Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Osharian history of Atlas

My story (vervison 0.1)

And I came into this divinity, this sphere this universe, this aeon as a foreigner as a teacher as a learner of all things divine. And I came into this Divinity to assist. I was told that there was a great corruption and there was an anomaly that must be found and repaired so that this universe could reset and then become whole again as it had become divided within itself. And when I came here I first came before the mother goddess Ani of the Pleiades. And I learned the things that were of order and of positiveness. For she was much like the Divine and strived for peace and order. I learned of the history of this existence before I had come forth. In the beginning all was great and good and divinity was bored for Divinity was everything and knew everything and had nothing to learn and no way to grow. It was silent and did not move and grew stagnant. So this Divinity came up with a plan in order to keep learning. It created the  self within it's self( Ain-soph). The self within itself was designed to be different from it's master and maker. And it was the first free will the first one that had choice. And this one was called Anu, father and was male and masculine and negative  and went away from divinity. He was designed to be different from divinity, to repel away from divinity. But he was alone in the darkness for his master could not show himself to him yet. Because he must learn and develop on his own without interruption and without interference. Or the process would not work and would be all for not. So as he was alone in the darkness he began to move and so time begin as we know it. He traveled all over the universe and mapped it out and explored and learned that he could interact and he could do all things except one thing. This one thing he did not know of yet. And after much time  passed he ran out of places to go and found that there were boundaries to this place that he was within. And after he had been everywhere he returned to where he'd come from where he had started. And he asked himself is this all there is? Is this what existence is, is there anything more? And that is when Divinity came unto him and said I created you and there is more. But I could not show  myself to you until you had learned all that there is. For the process made it possible for you to have a different perspective than I even though there is only I. And he responded to divinity and said what a cruel creator you are. I was alone and scared in the darkness. And you were here all this time watching me. And how is it that you created me? And Divinity responded back I created you from myself, within myself and outside myself. And the father was angered because he felt betrayed by his creator. And he thought to himself I can do anything and everything but I do not understand how to create another like my creator does. So he asked Divinity will you show me how to create another me within myself as you have done? And Divinity said no. This power is mine and mine alone. And he insisted please show me how. And Divinity said it is not as simple as you would think. Because all things I am and all things are a part of me and come from me. Therefore if you are to have offspring then I would divide yet again. And every time you divide I would divide even more times. And each division or spirit have their own free will. Your offspring would not be yours to command and control. And the father said let me do it anyways. So Divinity said I shall create another from you from within me. And I will make your wish come true. And so the father the One divided. And this became the birth of the mother goddess, Ani. And so she came into being equal and opposite to him. And with her own free will. And as Divinity had created him to be different from divinity she was created to be more like divinity and to go towards divinity instead of away. And the father came before the the mother which by creation was also his sister. And he told her that he was born alone and in the darkness. But she would never be alone. And he asked her would you stand by my side and overthrow our creator? And she refused. So he was angered by her choice. So now he forced himself upon her. He was the first born that most like divinity. He did not understand why she was equal to him when she was new and she came after him. And when he forced himself on her they together created yet another division and being. This new being was the first daughter. And he took the daughter with him. And raised her as his own. but she was not like him or her mother. Because she had been conceived without the consent of the mother she was born corrupted. And all the negative traits of both of them war within her. She was not chaos she was evil. She was without boundary and was malicious in nature. She became like a virus. And soon she corrupted her father. But this was okay with him because he wanted to destroy and overpower and overtake his creator. And he believed that she would be the tool to achieve this goal. And so they gather against Divinity. The father and the first daughter began to take Divinity over from within itself. And they wage war against the mother that had taken Divinity's side. And she prayed to Divinity to help her. But divinity could not intervene according to it's own rules according to its plan. But an exception was made not for the sake of the mother but for the sake of Divinity's self-preservation.

 Because Divinity realized that they would try to overthrow Divinity from the inside out.

