Friday, December 5, 2008

Conciosness in the human body

Where does consciousness come from? Here' s one answer : The Origin of Conciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
And here's my take on that:
It is believe from religion text and history text that man has an animal brain conciosness in it's past. Some records go along with this basic idea. From thought beings into light energy base being, into physical. Once we came into light beings we took physical form. As the Bible would state we learned the difference between chaos and order. The velocity of light divides the spheres of the universe. I do believe we were bi beings at one point and time, but around 50,000 to 28,000B.C. all that changed. Robert Bauval ( Bauval's work in ancient astronomy program shows us that the 10,600 to 10,400 B.C. is the date the the Earth axis changed. The harmonics also changed, this in turn made our minds change. Most of the pyramid sites line up with this date. Also Graham Hancock states that the ancient humans were working to live past the last great world flood and the Precession of the Earth's axis ( ). This happens at every 25,826.4 years and at the half way points of this cycle. We are due for another one around 2012 A.D. Will this change the harmonics of the human brain??? Osharian sciences show sphere theory of light velocity. The Oshar were found in 50,722 B.C. You should look this source up.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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