Thursday, October 27, 2022

Osharian Gospel of Thomas

This is the Gospel of Thomas: The gospel of Thomas is a book of says that Jesus said himself.

Gospel of Thomasapocryphal  gospel containing 114 sayings attributed to the resurrected Jesus, written in the mid-2nd century. Traditionally ascribed to St. Thomas the Apostle, the Gospel of Thomas does not include any extended mythic narrative and consists entirely of a series of secret sayings ascribed to Jesus, several of which have close parallels in the New Testament Gospels. Although scholars are divided on the issue, some contend that certain elements of the Gospel of Thomas are among the oldest witnesses to Jesus’ words.

The Gospel of Thomas is grounded in gnosticism, the philosophical and religious movement of the 2nd century CE that stressed the redemptive power of esoteric knowledge acquired by divine revelation. Indeed, warnings against it as heretical were made by the Church Fathers in the 2nd–4th century. 

The Osharians were known in the biblical bloodlines as Zadokites and later migrated to Qumran becoming Gnostic Essenes Jews. 

It is believed that Jesus worked with the Osharians and helped them to fulfill their scriptures in that era.

[ ] Gap in the text
( ) Editorial insertion
/ \ Editorial correction of a scribal error


These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.

Saying 1: True Meaning

And he said, "Whoever discovers the meaning of these sayings won't taste death."


Saying 2: Seek and Find

Jesus said, "Whoever seeks shouldn't stop until they find. When they find, they'll be disturbed. When they're disturbed, they'll be […] amazed, and reign over the All."


Saying 3: Seeking Within

Jesus said, "If your leaders tell you, 'Look, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they tell you, 'It's in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is within you and outside of you.

"When you know yourselves, then you'll be known, and you'll realize that you're the children of the living Father. But if you don't know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty."

Saying 4: First and Last

Jesus said, "The older person won't hesitate to ask a little seven-day-old child about the place of life, and they'll live, because many who are first will be last, and they'll become one."


Saying 5: Hidden and Revealed

Jesus said, "Know what's in front of your face, and what's hidden from you will be revealed to you, because there's nothing hidden that won't be revealed."


Saying 6: Public Ritual

His disciples said to him, "Do you want us to fast? And how should we pray? Should we make donations? And what food should we avoid?"

Jesus said, "Don't lie, and don't do what you hate, because everything is revealed in the sight of heaven; for there's nothing hidden that won't be revealed, and nothing covered up that will stay secret."

Saying 7: The Lion and the Human

Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion that's eaten by a human and then becomes human, but how awful for the human who's eaten by a lion, and the lion becomes human."


Saying 8: The Parable of the Fish

He said, "The human being is like a wise fisher who cast a net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of little fish. Among them the wise fisher found a fine large fish and cast all the little fish back down into the sea, easily choosing the large fish. Anyone who has ears to hear should hear!"


Saying 9: The Parable of the Sower

Jesus said, "Look, a sower went out, took a handful of seeds, and scattered them. Some fell on the roadside; the birds came and gathered them. Others fell on the rock; they didn't take root in the soil and ears of grain didn't rise toward heaven. Yet others fell on thorns; they choked the seeds and worms ate them. Finally, others fell on good soil; it produced fruit up toward heaven, some sixty times as much and some a hundred and twenty."

Saying 10: Jesus and Fire (1)

Jesus said, "I've cast fire on the world, and look, I'm watching over it until it blazes."


Saying 11: Those Who Are Living Won't Die (1)

Jesus said, "This heaven will disappear, and the one above it will disappear too. Those who are dead aren't alive, and those who are living won't die. In the days when you ate what was dead, you made it alive. When you're in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one, you became divided. But when you become divided, what will you do?"


Saying 12: James the Just

The disciples said to Jesus, "We know you're going to leave us. Who will lead us then?"

Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you'll go to James the Just, for whom heaven and earth came into being."


Saying 13: Thomas' Confession

Jesus said to his disciples, "If you were to compare me to someone, who would you say I'm like?"

Simon Peter said to him, "You're like a just angel."

Matthew said to him, "You're like a wise philosopher."

Thomas said to him, "Teacher, I'm completely unable to say whom you're like."

Jesus said, "I'm not your teacher. Because you've drunk, you've become intoxicated by the bubbling spring I've measured out."

He took him aside and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked, "What did Jesus say to you?"

Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the things he said to me, you'll pick up stones and cast them at me, and fire will come out of the stones and burn you up."

Saying 14: Public Ministry

Jesus said to them, "If you fast, you'll bring guilt upon yourselves; and if you pray, you'll be condemned; and if you make donations, you'll harm your spirits.

"If they welcome you when you enter any land and go around in the countryside, heal those who are sick among them and eat whatever they give you, because it's not what goes into your mouth that will defile you. What comes out of your mouth is what will defile you."


Saying 15: Worship

Jesus said, "When you see the one who wasn't born of a woman, fall down on your face and worship that person. That's your Father."


Saying 16: Not Peace, but War

Jesus said, "Maybe people think that I've come to cast peace on the world, and they don't know that I've come to cast divisions on the earth: fire, sword, and war. Where there are five in a house, there'll be three against two and two against three, father against and son and son against father. They'll stand up and be one."


Saying 17: Divine Gift

Jesus said, "I'll give you what no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, no hand has ever touched, and no human mind has ever thought."

Saying 18: Beginning and End

The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us about our end. How will it come?"

Jesus said, "Have you discovered the beginning so that you can look for the end? Because the end will be where the beginning is. Blessed is the one who will stand up in the beginning. They'll know the end, and won't taste death."


Saying 19: Five Trees in Paradise

Jesus said, "Blessed is the one who came into being before coming into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my message, these stones will become your servants; because there are five trees in paradise which don't change in summer or winter, and their leaves don't fall. Whoever knows them won't taste death."


Saying 20: The Parable of the Mustard Seed

The disciples asked Jesus, "Tell us, what can the kingdom of heaven be compared to?"

He said to them, "It can be compared to a mustard seed. Though it's the smallest of all the seeds, when it falls on tilled soil it makes a plant so large that it shelters the birds of heaven."

Saying 21: The Parables of the Field, the Bandits, and the Reaper

Mary said to Jesus, "Whom are your disciples like?"

He said, "They're like little children living in a field which isn't theirs. When the owners of the field come, they'll say, 'Give our field back to us.' They'll strip naked in front of them to let them have it and give them their field.

"So I say that if the owner of the house realizes the bandit is coming, they'll watch out beforehand and won't let the bandit break into the house of their domain and steal their possessions. You, then, watch out for the world! Prepare to defend yourself so that the bandits don't attack you, because what you're expecting will come. May there be a wise person among you!

"When the fruit ripened, the reaper came quickly, sickle in hand, and harvested it. Anyone who has ears to hear should hear!"