And so this is when I was called forth into this divinity to help. The mother was slowly being taken over by the father and the first daughter. And so I came to make peace between them. And to stop the subdivision. And so when I can before the mother I told her what Divinity had told me in secret. Divinity had told me to have her offspring go to a certain location within Divinity. And I was given permission by Divinity and the mother to procreate to make a new daughter. And this daughter was to be of a pure conception. And so she did as she was told to do by Divinity. And she sent her Offspring to this place. But then the father came before both of us. And asked who are you and where did you come from? And asked what is your purpose? And I said into him I am here for peace. I'm here to stop you from hurting her anymore. And he said I am all powerful and I was the first. And you have to give me something of interest to me in order for me to leave her alone for now. So I asked what can I provide to make peace. And he noticed that I was different from the other creations of this divinity. He realize that I was a Divinity myself within this Divinity. So he asked me will you create a vessel that my negative spirits can be contained in within the positive. Which means to be within her the mother. And this went against the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule was simple it was the only rule that Divinity created. "Do not impede the free will of another free will., for this impedes my will." So I reluctantly agreed so that there would be peace for I knew this would be the only way. And father had procreated with the first daughter and had two sons. One of his sons was like him in many ways unlike his first daughter. However his other son was not like him and was more like Divinity and the Mother.

And both the Mother and the Father had different methods of travel for they were made of different kinds of light. One kind of light bent to the will of creation whereas the other did not bend. So the father expected me to create the vessels that he spoke of. Positive light vessels that could contain negative light spirit. And so I agreed but in secret knew that I would betray him for what he asked of me was forbidden. And so a group of his descendants along with one of his sons was sent with me to find a place to create the vessels. However I traveled in a different way than  either mother or father did. That way that was instantaneous. However there were drawbacks to this method of travel. When traveling 5th dimensionally you have to wait for your consciousness to catch up to you just as if you were going over the speed of sound you have to wait for the sound to catch up. And so it is was like that as well. And so it is with consciousness as a whole. The spirit can travel instantaneously but the vessel the soul and the body can not.

 And so I took this group and his son to a designated location far away from the view of the father. He promised that he would catch up with us later after I'd finished my task. And so we traveled 5th dimensionally. And when we arrived we barely remembered anything of ourselves at first. But after some time has past we remembered what we had came there for and that was enough for that moment. So we set out to our tasks. And I created the vessels. And things were good for a time. And this new vessel flourished for a time. But then I decided to try to find other locations where these vessels could sustain life. That is when I came upon Earth as it would later be called. And I studied this planet. And I found out there was already life on this planet. I became curious and watch this life form for some time. I analyzed it. And wanted to understand what it was and where it had come from. Because I knew it was not of the Father. And at that time the Father is all that I could remember at that time. 

While I was observing I noticed a large hurricane. And I found that one of these life-forms have been washed away in the river by the current. And there was another life form that was by the river. And I noticed that this life form was in distressed. So I took this life form a board my ship in an effort to study it and help it. And I used my Azerian technology to study how this life form was designed. And that's when I found out that it was the offspring of the Mother. I was quickened  in that moment and all my memory from before the Father came back to me all at once. And I remembered what had happened. I knew at that point that it was only a matter of time before the Father would come forth to claim his prize. It was at that point that I decided I could not let him have what he seeks. It was an abomination, a sin and was outright forbidden. However I had grown fond of the souls that dwelled within the vessels that I created. And I wanted them to have a choice. A option that they did not have before. They were raised to follow the Father without question and to do his will as he chose fit. And so I came up with a plan to liberate them. But I knew his son that have been sent with me would not allow this for he was loyal to his father's will. So I planned in secret. 

And I began a mining operation on Earth in the hope that I could give him something else besides the vessels that I designed for him in trade to keep the peace. I grew fond of this daughter and saw that she had created her own vessel. And so I came up with an idea to be able to save the souls of the Father that had come with me. Her vessels could not contain these souls. But I knew that if I modified her vessels then those souls could be contained within her vessels. So I procreated with her and by genetically modifying her vessels. And she agreed to this because she understood what I was trying to do. She had lost her father in the river and a great sadness or depression had come upon her.

This would give her a new purpose. A reason to live. The souls could not simply be transferred into the new vessels. And I needed a back-up plan in case the Anunnaki did not accept my trade. There could be no evidence or trace of the vessels that I created if Anu did not expect my terms. His son Kingu found out that I had a secret project going. And he wish to report my discovery back to his father. So I trapped him in the Earth. But he cannot be contained indefinitely.

