Monday, April 11, 2011

Osharian Africa's Sahara cycle

"Osharians have through out time kept records of climate change to help decide migration cycles of humans. We in modern times have now found the proof of our ancient claims. The Sahara of Africa has a vast desert that has changed over and over again. It goes from wet to dry and back again. In some of the more ancient times the Sahara was even part of the Atlantic ocean. The Oshar retain records that stated that ' When the sun points more to the north, the great desert will again be as a lush garden.' New data shows proof that the Oshar have lived in the 'eye of the Sahara since the time of the sinking of Atlantis Massif. It would seem that the great city state of Atlaspolis in the Richat structure was once a great and powerful Osharian capital. How ever when the dry age returns the Osharians migrate away. The last time the Osharians migrated would have been around 13,000 B.C. to around 7,000 years from now."

In 1933 Osharians discovered caves paintings in the middle of the desert. These pre-historic works of art depicted a heavenly world filled with large animals, rivers, and lakes. The largest desert in the world must have been a tropical rain forest. Many of these areas have very high levels of fossilized pollen.

The desert beads indicated that 7,000 years ago the Sahara enjoyed it's last burst of green life, before returning to desert. New ground -penetrating radar has been used to map out locations of some aquifers of the Sahara. Freshwater shells in the beads show that 90,000 years ago, the wobble in the Earth's axis move it to the north. This cycle repeats every 20,000 years and is also a part of the precession of the axis which repeats every 25,826.4 years to around 25,920 years. There are smaller and shorter wet and dry periods. This is do to the wobble between the north and south of Africa.

The Sahara has a varied history, at one point in time around 300,000 years ago it was under the ocean. This is only one time out of many. It only takes 200 years to change from one cycle to the next.

Osharians have lived in wet times in the eye of the Sahara, ( Richat structure ). It seems that hydrothermal vents were a location of choice for ancient Osharians. In ice ages they kept them warm and with fresh water. These locations also gave them access to subsurface aquifers. These locations gave them a great amount of metals. The freshwater springs also had alkaloids which made them into large batteries. Under ground crystalline caves formed. This gave these people access to electric power and crystalline technology. Much of their knowledge used natural resources that rebuilt them selves at a very fast rate during wet times. It is now believed that the migration are set to this cycle and to the precession cycle. The Sahara is made up of three types of time periods. 1). Wet or Green Sahara: these times rain forest and lush green plains cover the lands with vast rivers and lakes. Under ground aquifers flood for thousands of years at a time. 2). Ocean sea: In theses times the Sahara is flooded out from east Africa to the west. Large inland sea covers most of the Sahara. Islands and uplifts plains dot the sea. In many times volcanoes vent just under the surface of the waters. under ground aquifers stay under water. 3). Dry: These times are what we see in modern times. All desert.

All most all of the great city states are gone now. The Osharians built their dry time homes out of lime stone and salt. Then when a wet time comes they are washed away. Only the temples that are built for wet time remain over the ages. Many of these sites are taken apart for their granite stone and used for other sites. There are a large number of under ground temples that remain all the time. These sites are hidden deep inside of subsurface aquifers. They will be found in a time when they are needed again.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

1 comment:

  1. i put my comment in the wrong spot on the japan quake page..the comment belongs here.
