Monday, December 12, 2011

Osharian Alien theory

Well in Osharian history we find that our origins my have something to do with aliens. Up until 2012 A.D. the alien aspect has been off limits to Osharian members and even most priest. In the article ( Osharian genetic origins may have been found by scientist ), We talked about RNA to DNA. We traced male and female genetic lines of origins, see link .

In tradition Snakes around a tree trunk or wood pole with snakes going around it was used in religious records. It shows up in Osharian records but is described in a more scientific way. Later Imhotep of Egypt uses this symbol in medicine. Even now in modern times it is used for medicine. Most religions forgot the symbol's meaning. It is what it looks like. It is a diagram for human DNA. In the article ( Osharian origin of language )

We point out how advanced the first alphabets were. It almost seem like reverse engineering at work. In the first doctrine of the Oshar we find that the story of God is described as alien but in of spiritual nature. The reason behind this is the difference in form or being. The physical body is one of many forms. There are two kinds of matter or more and the same with bands of energy. So in theory there should be four or more forms. This is a low ball estament. So if there is other life form and other forms of life, then yes there are aliens. The Osharians believe that you could say Atlas was an alien form to Earth. Even the female life form that was said to have already been there when Atlas arrived here. This life also was alien. This life form had it's own story of how it came to Earth.

In DNA we can trace the difference between two alien forms having thier own history. If you look at the doctrine of the Oshar it descibes how RNA called a serpent was linked with other serpents, or RNA. It is believed by the ancient records that there were Two RNA until Atlas came to Earth. Then there were three. When Atlas was forced to flee Earth he was said to have taken one of the three with him. When we follow the genetic Adam and Eve DNA lines we can trace the 10 sons of Atlas. Atlas had five sets of twins. We don't know for sure if they all were really males, but we can prove they where of a different genetic line. The genetic Eve line seems to have been here before the genetic Adam line. So we can see that all life on this planet could be called alien.

Many people believe that aliens have come to Earth over and over again. Some would believe that they might have changed DNA. Some go on to say that civilizations were aided by aliens. This is not the total truth. We as life, in any form on Earth is alien. So the real question here is, are there other aliens other than the ones that already colonized this planet. We as Osharian don't say we came from aliens because of how they are looked upon today. No we don't think of them as E.T. but foreign forms of beings. Aliens did not gentically design us for say. Really they just migrated here and found ways to live on Earth in a physical form. And yes some of these species learned to mix and adapt to the Earth's form.

When you go far back into our origins we find advanced technology at work before the creation of civilizations came about. Some of the oldest myths of our civilizations records point out an advance time cultures. Atlantis is one of the oldest of these. Most scientist today don't believe we could have been that advanced that long ago. Osharian records disagree with this. Language and religion stem from some kind of advanced knowledge that came from us, but before we took on this form. We have evidence of this alien origin and so do other groups. This kind of knowledge is restricted from the public. Only a few get to know the truth and decide what is best for all of mankind. As Osharians we can tell you from existence that these few are corrupt and are only looking out for themselves. They have gone out of there way to cover up how they have made the masses slaves to what ever they want. We could have returned to space travel many thousands of years ago but the 1% of us held us back. They also force humankind to reset when we get back to the point that we can leave Earth again. They plan to uses up all the natural resources of this plant first. The Oshar were destroyed to make it this way. In the time of the Oshar's rule all humankind's decisions where open to the public. Our history off planet was known to the public at that time. It was only after the male forms took over. By the way once they did take over they never stopped. They rule to this day. If you are unhappy with the way this world is today, then you might want to take it up with the 1%. However you won't be invited to any of these secret meetings.

We as humans on Earth do have relationships with foreign or alien forms. However only the few have access. It has always been this way. These few keep their advanced technology threw out time.

Were is this going? Even us Osharian hide and retain knowledge from our alien origins. We just don't have the political or religious influences or power to help free mankind. We can only bring out the truth and show the knowledge of that truth.

If you observe other life forms here on Earth you will see that we as humans go out of our way to be different from all other life forms. This brings up the fact that we have some foreign or alien knowledge in our DNA that makes us stand out from even the same life form that we are from. There must be habits that we had before we joined the physical life here on this planet.

There are probably many other alien species that are close to us in form. There are even those which we came from that are like us in some ways. However we are our own species. It is up to us to decide where this species will go. Just keep in mind that for the time being the mass of the humankind has no say in what happens to our species.

We hope that some people out there will change that. We hope that some day we will come together to decide our destiny. But for now the people don't have the power.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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