Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Osharian time travel

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What if time travel was real? If we can imagine it, then it probably exists. What if time is really simply events that we are participating in at any given time.  Here is a paragraph from an outside source that brings up some great questions.

-- Dr.Drue--

We are constantly reminded daily of what the future holds for us, and it seems that the future holds only events to be of a catastrophic or doomsday nature. Most of us have a fear of the unknown, thus, most of us fear the future, because, it is an unknown. Your future, like mine, is NOT set in STONE, nor, do we have to experience any of the catastrophic events that have been prophesied. All prophesied catastrophic and doomsday events are truly events that are cataloged and can happen, but are not necessarily events to be experienced by all. By understanding the true perception of 'time' and 'timelines', you will also come to the realization that you do not have to get caught up with all of these predictions that are "Fear" based. Do NOT allow your limited perceptions through the five physical sensories, gloomy fear based predictions of the future, nor the incorrect perception of 'time' to become your shackle. Time is NOT linear (past, present and future), but is parallel and is only an event. All events are happening simultaneously --- NOW! Therefore, we have at our access the "Free Will" to choose what events we want to experience, which are located on different timelines. Our "Free Will" is SUPREME in this universe, but we have the tendency to allow others to make decisions for us, and by doing so, they will make decisions for their own welfare and not ours. Then, when events do not come out like we would want them, we consider ourselves a victim. Is not making a decision, a decision? Fear is an emotion, and emotions are an outwardly projection of our frequency, but also a means by which we can determine our own frequencies. We all have a range of frequencies that we vibrate at, and it's the daily reminders of these predictions, no matter how large or small, that place us in a fear based frequency. Thus, what you fear the most --- you WILL experience! You made decisions using this frequency and its the frequencies along with your decisions that draws you to the different timelines and its events. Some would call this, a SELF-FULFILLED PROPHECY!

"Drue goes on to point out details of time based on his personal experience with time travel.

We were fragmented into multiple dimensions without knowing the end result."
"We materialized in 12 different locations and time eras."

M-theory seems to support these last two quotes. M theory describes the structure of the universe on a quantum level. Stating there are open strings and closed strings that make up the smaller parts of atoms. Each string being at it's own light vibration. There are 12 of these. Each being a dimension. I believe in his account he is describing being in all 12 strings in the same moment. Each highlighted a projects of these strings within this specific closed string.

1). MDNATT: ( Mitochondrial DNA Time Travel ). A electrical current is used at a specific frequency and amplitude and the soul being consciousness can be transmitted into a different point of perspective sphere. In the case of travel be the said end result,  you are transmitted from the macrocosm into microcosm. By transmission into a specific DNA location. The electro charge activates on a quantum level the micro sphere, there by allowing proper transmission conversion, from one state into another. 

2).4th dimensional travel: By inducing a high amplitude field, you can temporarily trap tachyons and sometimes even neutrinos depending on the intensity of the field. Where by creating a sphere of tachyons operating in the principle of a electromagnetic sphere. This in turn does not break the light barrier but instead jumps, arches over into a higher state of line stream. Commonly known as dark light in modern physics. Which is a different vibrational band of light with 7 known diode lines. Modern science has proven that there is data within this stream. This was found.  A long with the 5 other bands that make up the known light spectrum. 

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