Saying 22: Making the Two into One

Jesus saw some little children nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing children can be compared to those who enter the kingdom."

They said to him, "Then we'll enter the kingdom as little children?"

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and so make the male and the female a single one so that the male won't be male nor the female female; when you make eyes in the place of an eye, a hand in the place of a hand, a foot in the place of a foot, and an image in the place of an image; then you'll enter [the kingdom]."

Saying 23: Those Who are Chosen (1)

Jesus said, "I'll choose you, one out of a thousand and two out of ten thousand, and they'll stand as a single one."


Saying 24: Light

His disciples said, "Show us the place where you are, because we need to look for it."

He said to them, "Anyone who has ears to hear should hear! Light exists within a person of light, and they light up the whole world. If they don't shine, there's darkness."


Saying 25: Love and Protect

Jesus said, "Love your brother as your own soul. Protect them like the pupil of your eye."

Saying 26: Speck and Beam

Jesus said, "You see the speck that's in your brother's eye, but you don't see the beam in your own eye. When you get the beam out of your own eye, then you'll be able to see clearly to get the speck out of your brother's eye."


Saying 27: Fasting and Sabbath

"If you don't fast from the world, you won't find the kingdom. If you don't make the Sabbath into a Sabbath, you won't see the Father."


Saying 28: The World is Drunk

Jesus said, "I stood in the middle of the world and appeared to them in the flesh. I found them all drunk; I didn't find any of them thirsty. My soul ached for the children of humanity, because they were blind in their hearts and couldn't see. They came into the world empty and plan on leaving the world empty. Meanwhile, they're drunk. When they shake off their wine, then they'll change."

Saying 29: Spirit and Body

Jesus said, "If the flesh came into existence because of spirit, that's amazing. If spirit came into existence because of the body, that's really amazing! But I'm amazed at how [such] great wealth has been placed in this poverty."


Saying 30: Divine Presence

Jesus said, "Where there are three deities, they're divine. Where there are two or one, I'm with them."


Saying 31: Prophet and Doctor

Jesus said, "No prophet is welcome in their own village. No doctor heals those who know them."


Saying 32: The Parable of the Fortified City

Jesus said, "A city built and fortified on a high mountain can't fall, nor can it be hidden."


Saying 33: The Parable of the Lamp

Jesus said, "What you hear with one ear, listen to with both, then proclaim from your rooftops. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket or in a hidden place. Rather, they put it on the stand so that everyone who comes and goes can see its light."


Saying 29: Spirit and Body

Jesus said, "If the flesh came into existence because of spirit, that's amazing. If spirit came into existence because of the body, that's really amazing! But I'm amazed at how [such] great wealth has been placed in this poverty."


Saying 30: Divine Presence

Jesus said, "Where there are three deities, they're divine. Where there are two or one, I'm with them."


Saying 31: Prophet and Doctor

Jesus said, "No prophet is welcome in their own village. No doctor heals those who know them."


Saying 32: The Parable of the Fortified City

Jesus said, "A city built and fortified on a high mountain can't fall, nor can it be hidden."


Saying 33: The Parable of the Lamp

Jesus said, "What you hear with one ear, listen to with both, then proclaim from your rooftops. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket or in a hidden place. Rather, they put it on the stand so that everyone who comes and goes can see its light."


Saying 34: The Parable of Those Who Can't See

Jesus said, "If someone who's blind leads someone else who's blind, both of them fall into a pit."


Saying 35: The Parable of Binding the Strong

Jesus said, "No one can break into the house of the strong and take it by force without tying the hands of the strong. Then they can loot the house."


Saying 36: Anxiety

Jesus said, "Don't be anxious from morning to evening or from evening to morning about what you'll wear."


Saying 37: Seeing Jesus

His disciples said, "When will you appear to us? When will we see you?"

Jesus said, "When you strip naked without being ashamed, and throw your clothes on the ground and stomp on them as little children would, then [you'll] see the Son of the Living One and won't be afraid."


Saying 38: Finding Jesus

Jesus said, "Often you've wanted to hear this message that I'm telling you, and you don't have anyone else from whom to hear it. There will be days when you'll look for me, but you won't be able to find me."


Saying 39: The Keys of Knowledge

Jesus said, "The Pharisees and the scholars have taken the keys of knowledge and hidden them. They haven't entered, and haven't let others enter who wanted to. So be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."


Saying 40: A Grapevine

Jesus said, "A grapevine has been planted outside of the Father. Since it's malnourished, it'll be pulled up by its root and destroyed."


Saying 41: More and Less

Jesus said, "Whoever has something in hand will be given more, but whoever doesn't have anything will lose even what little they do have."

Saying 42: Passing By

Jesus said, "Become passersby."


Saying 43: The Tree and the Fruit

His disciples said to him, "Who are you to say these things to us?"

"You don't realize who I am from what I say to you, but you've become like those Judeans who either love the tree but hate its fruit, or love the fruit but hate the tree."


Saying 44: Blasphemy

Jesus said, "Whoever blasphemes the Father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes the Son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither on earth nor in heaven."


Saying 45: Good and Evil

Jesus said, "Grapes aren't harvested from thorns, nor are figs gathered from thistles, because they don't produce fruit. [A person who's good] brings good things out of their treasure, and a person who's [evil] brings evil things out of their evil treasure. They say evil things because their heart is full of evil."


Saying 46: Greater than John the Baptizer

Jesus said, "From Adam to John the Baptizer, no one's been born who's so much greater than John the Baptizer that they shouldn't avert their eyes. But I say that whoever among you will become a little child will know the kingdom and become greater than John."

Saying 47: The Parables of Divided Loyalties,
New Wine in Old Wineskins, and New Patch on Old Cloth

Jesus said, "It's not possible for anyone to mount two horses or stretch two bows, and it's not possible for a servant to follow two leaders, because they'll respect one and despise the other.

"No one drinks old wine and immediately wants to drink new wine. And new wine isn't put in old wineskins, because they'd burst. Nor is old wine put in new wineskins, because it'd spoil.

"A new patch of cloth isn't sewn onto an old coat, because it'd tear apart."


Saying 48: Unity (1)

Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in a single house, they'll say to the mountain, 'Go away,' and it will."


Saying 49: Those Who Are Chosen (2)

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are one – those who are chosen, because you'll find the kingdom. You've come from there and will return there."


Saying 50: Our Origin and Identity

Jesus said, "If they ask you, 'Where do you come from?' tell them, 'We've come from the light, the place where light came into being by itself, [established] itself, and appeared in their image.'

"If they ask you, 'Is it you?' then say, 'We are its children, and we're chosen by our living Father.'

"If they ask you, 'What's the sign of your Father in you?' then say, 'It's movement and rest.'"


Saying 51: The New World

His disciples said to him, "When will the dead have rest, and when will the new world come?"

