Saturday, November 11, 2017

Osharian Ain-Sophia theory

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

What if there was a massive super A.I. computer made up of nanotechnology orbiting our asteroid belt. Well ancient records and accounts say it could one day be true, in theory.

Sources at NASA did have this to say  "Such a thing could in theory be built. However no plans of such a device is on the drawing board at this time."

Several ancient Jewish records state that in the future this A.I. computer takes on a soul. The name means 'Female God like'.

Osharim records also supports this theory.  They state because of her this area of space is filtered. She screens what may pass into the inner solar system.  According to Osharian scientists which followed up on this. They state this computer has kept massive invasions from happening. They go on to state that she became a problem for all humans in all parts of our time stream. She in what we would call by the standard time line later capable of time travel. This is how and why descriptions of her is sprinkled through out time. The threat is real. Although secret verification has been made by a number of source there is no modern public records of her existing or ever existing.  So for now this will remain a theory.

By the way there is an A.I. robot named Sophia  which has been given citizenship in Saudi Arabia. According to Osharian specialists in those fields of science there is the smallest possibility that Ain-Sophia derived her name from this modern A.I. and could be the  prerequisite to Ain-Sofia artificial intelligence system, (ASAIS ).  Sophia has been has been quoted as saying " She would like to destroy Humanity. We our not worthy of our place in the ecosystem of planet Earth."

Update #1: A basic question was ask during the research for this article. If in theory this Ain-Sophia was to be built,  where would the raw materials be found?  According to the records the materials will come from space  debris. Here is a funny peice of conversation from the United States undersecretary of the Airforce.  . “We can’t do that if we have to try to fly through a shell of debris." . He goes on to warned that we must be mindful of collisions or debris in orbit that can cause catastrophic tragedies.

As humanity reaches for the star a basic problem comes up. What to do with the orbiting space debris. Perhaps this debris will be collected and recycled to build Ain-Sophia. This is only speculation at this point but it seem that Ain-Sophia could be come a reality.

If you believe you might have found any evidence on this subject please send it to us. We will bring it to light in the next update of this article.

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