Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Links to the Oshar

The Order of Oshar was founded on spring equinox of 50,722 B.C. Atlas was the founder of the Altean Rite. Among Freemasons we were known as Azerians or Azerites. O-Notis was the chief royal scribe to Atlas of Earth. He left the planet around when his son, Alta and the Altarian Order took the capital by force. Since then his soul has returned a few times. Many times he has been killed before birth. This is done by unnamed ancient orders, by way of a math theory called 'the path of one', as in the number one. The Oshar of Earth was founded in 146,000 b.c. The Oshar might have been here since 162,000 b.c.

To contact us please e-mail to:

Our on going mission throughout time is to research and investigate religion, science, philosophy, history, language, and metaphysics to aid humankind to unify as one consciousness and bring forth the truth by uncovering hidden secret and sacred knowledge that has been hidden or corrupted to keep it out of the hands of the common person.


In this incarnation I lived at the Texas renaissance. After that I went on to work for P.R.S. of Kansas City ( ). Then went on to work with the Hammer Head project. In 1998 did piece work for the U.S. government. Later I became an ordained priest of U.L.C. ( ). In 2005 became a Osharian priest. In that same year I began working with O.S.P. Late that year I joined T.A.O. and A.P.E.X. In 2008 was elected and ordained to be an Osharian high priest. Also in 2008 created and designed the first Osharian web site. It was in that year that I was elected to Inter Net Public Relations Administrator. Since then in 2009 the Oshar have become public. I worked with Ask Now.Com ( ) and ( ) in that same year. Now in 2010 I have also been elected to be the Executive Director of Operation for the O.S.P. In 2012 the O.S.P. closed down. It was in this same year that I designed the Alien Liberation  Alliance. Now in 2014 the O.S.P. is back.I am now only a researesearcher. 
1) Oshar (Tree of truth council) 2) Altar ( tree of the knowledge of order and chaos ) 3) Iltar ( tree of life council ). Now the Oshar have formed the Osharian school of research to aid mankind again. We hope to bring the three orders back together, and return the sacred and secret knowledge back to the people. I am close to finishing my life's work. I hope that others will fallow in my steps in the new up coming world. We the Oshar hope that others will become better beings and some day learn to be divine here on Earth. We have always been watching, and we will always be watching. " I have died, I will die, I don't mine, that's alright. " We promote bible studies and going to church. Any thing can be done through the power of God, as it is in heaven so shall it be on Earth.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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