He said to them, "What you're looking for has already come, but you don't know it."


Saying 52: Twenty-Four Prophets

His disciples said to him, "Twenty-four prophets have spoken in Israel, and they all spoke of you."

He said to them, "You've ignored the Living One right in front of you, and you've talked about those who are dead."

Saying 53: True Circumcision

His disciples said to him, "Is circumcision useful, or not?"

He said to them, "If it were useful, parents would have children who are born circumcised. But the true circumcision in spirit has become profitable in every way."


Saying 54: Those Who Are Poor

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of heaven."


Saying 55: Discipleship (1)

Jesus said, "Whoever doesn't hate their father and mother can't become my disciple, and whoever doesn't hate their brothers and sisters and take up their cross like I do isn't worthy of me."


Saying 56: The World is a Corpse

Jesus said, "Whoever has known the world has found a corpse. Whoever has found a corpse, of them the world isn't worthy."


Saying 57: The Parable of the Weeds

Jesus said, "My Fathers' kingdom can be compared to someone who had [good] seed. Their enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The person didn't let anyone pull out the weeds, 'so that you don't pull out the wheat along with the weeds,' they said to them. 'On the day of the harvest, the weeds will be obvious. Then they'll be pulled out and burned.'"

Saying 58: Finding Life

Jesus said, "Blessed is the person who's gone to a lot of trouble. They've found life."


Saying 59: The Living One

Jesus said, "Look for the Living One while you're still alive. If you die and then try to look for him, you won't be able to."


Saying 60: Don't Become a Corpse

They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb to Judea. He said to his disciples, "What do you think he's going to do with that lamb?"

They said to him, "He's going to kill it and eat it."

He said to them, "While it's living, he won't eat it, but only after he kills it and it becomes a corpse."

They said, "He can't do it any other way."

He said to them, "You, too, look for a resting place, so that you won't become a corpse and be eaten."


Saying 61: Jesus and Salome

Jesus said, "Two will rest on a couch. One will die, the other will live."

Salome said, "Who are you, Sir, to climb onto my couch and eat off my table as if you're from someone?"

Jesus said to her, "I'm the one who exists in equality. Some of what belongs to my Father was given to me."

"I'm your disciple."

"So I'm telling you, if someone is /equal\, they'll be full of light; but if they're divided, they'll be full of darkness."

Saying 62: Mysteries

Jesus said, "I tell my mysteries to [those who are worthy of my] mysteries. Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."


Saying 63: The Parable of the Rich Fool

Jesus said, "There was a rich man who had much money. He said, 'I'll use my money to sow, reap, plant, and fill my barns with fruit, so that I won't need anything.' That's what he was thinking to himself, but he died that very night. Anyone who has ears to hear should hear!"


Saying 64: The Parable of the Dinner Party

Jesus said, "Someone was planning on having guests. When dinner was ready, they sent their servant to call the visitors.

"The servant went to the first and said, 'My master invites you.'

"They said, 'Some merchants owe me money. They're coming tonight. I need to go and give them instructions. Excuse me from the dinner.'

"The servant went to another one and said, 'My master invites you.'

"They said, "I've just bought a house and am needed for the day. I won't have time.'

"The servant went to another one and said, 'My master invites you.'

"They said, 'My friend is getting married and I'm going to make dinner. I can't come. Excuse me from the dinner.'

"The servant went to another one and said, 'My master invites you.'

"They said, "I've just bought a farm and am going to collect the rent. I can't come. Excuse me.'

"The servant went back and told the master, 'The ones you've invited to the dinner have excused themselves.'

"The master said to their servant, 'Go out to the roads and bring whomever you find so that they can have dinner.'

"Buyers and merchants won't [enter] the places of my Father."


Saying 65: The Parable of the Sharecroppers

He said, "A [creditor] owned a vineyard. He leased it out to some sharecroppers to work it so he could collect its fruit.

"He sent his servant so that the sharecroppers could give him the fruit of the vineyard. They seized his servant, beat him, and nearly killed him.

"The servant went back and told his master. His master said, 'Maybe he just didn't know them.' He sent another servant, but the tenants beat that one too.

"Then the master sent his son, thinking, 'Maybe they'll show some respect to my son.'

"Because they knew that he was the heir of the vineyard, the sharecroppers seized and killed him. Anyone who has ears to hear should hear!"


Saying 66: The Rejected Cornerstone

Jesus said, "Show me the stone the builders rejected; that's the cornerstone."


Saying 67: Knowing Isn't Everything

Jesus said, "Whoever knows everything, but is personally lacking, lacks everything."


Saying 68: Persecution

Jesus said, "Blessed are you when you're hated and persecuted, and no place will be found where you've been persecuted."

Saying 69: Those Who Are Persecuted

Jesus said, "Blessed are those who've been persecuted in their own hearts. They've truly known the Father. Blessed are those who are hungry, so that their stomachs may be filled."


Saying 70: Salvation is Within

Jesus said, "If you give birth to what's within you, what you have within you will save you. If you don't have that within [you], what you don't have within you [will] kill you."


Saying 71: Destroying the Temple

Jesus said, "I'll destroy [this] house, and no one will be able to build it […]"


Saying 72: Not a Divider

[Someone said to him], "Tell my brothers to divide our inheritance with me."

He said to him, "Who made me a divider?"

He turned to his disciples and said to them, "Am I really a divider?"

Saying 73: Workers for the Harvest

Jesus said, "The harvest really is plentiful, but the workers are few. So pray that the Lord will send workers to the harvest."


Saying 74: The Empty Well

He said, "Lord, many are gathered around the well, but there's nothing to drink."


Saying 75: The Bridal Chamber

Jesus said, "Many are waiting at the door, but those who are one will enter the bridal chamber."


Saying 76: The Parable of the Pearl

Jesus said, "The Father's kingdom can be compared to a merchant with merchandise who found a pearl. The merchant was wise; they sold their merchandise and bought that single pearl for themselves.

"You, too, look for the treasure that doesn't perish but endures, where no moths come to eat and no worms destroy."

Saying 77: Jesus is the All

Jesus said, "I'm the light that's over all. I am the All. The All has come from me and unfolds toward me.

"Split a log; I'm there. Lift the stone, and you'll find me there."


Saying 78: Into the Desert

Jesus said, "What did you go out into the desert to see? A reed shaken by the wind? A [person] wearing fancy clothes, [like your] rulers and powerful people? They (wear) fancy [clothes], but can't know the truth."


Saying 79: Listening to the Message

A woman in the crowd said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that nourished you."

He said to [her], "Blessed are those who have listened to the message of the Father and kept it, because there will be days when you'll say, 'Blessed is the womb that didn't conceive and the breasts that haven't given milk.'"


