Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Osharian view of Altarian sea kings

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The origins of human migration has been brought into question. Many still claim that we as humans came out of Africa. This is based on land migrations and family trees that show how blood lines have traveled across the globe. This does not a count for travel by sea. As Osharian doctrine states " Man came in five races or families." If you study the soil of the major continents you will find that soil color is the same as color of race. It turns out that if you eat plants and animals they have soil in them. So the soil is in the food. This can and has caused humans to be of that color. The migrations and mixing of races can be traced threw the origin of soil color. Weather and other condition can also change humans. We find that people with dark skin live in areas where there is a great deal of sun. People that live in cold and darker areas seem to be of lighter skin color. As stated in the Tables of O-Notis," All races or families started in different areas of the land masses. At some point in history the peoples began to migrate out from their starting points. At some point the races met and shared knowledge and women to keep some variation in their blood lines. These family grew in population and became large families later called tribes". Prehistory shows that for some 12 thousands years there has been trade between continents. Tobacco and cocaine have been found in dead bodies from areas that do not grow these products naturally. Trade between continents in Osharian doctrines go back to 50,000 B.C. Many cultures claim their origins from sea based peoples from the Atlantic ocean region. The Maya state that they were tot pyramid building from the white plumed serpent tribe, that had come across the sea. The Hebrews talk of a ancient mother land called Anahual which was said to have sunk before their migration to the Gaza strip. There are many more of these cultures that claim origins from sea based peoples. Here is apart of the Tables of O-Notis that talks about the origins of different humans of Earth.

" In the many gardens, five in number, there were five colors and five main lands of humans. And god said to Atlas, I have many other children in many other gardens. However only one species and one garden shall you need to know in this time. All races come from the same source, but have changed in order to live in the lands they inhabited. For a long time there was so much land between the different peoples. This how ever did not stop them from trading with one other. The migrations took 5 to 6 years each. The elders of the five tribes decided to form a place where all races would be a counted for and have a say in the evolution of human societies. This led to the 'Project'. The great Altarian sea kings traveled by water like fingers from a hand, to all native lands. There were no lands that were out of their reach. All the major rivers of the world once connected to one another. In the time when man can look from space into the sea they will find some traces of where these river connected once. By way of rivers, channels, and sea the Altarian kings will ruled the Earth. For the Altarians this is part of a cycle of their history. More than once shall these people control native lands from their ancient sea ports. The Altarians will rule the bulk of the ages, but other orders will form colonies and rule by sea at different time in history. The Osharian masons will form and reform and migrate and emigrate many times over threw out the ages. Many times the origins of these colonies will be hidden and or destroyed. All peoples of Earth at one point or another will find they are related by the Osharians, Iltarians and Altarians. There was a time when all tribes of the world came together as one species to work together. This is a very small amount of time as human history knows. Only between ages will there be a great gathering of tribes. It is in these moments that all of man must work together in order to live threw Precession. The rest of the ages will hold man against one another."

1 comment:

  1. NASA (petrified with terror) observes the Fleet of the Dragonians and Andromedians


    Frauds of the Extra-cosmic Logos and Hebrew Pseudoscience criticized by Hellenic Unified Science


    Illuminati Sino-Zionists Columbia and the THUNDERS OF ZEUS


    G.H.REES Second most urgent message of planet security