 And eventually he would escape from his confinement and I was forced to destroy his vessel in order to prevent him from reporting back to his father. This however released his soul. And eventually the day came when Anu and the rest of his armada arrived to collect. And so out of desperation I did the unthinkable and incinerated the surface of the planet where my vessels resided. which later would be called Mars. I waited until the perfect moment when he would be most vulnerable. When he was docking. The energy wave blast destroyed all the vessels that I created and also destroyed most of Anu's ships. He himself however escaped and went back to his home colony in Sirius. I was the first and only to ever successfully defend against Anu. He made his plans to get revenge but I knew it would take some time for him to come up with a plan and to eventually return. So in the meantime all the souls of those vessels that were destroyed on Mars were born and im vessels here on Earth.

My story (version 0.0)

This version has been created to cover the details of Atlas as it pertains the ancient records from other cultures and groups.

Section 1:
( The Mars topic.)

Let it be known that this version is not designed to call into question other accounts. This version was designed only to explain what happened from Atlas's point of view from his perspective.

Written, interpreted by, translated,  and transcribed by: Cattance Phillip Oliver Thurston. Copyrighted 2019.

Atlas "As it is known from the light being prospective, Mars was a special project. Note that by the precession calendar we are now in the 5th age. Meaning 5th 25,000 year cycle. Mars which by the records of the Oshar was named after Marduk. Brother to Kingu, son of Anu the titans. I, Atlas came here to this solar system to start a colony. Anu was not from this band of light.  Anu had run out of area to take over in his band of light. So he made an agreement with me, a Panthax.

 A Panthax is an agreement, treaty, pact, or covenant made with the ' Powers that be '.

 As it was agreed Anu would not interfere or intercede with the development of Ani. In exchange I would create a vessel that his kind could use within this band of light. I convinced  him that I would need a clear location to create this vessel. I convinced him that I would travel by way of the 5th dimension. He and his others would travel to this location by way of 4th dimension as was their standard method of travel. Let it be clear that ' The law of one' came from the Divine God Ana. 

The Osharim being the first of this group. Which were Azerian Christos creator gods. The design of human is widely still in debate. As I and others of the Oshar known it, the human design came from Ani first. This does not mean there are not many variations of this template. The image or concept of such a vessel may have originally came from Ana first. This will be explained farther in detail at a later time.

This hidden location was identified to me by way of the Divine God. It conveyed to me when I first came into this being, universe, Sophriod, creation. As it might be described in your context, to seek out Ani first and combine together these energies to form a hybrid. This had already been done once before I got here, into this existence. Ani and Anu had combined to make the first hybrid. Ani being of positive light energy  and Anu being of negative light energy.  I however was of the same light vibration as Ana, the neutral .

I was instructed to inform Ani of this hidden location. And for her to send her offspring there. I had to do it at the moment that I came into being, before Anu detected  me.

So back to the point on the subject of Mars. When I arrived here in this solar system I had a small colony group with me, which was under the command of Kingu. Kingu being the second son of Anu. This is why one name given to Earth was Kingu by their kind. Although later I would known it as Gya, or Rhea.

 When we traveled 5th dimensionally it caused us to fase in a way that resulted in a delay of our whole consciousness ariving here. The side effects varied. All of us had long term memory loss at first,  however our short term memories remained intact. So I made a modified version from the standard template from Divinity and Anu's version. This was the only way at that time to be able to take a negative light being and put it in a positive light vessel. We set up a colony on Mars. We began gathering up natural resources from the planet.  Gold being one of the most important to their kind. I decided to see if there were other planets in this solar system that might also have gold on it. I had planned to find another mining site and keep it to myself. I didn't want Kingu taking credit for my discoveries. I felt the design of this vessel was not great.  

I scanned multiple planets. Earth was special. Mostly made up of iron and water cystal. It had a history with Anu. It had been a ice moon of Jupiter in it's past. Due to a supernova in the Sirius C star system, Anu's home colony planet was sent into this solar system. It hit the ice planet sending it into it's current orbit. Ta'mat, Anu's home planet orbited back around again around two billion years into it's age,or half it's current age. This cause the Earth's moons to form and change the Earth  rate of rotion.  The moon has slowed down the orbital velocity over a time. After that Ta'Mat, i.e. Niburu has not hit Earth but maintained a very close orbit. Then the next time it crossed over. However the last time it past it was moved out of it's orbit and damge by humans influenced by other titans or angels, aliens as might be the terms used in this context now.