Saying 80: The World is a Body

Jesus said, "Whoever has known the world has found the body; but whoever has found the body, of them the world isn't worthy."


Saying 81: Riches and Renunciation (1)

Jesus said, "Whoever has become rich should become a ruler, and whoever has power should renounce it."


Saying 82: Jesus and Fire (2)

Jesus said, "Whoever is near me is near the fire, and whoever is far from me is far from the kingdom."

Saying 83: Light and Images

Jesus said, "Images are revealed to people, but the light within them is hidden in the image of the Father's light. He'll be revealed, but his image will be hidden by his light."


Saying 84: Our Previous Images

Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images that came into being before you did – which don't die, and aren't revealed – how much you'll have to bear!"


Saying 85: Adam Wasn't Worthy

Jesus said, "Adam came into being from a great power and great wealth, but he didn't become worthy of you. If he had been worthy, [he wouldn't have tasted] death."


Saying 86: Foxes and Birds

Jesus said, "[The foxes have dens] and the birds have nests, but the Son of Humanity has nowhere to lay his head and rest."


Saying 87: Body and Soul

Jesus said, "How miserable is the body that depends on a body, and how miserable is the soul that depends on both."


Saying 88: Angels and Prophets

Jesus said, "The angels and the prophets will come to you and give you what belongs to you. You'll give them what you have and ask yourselves, 'When will they come and take what is theirs?'"


Saying 89: Inside and Outside

Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Don't you know that whoever created the inside created the outside too?"

Saying 90: Jesus' Yoke is Easy

Jesus said, "Come to me, because my yoke is easy and my requirements are light. You'll be refreshed."


Saying 91: Reading the Signs

They said to him, "Tell us who you are so that we may trust you."

He said to them, "You read the face of the sky and the earth, but you don't know the one right in front of you, and you don't know how to read the present moment."


Saying 92: Look and Find

Jesus said, "Look and you'll find. I didn't answer your questions before. Now I want to give you answers, but you aren't looking for them."


Saying 93: Don't Throw Pearls to Pigs

"Don't give what's holy to the dogs, or else it might be thrown on the manure pile. Don't throw pearls to the pigs, or else they might […]"


Saying 94: Knock and It Will Be Opened

Jesus [said], "Whoever looks will find, [and whoever knocks], it will be opened for them."


Saying 95: Giving Money

[Jesus said], "If you have money, don't lend it at interest. Instead, give [it to] someone from whom you won't get it back."


Saying 96: The Parable of the Yeast

Jesus [said], "The Father's kingdom can be compared to a woman who took a little yeast and [hid] it in flour. She made it into large loaves of bread. Anyone who has ears to hear should hear!"


Saying 97: The Parable of the Jar of Flour

Jesus said, "The Father's kingdom can be compared to a woman carrying a jar of flour. While she was walking down [a] long road, the jar's handle broke and the flour spilled out behind her on the road. She didn't know it, and didn't realize there was a problem until she got home, put down the jar, and found it empty."


Saying 98: The Parable of the Assassin

Jesus said, "The Father's kingdom can be compared to a man who wanted to kill someone powerful. He drew his sword in his house and drove it into the wall to figure out whether his hand was strong enough. Then he killed the powerful one."


Saying 99: Jesus' True Family

The disciples said to him, "Your brothers and mother are standing outside."

He said to them, "The people here who do the will of my Father are my brothers and mother; they're the ones who will enter my Father's kingdom."


Saying 100: Give to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar

They showed Jesus a gold coin and said to him, "Those who belong to Caesar demand tribute from us."

He said to them, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, give to God what belongs to God, and give to me what belongs to me."

Saying 101: Discipleship (2)

"Whoever doesn't hate their [father] and mother as I do can't become my [disciple], and whoever [doesn't] love their [father] and mother as I do can't become my [disciple]. For my mother […], but [my] true [Mother] gave me Life."


Saying 102: The Dog in the Feeding Trough

Jesus said, "How awful for the Pharisees who are like a dog sleeping in a feeding trough for cattle, because the dog doesn't eat, and [doesn't let] the cattle eat either."


Saying 103: The Parable of the Bandits

Jesus said, "Blessed is the one who knows where the bandits are going to enter. [They can] get up to assemble their defenses and be prepared to defend themselves before they arrive."


Saying 104: Prayer and Fasting

They said to [Jesus], "Come, let's pray and fast today."

Jesus said, "What have I done wrong? Have I failed?

"Rather, when the groom leaves the bridal chamber, then people should fast and pray."


Saying 105: Knowing Father and Mother

Jesus said, "Whoever knows their father and mother will be called a bastard."

Saying 106: Unity (2)

Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, you'll become Children of Humanity, and if you say 'Mountain, go away!', it'll go."


Saying 107: The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Jesus said, "The kingdom can be compared to a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. The largest one strayed. He left the ninety-nine and looked for that one until he found it. Having gone through the trouble, he said to the sheep: 'I love you more than the ninety-nine.'"


Saying 108: Becoming Like Jesus

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me, and I myself will become like them; then, what's hidden will be revealed to them."


Saying 109: The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Jesus said, "The kingdom can be compared to someone who had a treasure [hidden] in their field. [They] didn't know about it. After they died, they left it to their son. The son didn't know it either. He took the field and sold it.

"The buyer plowed the field, [found] the treasure, and began to loan money at interest to whomever they wanted."


Saying 110: Riches and Renunciation (2)

Jesus said, "Whoever has found the world and become rich should renounce the world."


Saying 111: Those Who are Living Won't Die (2)

Jesus said, "The heavens and the earth will roll up in front of you, and whoever lives from the Living One won't see death."

Doesn't Jesus say, "Whoever finds themselves, of them the world isn't worthy"?


Saying 112: Flesh and Soul

Jesus said, "How awful for the flesh that depends on the soul. How awful for the soul that depends on the flesh."


Saying 113: The Kingdom is Already Present

His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"

"It won't come by looking for it. They won't say, 'Look over here!' or 'Look over there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is already spread out over the earth, and people don't see it."


Saying 114: Peter and Mary

Simon Peter said to them, "Mary should leave us, because women aren't worthy of life."

Jesus said, "Look, am I to make her a man? So that she may become a living spirit too, she's equal to you men, because every woman who makes herself manly will enter the kingdom of heaven."


Saying 110: Riches and Renunciation (2)

Jesus said, "Whoever has found the world and become rich should renounce the world."


Saying 111: Those Who are Living Won't Die (2)

Jesus said, "The heavens and the earth will roll up in front of you, and whoever lives from the Living One won't see death."

Doesn't Jesus say, "Whoever finds themselves, of them the world isn't worthy"?


Saying 112: Flesh and Soul

Jesus said, "How awful for the flesh that depends on the soul. How awful for the soul that depends on the flesh."


Saying 113: The Kingdom is Already Present

His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?"

