Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Osharian Goddess history (1) The Goddess creation to Pleiades

The known history of Mother Goddess part 1 by the Osharian records.

The history of Mother Goddess is a long history so this article will be seperated into 13 key sections to the Goddess history throughout time.

(1) Goddess creation to the Pleiades.

(2) Goddess colony of Rhea on Earth (Kingu).

(3) first daughter of Rhea, the city state of Paos and the council of the tree.

(4) Migration of ILtarian to La Mica after the fall of the towers.

(5) Amazonian migrations.

(6) Pagan Goddess of the Druids.

(7) Goddess of Sumeria.

(8) the Goddess in Egypt.

(9) Amazonian Goddess in Greek.

(10) Goddess in  Israel in the name of Mary.

(11) Goddess with the Freemasons.

(12) Goddess of Mary in La Mica.

(13) Anasazi

The sapphire tablet of the Oshar states the creation of the Goddess.

" In the beginning was the Aeon of all Aeons. The Aeon before names. The divine spirit ( Ana ).This being was a lone and knew everything and was everything. In order to grow and progress it creat the Ain-Soph ( a self within it's self ), the first free willed spirit of the Divinity. The first was One, Anu,Chaos and negative light, that later would be called Father God. Then came the Mother Goddess. She was created as order, positive light, and Mother Goddess.  Father God tried to convince the Mother Goddess to over through Divine God. Mother Goddess refused. He then took her by force and had the first daughter Ain-Sophia ( Asmen-n ), which was raised by the Father. The second daught was Ayki later known on Earth,(Kingu) as Rhea. The Mother Goddess Ani lived in the Pleiades star constellation. Father God, Anu attacked the Mother Goddess, Ani from Sirius. She prayed to the Divine God. The Divine God wasn't aloud to interfer with the evolution of any of it's creations as a rule. Free will perspective was the only way to learn by way of experience. Experience being the application of knowledge from a specific prospective.
The balance was in danger. So Divine God summoned another Divinity to aid the Mother Goddess. Atlas came into creation."

Atlas came to Ani and had offspring creating the second daughter. The daughter, Ayki was directed to migrate to a far away location. Then Anu came before Atlas. Atlas made a peace agreement called a Panthax. This contract stated that Atlas would create, ( design a vessel of positive light that a negative light being soul could live in within the positive light spectrum. Anu promised not to attack Ani if Atlas could create a colony of the new vessel. Atlas went before Anu and agreed to the terms of the peace treaty. Atlas told Anu that he could travel 5th dimensionally. Anu traveled 4th dimensionally. So Anu not fully trusting Atlas sent his first born son Kingu with him and a small colony party. Atlas opened a gate between the negative light spectrum into the positive light spectrum from the Sirius star constellation. Atlas however knew that by traveling 5th dimensionally he could lose memory of himself fot a while as a side effect. So Atlas set up a colony for Anu on Marduk, (Mars). Thing were good for a time.

Atlas then began to look for other places to colonize. Earth was perfect. Around 162,000 B.C. Atlas started up a off the record gold operation. While doing this he became involved with the daughter Rhea. She dream fasted with him. This returned his memory from before Anu. Atlas did not report what he had found there. He created a vessel on Mars,(Marduk) for all of the colony. So Atlas came to Earth for a secret mining operation.

And this concludes this section.

!! Please note that this article is under construction!

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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