitchin's works, Robert Bauval's works, Graham Hancock's works, David Hatcher Childress' works, Dannion Brinkey's works, Mr. Drue's works, records of the Hopi, Bill Donato's works, Doctrine of the Dogan, Plato's works, the Order of Horus, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Kabbalah, the Bereshit, the Sefer ha-Bahir, the Sefir Yetzirah, the Zohar, records of the Chaldeans, records of the Cadmeans, texts of Count Cagliostro, and many other sources.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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