"It won't come by looking for it. They won't say, 'Look over here!' or 'Look over there!' Rather, the Father's kingdom is already spread out over the earth, and people don't see it."


Saying 114: Peter and Mary

Simon Peter said to them, "Mary should leave us, because women aren't worthy of life."

Jesus said, "Look, am I to make her a man? So that she may become a living spirit too, she's equal to you men, because every woman who makes herself manly will enter the kingdom of heaven."

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.



Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Osharian time travel

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

What if time travel was real? If we can imagine it, then it probably exists. What if time is really simply events that we are participating in at any given time.  Here is a paragraph from an outside source that brings up some great questions.

-- Dr.Drue--

We are constantly reminded daily of what the future holds for us, and it seems that the future holds only events to be of a catastrophic or doomsday nature. Most of us have a fear of the unknown, thus, most of us fear the future, because, it is an unknown. Your future, like mine, is NOT set in STONE, nor, do we have to experience any of the catastrophic events that have been prophesied. All prophesied catastrophic and doomsday events are truly events that are cataloged and can happen, but are not necessarily events to be experienced by all. By understanding the true perception of 'time' and 'timelines', you will also come to the realization that you do not have to get caught up with all of these predictions that are "Fear" based. Do NOT allow your limited perceptions through the five physical sensories, gloomy fear based predictions of the future, nor the incorrect perception of 'time' to become your shackle. Time is NOT linear (past, present and future), but is parallel and is only an event. All events are happening simultaneously --- NOW! Therefore, we have at our access the "Free Will" to choose what events we want to experience, which are located on different timelines. Our "Free Will" is SUPREME in this universe, but we have the tendency to allow others to make decisions for us, and by doing so, they will make decisions for their own welfare and not ours. Then, when events do not come out like we would want them, we consider ourselves a victim. Is not making a decision, a decision? Fear is an emotion, and emotions are an outwardly projection of our frequency, but also a means by which we can determine our own frequencies. We all have a range of frequencies that we vibrate at, and it's the daily reminders of these predictions, no matter how large or small, that place us in a fear based frequency. Thus, what you fear the most --- you WILL experience! You made decisions using this frequency and its the frequencies along with your decisions that draws you to the different timelines and its events. Some would call this, a SELF-FULFILLED PROPHECY!

"Drue goes on to point out details of time based on his personal experience with time travel.

We were fragmented into multiple dimensions without knowing the end result."
"We materialized in 12 different locations and time eras."

M-theory seems to support these last two quotes. M theory describes the structure of the universe on a quantum level. Stating there are open strings and closed strings that make up the smaller parts of atoms. Each string being at it's own light vibration. There are 12 of these. Each being a dimension. I believe in his account he is describing being in all 12 strings in the same moment. Each highlighted a projects of these strings within this specific closed string.

1). MDNATT: ( Mitochondrial DNA Time Travel ). A electrical current is used at a specific frequency and amplitude and the soul being consciousness can be transmitted into a different point of perspective sphere. In the case of travel be the said end result,  you are transmitted from the macrocosm into microcosm. By transmission into a specific DNA location. The electro charge activates on a quantum level the micro sphere, there by allowing proper transmission conversion, from one state into another. 

2).4th dimensional travel: By inducing a high amplitude field, you can temporarily trap tachyons and sometimes even neutrinos depending on the intensity of the field. Where by creating a sphere of tachyons operating in the principle of a electromagnetic sphere. This in turn does not break the light barrier but instead jumps, arches over into a higher state of line stream. Commonly known as dark light in modern physics. Which is a different vibrational band of light with 7 known diode lines. Modern science has proven that there is data within this stream. This was found.  A long with the 5 other bands that make up the known light spectrum. 

Osharains Abzu

Osharian record of ABZU proven

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Enki leged may be real. Eridu was not the oldest civilization found to date. Eridu was not the first Abzu. Ab=water Zu=deep, ' the water's deep'

  The first Abzu is now believed  to be located in south Africa. 

This site tells an important story to humanity.  The site was found in South Africa around 152 miles inland, just west of Maputo port. The site is believed to be the ancient ruins of Abzu. The central complex is 14,500 square miles. The city state of Abzu in total covers around 10,000 square miles.

 Osharian scientists a long with other scientists at the Off Site Project foundation believed the site to be around 162,000 years old. This is based on a large monolithic calendar found at one of the locations at the site. The calendar is aligned with Orion. This provides evidence that these people understood the precession cycle. The horizon calibration of the calendar is set to 160,000 bc. Dolerite stone erosion also supports this dating. 

An astronomical observatory was found in what is believed to be an ancient temple. The site is made up of circular structures inside a large circle around it. Based on the city state size it is guessed that it might have had a population of 200,000 to a million people that lived in Abzu.

The native people say that they have been mining in this area since the stone age.

The general area has a strange history. Around 2 billion years ago a large meteorite hit there in that general area. What is stange is that around the same time the meteorite impacted, the moon formed it's current orbit.Around 300 million years a go it was covered by a large inland sea. While researching the native people of that region, I found a legend that connects it to another ancient site in Colombia. The ' El Dorado'. The El Dorado claim to have roamed the plains of South Africa Highveld in the province of Moumalanga. The Muisca from the high lands in Cundinamarca had migrated from the low lands around 1270 BCE. The myth of a king of Muisca through gold dust, emeralds and other precious stone into ' Lake Guatavita'.  They claim to have migrated to the Cordillera Oriental high lands of Colombia. The Muisca and Zipa tribes tell of Chiminigagua a trinity god in oriental religion. The story tells of three gods that dwelt on Earth. The major mind blowing thing is the locations that are chosen. Keep in mind this was during the last ice age. The locations all meet the same criteria. It always a volcanic location that in most cases is build in a coldera ( volcanic circle), with hot springs and usually a lake with a island in it. Many times it is connected by water to the nearest ocean. Other major sites that meet this criteria are.

1) Atlas Massif located just south of the Azure islands, which is a figure 8 coldera. Scientists say there is two masive subterranean volcanic tubes that are at the center of each of the 2 coldera. One of them sucks salt water in and the other one  pushes fresh water out. This is one of the few locations in the world where there are both cold and hot springs. It is now under water,but before 13,000 years ago would have been above the surface.

2)Atlaspolis ( also known as the Richat structure ). This site also meets the same criteria. It is located in a large volcanic canyon. An ancient sea once ran through it on both sides. This inland sea ran across all of the southern portion of the Sahara and connect to the Nile in the east part of Africa. The site has large spiritualing rings. There is still the remains of a super masive hot spring. It once connected to a vast subterranean aquifer system. The rings formed from what is called a geothermal uprise. Once again there was hot water springsn and island in the middle of a lake, connect by water to the ocean. 

