Friday, December 5, 2008

Osharian report on the Order of Horus This is the great seal of the American Masons It is modeled from the great seal on the cap stone at Giza.
Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on ancient research.
Great cap stone of the pyramid of Giza. It states that there was three orders when man first formed a global government. The Oshar ( Aten), Altar (Ra), and the Iltar (Moon) sects are shown in the text of it. The Oshar had come from the Atlatic and then migrated into Africa. There still stands one of the once great city state. Egyptian history began around 10,700 B.C. after the fall of the ancient Oshar. It was the Altar ruled by Alta, witch was the son of Atlas. Alta is Thoth in Egyptian. Alta attacked the temple in Metropolis the capital City-state of Atlas. Atlas left and took one of the divine keys with him. Order of Horus later became The order of the Golden Dawn There is a modern connection to The Psychic Eye There website is at:

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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