Saturday, December 27, 2008

Osharian with the O.S.P.

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on ancient research. 

Greetings from Kohen Indollen , O.S.P. ( Off Site Projects ) is now here again. The OSP was reformed back in June of 2007 and now needs your support. Funding is low at this time. The OSP was designed to work with new and up coming science. Their goal is to work on projects before they get patents. No government money is used for the OSP until after patents are gained. If a scientist wishes to keep design right away from the government and or public, then we at OSP will aid them. The O.S.P. was found in 1933 A.D. by Nikola Tesla ( See Tesla article ) and shut down soon after his death in 1943 A.D. The OSP main website has gone down due to the government. O.S.P. is now working with other non-profit groups on the west coast. Stage 2 of the ground operations will be up and running by spring of 2010. We need donations to bring O.S.P. back up to operating standards and to finish all out bound project by Sept. of 2012. This is a dead line that Tesla in acted when O.S.P. went on line in the summer of 1933. Tesla was the director for 10 years but was working on government project to pay his bills. If you or some else you know sound like they would like to become an O.S.P. investor, client, or inventor please e-mail me at: or call the Osharian Research school at: (303) 999-1994.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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