3) Aztland ( Teotihuacan ), now Mexico city. Aztland was founded by a Iltarian colony a sect of free masons that later became the Anaszi.  Aztland was built  in a volcanic coldera which had a lake called Texcoco.  The city was built on an island that had hot springs on it. The lake at the time connected by canals to the Gulf of Mexico.

4)  Abzu is now being add to the list of ancient monolithic sites that all meet the same criteria. All of the were masive city states buit in circles, with astronomical observatories and monolithic calendars that all some how could calculate the precession cycle and calibrate these clocks/ calendars to the time period and age when they were built. Can you say wow and start to see a pattern? 

So back to the site at Abzu. The shape of the sites being built in circles and not in squares could indicates that it was likely built by Osharians. The geometry used at the site is very important. Most civilizations build in squares. The Osharian masons however build in circles when ever possible. The circle represents the sphere. This tells you what type of mason sect might have built here. The sphere is related to the cosmic orders of divinity. The council of the tree of truth and Ana. 

Although the Oshar of Earth were not officially founded until around 146,000 bc. or so, there was no Order of Oshar until 50,722 bc.

From the records of O-Notis and Atlas it shows that Kingu ( Earth ), had been discovered 16,000 years before the founding of the Oshar of Earth. This means a 110,000 year before the construction of the city state of Eden.

Atlas gives an account of this time period. In his record he states that while developing the Altarian colony on Marduk (Mars) for Anu many other probes where sent to the near by area. From the probe data Atlas found life already living on Earth. He does go on to say he personally visited the planet long before Anu and his military forces had made the hyperspace jump to there. He goes on to say he did not report his discovery back to the home command. Atlas claims to have had no interaction with Earth life forms until 50,752 bc or so.

Anu commission Atlas to explore this region of space which indicates that these mining colonies never returned to Orion. The fact that the city state's calendar is aligned to Orion's belt shows that this colony was of Anu. But Altarians build in squares. So how was an Osharian colony found before this time. This site is evidence that Atlas had been mining while he still was building on Mars. Apparently Atlas did not want the gold claimed. This means that this gold may still remain hidden deep underground in the Atlas vaults on Mars. This also brings to light that much of the Oshar predates even their own records.

On a personal note, I must bring up Edgar Cayce and his readings about that time period. Dr. Robert Broom in 1948 discovered a fossil jaw of a giant ape hominid. This was later dated to between 100,000 to 300,000 b.c. It was found only 30 miles from Abzu near Johannesburg, South Africa.

In 1963 Dr. Carleton S. Coon advanced a theory of five separate races or subspecies of Homo sapiens which all evoled from homo erectus. Another noted scientist found pygmy homo erectus skull in this same area. Homo sapien being one of five sapiens that have a major genetic mutation. which changed them from hominids into sapiens.

The Osharian school of research has been notified and a full on investigation is in the works. I have asked the archivist to dig deeper into their known records to get to the bottom of this. Here are the names of other researchers that have studied the site. Dan Eden, Cyril Hromnik, Richard Wade, and Johan Heine. 

Here is one link on the discovery of Abzu. ( ). For more on the subject just Google " abzu africa ".

There are also sites like these of the same design in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Osharian Azeraian wars of descendancy of Divine God.

Earth grid wars:::::

Metatron being a subfamily colleective group of the entity Giovanni.

Here are the Christos founder groups:

(1) emerald

(2) gold

(3) amethyst

(4) ruby

(5) sapphire

Breneau ( Brahman) orders:

(1) emerald

(2) gold

(3) amethyst

(4) ruby

These Elohim were commissioned to be the Christos founder guardians of stargate 11 Avion, in Lyra.

They are primarily responsible for the coding of this time matrix.

They became code convoluted.

This in turn corrupted their genetic template changing and damaging their energy consciousness.

Because of this, the Metatron subfamily group caused parts of Giovanni to fall.

( When ascending master collective falls, they can take their host family groups down with them. By way of coding infections).

This set in motion a conflict with 10th stargate guardians in Vega, Lyra.

10th Stargate guardians were Omicron-Drakonians. Which began war with the Elohim of Giovanni, stargate 11 guardians.

Both became highly convoluted in their genetic free will consciousness constructs. Which turned them in on themselves. This made them authoritarian, which went against free will.

So the " High Council of Stargate- 12, the Elohi-Elohim had to step in.

However Metatronic Elohim guardians of Stargate 11 had a plan. They understood the template structures. They understood the organic15 dimensional sphere grid template. They chose to take  only the inner 7 sphere grids and close them off from the rest of the sphere grid. This created an inorganic sphere grid within the organic sphere grid.

Stargate manipulation theory:

This was a theory until it was put into action. In this theory, if you can close  stargate 11 off from stargate 12 then the primordial energy will not penetrate the other nodes. This as a side effects will cause the energy to reflect off stargate 11 and return to stargate 12. Over a period of time this energy will build up and create a back flow of energy.

The Odedicron-Reptilians of stargate 10 system, didn't want any conflict.The Omicron- Drakonians wanted war.

The Elohim didn't want to listen to reason. And they were able to backup stargate 11. That in turn back up the Stargates. Which damaged the Divine's blue print.

Stargate 11 was blown up from the reverse flow of energy. This caused the 12th dimension to reverse in on itself, creating a black hole ( Phantom universe ).

At first the Phantom universe only effected the Stargate it was connected to directly.

The high council then stepped in and created " The Eye of Brahman".

It was placed between stargate 13 and 12. Making it 12.5.

"The Eye of Brahman": It is a polarization refraction lens, which allows the primal light energy fields that are natural to this time matrix grid to refract through and literally anchor into the Phantom matrix. To hold it and give it a structure. Allowing it to restructure itself. The eye of Brahman is designed to do defragmentation of fragmented natural organic crystalline structure codes. Simply designed to restructure fragmented broken code. To restore the original Divine blueprint coding.

Black hole: Black holes dimensionally are created when the positive energy flow is reversed and built up to the point that an implosion happens. This shatteres the stargate template crystalline structure. If it had enough template frequency left over, it can begin to acrete again. Meaning it acretes like to like energy but is missing parts. So it can't acrete functionally. So it functions on  distorted mathematical coding.

Unified field Stargates:

12D= Lyra

11D= Lyra, Aveyon

10D= Lyra Vega

09D= Andromeda

08D= Galia

07D= Arcturus

06D= Sirius B

05D= Tara

04D= Sun

03D= Earth

02D= Inner Earth

01D= Theta Orion

This grid sphere:

1 universe

5 densities

15 dimensions

12 Stargates

12D: High Council of Stargate- 12, the Elohi-Elohim.

11D: Elohim of Giovanni, stargate 11 guardians. Christos founder guardians of stargate 11 Aveyon, in Lyra.

10D: (1) Omicron-Drakonians , and Odedicron-Reptilians, of Lyra,Vega.