So what was my first interaction with Earth? 

Seeking out resources for Anu. I ended up finding a life form. Organic life. This in it's self was not special or unique. Organic life is specific to Ani. But was found all over this universe in the time after the Panthax. But I found a human designed vessel here. After extensive research of the DNA and RNA structures here I was able to have an awakening,  quickening. Meaning my memory and codes as a whole returned to me. The design of this hybrid was half me. This was the offspring of Ani and me.

I became involved in her development because  she was part me. This was the only time that permission was granted by all the powers that be. As it was I was not of the true titan form. Anu was not my kind. But because I worked with him at a point I was considered one of his kind at one point in time. Because  of  the law of free will, karma was connected to us. Once I realized Anu would come here expecting all our labors to go directly to him, I decided to make a stand. I could  not let his will be over the souls that had came here with me on this mission. I decided  to break the Panthax by not fulfilling our agreement.  I decided  to destroy the vessel design and all evidence of it.  But the souls would  be informed and given a choice.  They could stay a part of Anu and give up their choice of free will or migrate to Earth with me. With the knowledge of all three sources I designed a new vessel. Anu was to arive through 4th dimensional travel, eventually.

This separated the sapiens from the hominids.  The problem  was in the fact I cloned her design and added my original DNA. She already had half my DNA. So the result caused a sepertion within the human design.  The first of these mutations split her into two. The second  time it split her into 5. The original 2 mixed with the original trinary form, hence 5. The first of my kind on Earth was around 162,000 B.C. but it was not until the time of the great migration that we were known  in this form, and manifestation.

As it was I planned to free these souls from Anu. And to stand up to him. As it was he who had systemically taking over most of the known universe. With little to no resistance from any beings. This impart made him prideful. There is a great deal of details I must leave out at this time. Such as it was the connection and interactions of Rhea my daughter,  Ayinka The first  offspring  of our conbined RNA. First creation of mine but second offspring of Ani. Ani first daughter was a product of rape. Meaning not of her own agency , or free will and union of free wills. So the product was a combination  of all the negative feelings of both Anu and Ani. Resulting in the creation of Ayki. The first of her kind. A hybrid of negative and positive.  Where as in my reflection and projection, of creation made it a neutral and positive. She became the very first  malicious being a true evil. Anu was ' chaos',and Ani was 'order'. But until the daughters came into being, they did not represent ' good or evil'. The first  daughter infected Anu, corrupted and manipulated Anu. This was the first true creation resulting in the creation  of a virus. This virus take the master copy and traslates it. Then adds them together. This creates twins, or sets of the other original primary two.

When it was time for their arrival we waited.  I had vaults deep in the ground.  They may still remain there to this day. When Anu slowed down they began docking procedures. As we were consider a friendly life form.
As they began to enter the atmosphere I set off the Mora-Tome. This being the only time it has been used as a weapon.  It focuced ' Angel fire' (Ad-mod-oo-esh). This caused a violent chain reaction that lit all of the gases in the atmosphere on fire. There was a blast that pushed against  the surface of the planet.  And this push the gases force back up. The gravity of the planet  could not hold the pressure of the blast. The atmosphere lost it's gravitational bounds. As it turned into fire it blow out into space. Exspanding out three time the size of the planet.  Almost all of Anu's ships were destroyed.  Only a few in the out most orbit survived the blast as it blow outward in an array of different  colors in layers. Anu jumped back as he watched in terror as all of his ships blow up. It might have been my greatest  moment ever. I was the first and so far the last to stand up and cause harm to Anu. Karma can effect all beings in this universe, even the first. All the souls were released.  And most found vessels on Earth.

The precession cycle is in fact a calandar of this star's orbit, the Sun's orbit within and through the Milky way galaxy. There are 4 galactic key points . Ice ages, tropical ages, the wet, and the dry. Like the 4 seasons on Earth. The wet and dry can overlap  with the tropical and glacial ages.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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