Sunday, April 24, 2022

Osharian Azeraian wars of descendancy of Divine God.

Earth grid wars:::::

Metatron being a subfamily colleective group of the entity Giovanni.

Here are the Christos founder groups:

(1) emerald

(2) gold

(3) amethyst

(4) ruby

(5) sapphire

Breneau ( Brahman) orders:

(1) emerald

(2) gold

(3) amethyst

(4) ruby

These Elohim were commissioned to be the Christos founder guardians of stargate 11 Avion, in Lyra.

They are primarily responsible for the coding of this time matrix.

They became code convoluted.

This in turn corrupted their genetic template changing and damaging their energy consciousness.

Because of this, the Metatron subfamily group caused parts of Giovanni to fall.

( When ascending master collective falls, they can take their host family groups down with them. By way of coding infections).

This set in motion a conflict with 10th stargate guardians in Vega, Lyra.

10th Stargate guardians were Omicron-Drakonians. Which began war with the Elohim of Giovanni, stargate 11 guardians.

Both became highly convoluted in their genetic free will consciousness constructs. Which turned them in on themselves. This made them authoritarian, which went against free will.

So the " High Council of Stargate- 12, the Elohi-Elohim had to step in.

However Metatronic Elohim guardians of Stargate 11 had a plan. They understood the template structures. They understood the organic15 dimensional sphere grid template. They chose to take  only the inner 7 sphere grids and close them off from the rest of the sphere grid. This created an inorganic sphere grid within the organic sphere grid.

Stargate manipulation theory:

This was a theory until it was put into action. In this theory, if you can close  stargate 11 off from stargate 12 then the primordial energy will not penetrate the other nodes. This as a side effects will cause the energy to reflect off stargate 11 and return to stargate 12. Over a period of time this energy will build up and create a back flow of energy.

The Odedicron-Reptilians of stargate 10 system, didn't want any conflict.The Omicron- Drakonians wanted war.

The Elohim didn't want to listen to reason. And they were able to backup stargate 11. That in turn back up the Stargates. Which damaged the Divine's blue print.

Stargate 11 was blown up from the reverse flow of energy. This caused the 12th dimension to reverse in on itself, creating a black hole ( Phantom universe ).

At first the Phantom universe only effected the Stargate it was connected to directly.

The high council then stepped in and created " The Eye of Brahman".

It was placed between stargate 13 and 12. Making it 12.5.

"The Eye of Brahman": It is a polarization refraction lens, which allows the primal light energy fields that are natural to this time matrix grid to refract through and literally anchor into the Phantom matrix. To hold it and give it a structure. Allowing it to restructure itself. The eye of Brahman is designed to do defragmentation of fragmented natural organic crystalline structure codes. Simply designed to restructure fragmented broken code. To restore the original Divine blueprint coding.

Black hole: Black holes dimensionally are created when the positive energy flow is reversed and built up to the point that an implosion happens. This shatteres the stargate template crystalline structure. If it had enough template frequency left over, it can begin to acrete again. Meaning it acretes like to like energy but is missing parts. So it can't acrete functionally. So it functions on  distorted mathematical coding.

Unified field Stargates:

12D= Lyra

11D= Lyra, Aveyon

10D= Lyra Vega

09D= Andromeda

08D= Galia

07D= Arcturus

06D= Sirius B

05D= Tara

04D= Sun

03D= Earth

02D= Inner Earth

01D= Theta Orion

This grid sphere:

1 universe

5 densities

15 dimensions

12 Stargates

12D: High Council of Stargate- 12, the Elohi-Elohim.

11D: Elohim of Giovanni, stargate 11 guardians. Christos founder guardians of stargate 11 Aveyon, in Lyra.

10D: (1) Omicron-Drakonians , and Odedicron-Reptilians, of Lyra,Vega.

Emerald covenant: Inner Christros teaching and Bio-regenesis program.

(2) An agreement made with all the time matrix creators. Which states this time matrix would be a free will system, based on the ' law of one ' ( we are all of the same creation source of love), and will work together as co-creators of this time matrix in accord with the natural original tenants and precepts of ' the law of one'.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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