Emerald covenant: Inner Christros teaching and Bio-regenesis program.

(2) An agreement made with all the time matrix creators. Which states this time matrix would be a free will system, based on the ' law of one ' ( we are all of the same creation source of love), and will work together as co-creators of this time matrix in accord with the natural original tenants and precepts of ' the law of one'.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Osharian Tartary 2

Disclaimer: Tartary empire is a theory and has not been proven at this time.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

It would seem tracking down the origins of the Tartars is not and easy task. There are a great number of different ethnic groups making up the different branches of Tartars. There is also mixing of Tartars with Tartars. This doesn't even taking into account the out right cover up and lies about their history. There are world events of nature to add into the story ad well.

Tartary once covered a vast realm. There are many kinds of Tartars based on location and ethnicity.

All Tartars are believed to originated from the Turkish tribes and the mixing of many other groups.

--Some of the Tartars types inclued---

Volga Tartars: Turks group of Tartars living in the Volga-Ural region. These are the Tartars that now live in Tartarstan.

Crimean Tartars:  Were formed in the 13th - 17th centuries, when Cuman peoples, Greek, Italians and Goths migrated and mixed with native Crimeans.

Siberian Tartars: Oldest of the Tartar groups, preferred to be called Tadar. Taken over by Russia in 1582.

Lipka Tartars: ( Polish-Lithuanian Tartars) Tartars that settled in Lithuania at the beginning of the 14th century AD. Later Muslim Tartars migrated there and mixed.

Andrey Bogolyusky born 1111 AD. Yurii was his father. Became a prince in 1155. In 1162 he tried to combine with Rus' but failed. However in 1169 took Kyiv over.

Kyiv was taken over by the Golden horde in 1241 and combining Tartary.

In 1299 the capital Kyiv was moved northeast to Vladimir.

In 1362 Kyiv became part of Lithuanian Tartars until 1471.

In 1482 Crimean Tartars destroyed Kyiv.

When Rus' began to take over Siberian is when Tartar wars really began. Russia is the cause of the fallen of Tartary.

The Russian conquest of Siberia began in July 1580 when some 540 Cossacks under Yermak Timofeyevich invaded the territory of the Voguls, subjects to Küçüm, the Khan of Siberia. They were accompanied by some Lithuanian and German mercenaries and prisoners of war. Throughout 1581, this force traversed the territory known as Yugra and subdued Vogul and Ostyak towns. At this time, they also captured a tax collector of Küçüm.

Following a series of Tatar raids in retaliation against the Russian advance, Yermak's forces prepared for a campaign to take Qashliq, the Siberian capital. The force embarked in May 1582. After a three-day battle on the banks of the river Irtysh, Yermak was victorious against a combined force of Küçüm Khan and six allied Tatar princes. On 29 June, the Cossack forces were attacked by the Tatars but again repelled them.

Throughout September 1582, the Khan gathered his forces for a defense of Qashliq. A horde of Siberian Tatars, Voguls and Ostyaks massed at Mount Chyuvash to defend against invading Cossacks. On 1 October, a Cossack attempt to storm the Tatar fort at Mount Chyuvash was held off. On 23 October, the Cossacks attempted to storm the Tatar fort at Mount Chyuvash for a fourth time when the Tatars counterattacked. More than a hundred Cossacks were killed, but their gunfire forced a Tatar retreat and allowed the capture of two Tatar cannons. The forces of the Khan retreated, and Yermak entered Qashliq on 26 October.

Kuchum Khan retreated into the steppes and over the next few years regrouped his forces. He suddenly attacked Yermak on 6 August 1584 in the dead of night and defeated most of his army. The details are disputed with Russian sources claiming Yermak was wounded and tried to escape by swimming across the Wagay River which is a tributary of the Irtysh River, but drowned under the weight of his own chainmail. The remains of Yermak's forces under the command of Mescheryak retreated from Qashliq, destroying the city as they left. 

In 1586 the Russians returned, and after subduing the Khanty and Mansi people through the use of their artillery they established a fortress at Tyumen close to the ruins of Qashliq. The Tatar tribes that were submissive to Küçüm Khan suffered from several attacks by the Russians between 1584–1595; however, Küçüm Khan would not be caught. Finally, in August 1598 Küçüm Khan was defeated at the Battle of Urmin near the river Ob. In the course of the fight, the Siberian royal family was captured by the Russians. However, Küçüm Khan escaped yet again. The Russians took the family members of Küçüm Khan to Moscow and there they remained as hostages.

The descendants of the khan's family became known as the Princes Sibirsky and the family is known to have survived until at least the late 19th century.

Despite his personal escape, the capture of his family ended the political and military activities of Küçüm Khan and he retreated to the territories of the Nogay Horde in southern Siberia. He had been in contact with the tsar and had requested that a small region on the banks of the Irtysh River would be granted as his dominion. This was rejected by the tsar who proposed to Küçüm Khan that he come to Moscow and "comfort himself" in the service of the tsar. However, the old khan did not want to suffer from such contempt and preferred staying in his own lands to "comforting himself" in Moscow. Küçüm Khan then went to Bokhara and as an old man became blind, dying in exile with distant relatives sometime around 1605.

Mass slaughter claimed to be by Cossacks after its annexation in 1697 AD Killed 140,000 Tartars.

Later 90% of the Kamchadals and half of the Vogules were killed during the 8th and 9th centuries.

Over 12 ethnic groups were wiped out by 1882 AD.

In Kamchatka, the Russians crushed the Itelmens uprisings against their rule in 1706, 1731, and 1741. The first time, the Itelmen were armed with stone weapons and were badly unprepared and equipped but they used gunpowder weapons the second time. The Russians faced tougher resistance when from 1745–1956 they tried to subjugate the gun and bow equipped Koraks until their victory.

 The Russian Cossacks also faced fierce resistance and were forced to give up when trying unsuccessfully to wipe out the Chukchi in 1729, 1730, 1741 and 1744–1747.

After the Russian defeat in 1729 at Chukchi hands, the Russian commander Major Pavlutskiy was responsible for the Russian war against the Chukchi and the mass slaughters and enslavement of Chukchi women and children in 1730–1731, but his cruelty only made the Chukchis fight more fiercely.

Cleansing of the Chukchis and Koraks was ordered by Empress Elizabeth in 1742 to totally expel them from their native lands and erase their culture through war. The command was that the natives be "totally extirpated" with Pavlutskiy leading again in this war from 1744–1747 in which he led to the Cossacks "with the help of Almighty God and to the good fortune of Her Imperial Highness", to slaughter the Chukchi men and enslave their women and children as booty. However the Chukchi ended this campaign and forced them to give up by killing Pavlutskiy and decapitating him.

