Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Osharian Great pyramid of Giza SAR

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on  research and ancient records.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.


Computer rendering of compiled data. So much to see here.

New evidence has come to light that is still very mostly unknown to the archaeological community. Osharian researcher have been working for years behind the scenes with others. Waiting for permits and permission to continue our on going research on the Great pyramid of Giza.
Our efforts and the efforts of other in the field finally made a holy Grail type of breakthrough. 

This being the work of Corrado Malanga and Filippo Biondi that are independent scientist.

 SAR scans show so much that has never been seen or even speculated.
( Synthetic Aperture Radar )
Doppler tomography reveals details of undiscoveries that are mind blowing. 

On August 30, 2022 the results of the scan were submitted for review.

The results are estimated by processing series of SAR images from the second-generation Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellite system, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Muon sensors were also used to confirm the current data. set.
The sult have brought about many new theories. However the ideas proposed in this article are not new among the Osharians. The sacred records go into deep details of certain technologies that were employed. It is only now that supporting  data has been brought to light that allows us to bring for a certain information.

As you can see in this image, there is an indication that there is probably more than one structure within. 

This one shows a very deep multi-level border shaft. This tunnel system boarders what is now observed to be the remains of an earlier pyramid structure.

This image shows that in fact there are two tunnels shafts that run down from the boarder tunnels around the first pyramid.

This image goes on to show many substructures underground. 
This shows how the border tunnels system connects.
This image shows several large void, chambers.

From the image above, and combined with the image below, you can clearly see a row of coffer shaped chambers below in front of the pyramid.

These images show the vast network of tunnel systems and chamber voids.

This show the from entrance chamber and how at one point in time it connected to the queen's chamber.

This image is a especially interesting.
Some observations.
(1) You can see the clear outline of the first and inner pyramid. 
(2) You can see that the grand gallery is located on the outer slop of the inner pyramid.
(3) The king's chamber sits perfectly on top of the inner pyramid and is aligned with the center of the second, outer pyramid's pinnacle point.
(4) It appears that the inner pyramid contained the queen's chamber and shafts. The outer pyramid is of the same design but on a large scale. This might mean it was used at the least to times for the same purpose.
Of course there is much more going on in this image.

Outer SAR scan pointing out the orientation of certain shafts.

New research evidence of some of the verified large causeway tunnels. This data being provided by Travis, and William Brown.

Also new data on the out casing stones and the process of their construction.

What these images above are indicating, is the individual layers. New data indicates that each layer was built outward from the center towards the edges. The red blocks are arch stones. Arch stone are cut at an angle to lock each layer in place. New evidence from 2024 leads us to believe due to forensic archeology that the casing stones were not original to the great pyramid. It was in fact part of a preservation project and remodel. The goal was to protect the ruins. We see a similar attempt made with the Sphinx.

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