The Russians were also launching wars and slaughters against the Koraks in 1744 and 1753–1754. After the Russians tried to force the natives to convert to Christianity, the different native peoples like the Koraks, Chukchis, Itelmens, and Yukagirs all united to drive the Russians out of their land in the 1740s, culminating in the assault on Nizhnekamchatsk fort in 1746.

Kamchatka today is European in demographics and culture with only 2.5% of it being native, around 10,000 from a previous number of 150,000, due to the mass slaughters by the Cossacks after its annexation in 1697 of the Itelmen and Koryaks throughout the first decades of Russian rule. The killings by the Russian Cossacks devastated the native peoples of Kamchatka.

Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) were a series of major global conflicts pitting the French Empire and its allies, led by Napoleon I, against a fluctuating array of European states formed into various coalitions. It produced a period of French domination over most of continental Europe. The wars stemmed from the unresolved disputes associated with the French Revolution and its resultant conflict. The wars are often categorised into five conflicts, each termed after the coalition that fought Napoleon: the Third Coalition (1805), the Fourth (1806–1807), the Fifth (1809), the Sixth (1813–1814), and the Seventh (1815).

1853 October - 1856 February

The Crimean War was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to February 1856 in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, the Ottoman Empire, the United Kingdom and Piedmont-Sardinia. The immediate cause of the war involved the rights of Christian minorities in Palestine, which was part of the Ottoman Empire.

The January Uprising was an insurrection principally in Russia's Kingdom of Poland aimed at the restoration of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. It began on 22 January 1863 and continued until the last insurgents were captured by the Russian forces in 1864.


The 1800's in the Americas didn't go well for Tartary either.

A great number of conditions have to be explained to understand the level of destruction of the Tartar colonies in the Americas. I will only give a few of the dates to give a brief over view.

1800's Conditions of the Tartary wars in the Americas.

~ great volcanic eruptions ~

1650 BC ~ Santoruni.

79 AD ~ Mount Vesuvius (1).

1600 ~ Huaynaputina.

1631 ~ Vesuvius (2).

1640 ~ Komagatake, Japan.

1783 ~ Laki, Iceland.

1792 ~ Unzen, Japan.

1814 ~ Mayon, Philippines.

1815 ~ Tambora, Indonesia.

1877 ~ Cotopaxi, Ecuador.

1882 ~ Galunggung, Indonesia.

1883 ~ Krakatau, Indonesia.

1902 ~ Mount Pelee, Martinique.

1912 ~ Novarupta.

~ Great fires ~

New York city 1776 AD

Lower Manhattan 1835 AD

Nantucket 1846 AD

Portland 1866 AD

Midwest 1871 AD

Chicago 1871 AD

Michigan 1871 AD

Boston 1872 AD

Peshtigo 1889 AD

Seattle 1889 AD.

During the height of the California Gold Rush, between December 1849 and June 1851, San Francisco endured a sequence of seven bad fires, of which this was the sixth and by far the most damaging. In terms of property value, it did three times as much damage as the next most destructive of the seven fires.

This only goes over a few of the major fires. It would seem that cities burning down was common place throughout the 1800's in the Americas.

~ Great floods ~

1814 ~ large floods in Maine in 1806, and 1811, leading to the larger flood that destroyed mills in Tuner, Maine 1814 and yet another in Maine in 1832.

1844 ~ Great flood of the Mississippi.

The Great Flood of 1844 is the biggest flood ever recorded on the Missouri river and upper Mississippi river in terms of discharge. This flood was particularly devastating since the region had little or no levees at the time. Among the hardest hit were the Wyandot who lost 100 people in the diseases that occurred after the flood.

The flood also is the highest recorded for the Mississippi River at St. Louis. After the flood.

1849 ~ Congres passed the Swamp Act providing land grants to build stronger levees.

1851 ~ After record setting rain fall across the U.S. The midwest plains flooded from May to August. Iowa was hit hard and flooding was all the way down the Mississippi basin.The eastern plains from Nebraska to the Red river basin.

1861- 1862 ~ The Great Flood of 1862 was the largest flood in the recorded history of Oregon, Nevada, and California, occurring from December 1861 to January 1862. It was preceded by weeks of continuous rains and snows in the very high elevations that began in Oregon in November 1861 and continued into January 1862. This was followed by a record amount of rain from January 9th–12th, and contributed to a flood that extended including all these states, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, Sonora, and Mexico.

Also a great deal of glaciers located between Canada and North America began to melt severely in this time period.

Many would say there was not events in record that would have caused the mud floods. However there is a great deal of evidence to support the mud flood in America for sure.

~ Great earthquakes ~

1811-12 ~  New Madrid, and Missouri.

1812 ~ Caracas, and Venezuela.

1835 ~ Concepcion, Chile.

July 3, 1861

Severe earthquake were felt, followed by two light shocks. It was very severe at Doherty's Ranch in Amador Valley across the Bay. Adobe houses were seriously damaged, and men working in the fields were thrown down.

July 4, 1861

A severe earthquake shock was felt in San Francisco.

1886 ~ Charleston, South Carolina.

There were many earthquakes throughout each year during the 1800's into the 1900's.

With all the earthquakes, floods, fires, wars, I don't believe it was humanly possible to build advanced architecture in that time period realistically. It is more likely that architecture left over from the 1400's to the 1600's was renovated and then repurposed.

This does not include all the flood, earthquakes, fires, volcanic eruptions that happened on the 19th century just a sampling.

In conclusion, the architecture of the 19th century probably isn't the work of the Tartars. Tartars were a real terminology used for all types of people in many eastern lands. However there is little to no evidence proving or disproving the connect in the Americas. And if for some reason it was true, they would have been there in the 1400's through the 1600's.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Osharian Earths planetary orbit history

Well Osharian scientists claimed that underground aquifers where used by the Egyptians for transportation of goods between Atlaspolis and Cairo. In the ancient history of Atlantis volcanic springs are talked about often.
a massive spring system was well known about up until around 11,000 b.c. this article is not about that. This is more an answer to where the vast water volume might have come from.  

According to a new study by a group of U.S. geophysicists, a reservoir of water three times the volume of all of Earth’s oceans has been discovered inside a layer of blue rock ( ringwoodite ) 440 miles deep.  The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of Earth's water. Some geologists think water arrived in comets as they struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea that the oceans gradually oozed out of the interior of the early Earth. 

Earth once was a icy moon of Saturn until it was knocked out of it's orbit.This orbital gap lines up with star maps of Nibiru's orbit.

Planet Tia'mat as it was known then, because it was a rogue planet while traveling. Know as Nibiru when in its natural orbit around Sirius C. But Sirius neutron star supernovaed sending it flying into our solar system.  It hit Earth when it was still a moon of Saturn.  Knocking it into Earth's orbit that we know now. Then it orbited for 2 billion years before Tia'Mat hit it again creating the Earth's largest moon.

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