Friday, March 25, 2011

Osharian Akassa Richat structure

Written March 20, 2011

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on research and ancient records.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

In Maur Adrar desert, Mauritania Africa. In modern times it is now called the Richat structure.

Richat structure being it's modern name. Among the Mauritanians records they state there once had been a king Atlas that ruled much of northwestern Africa. He was not a man from their lands but built great cities that traded with most of Africa and all of the Mediterranean regions as well as all coast lands that touch the Atlantic ocean. This was in a time when only the ancient Amazigh, ( Berber ) controlled Atlantean territories directly after the sinking of the last Mid-Atlantic island nation of Atlantis.
Of the great cities one stood out the most the city-state of Akassa. 

Berber relation to the name Atlas: 
The Amazigh, Berber of Tamazight ( Name for Berber of Morocco ) or Atlasic ( Atlas - ic ) is what the Berber refer to as their native language. ic, is used to convert a noun into an adjective. So Atlasic, translate to " language of Atlas ".
This name being give to the Atlas mountains by them. Which means the Atl in the Berber language may reach back to 45,000 BC when the Basque also migrated into Europe and Africa.

Moorish connection to the name Atlas: 
Moors are named after the Maghrebine Berbers and are their descendants. The Berber are where the Atlas mountains get their name from.   This region being called Akassa in antiquity, which lied within the Zahara- Suz.  Zahara, this referred to the pre-Sarah desert Northwest region. Suz referred to the later Eye of the Sahara ( Richat structure location ). This was just south of the Atlas mountains.
  So this doesn't refer to the Greek or Latin name origin of Atlas. This instead referred to Akassa. Meaning the Berber also named Akassa originally, but did not call it Atlantis.
Simply the Moors are descendants of two ethnic groups of Atlanteans.

Akassa was not ruled over by Atlas Azera until 16,450 BC when Atlas returned from the Palisades. The record of Atlas the King of Mauritania would not have been until after Atlas returned.
So Atlas ruled for 4,850 years.

 Atlas was the same Atlas that ruled over Atlantis but after the sinking of the last island state in the Azores, he set up a new city- state capitol in North- West Africa in Maruaitania. However the confusion of the city-state of Atlantis is the fact there was 10 of these city states throughout the world. All of these Altean city-state meet the same design. Meeting the same criteria.
(1) Are located in a volcanic caldera. 
(2) Must have natural volcanic springs.
(3) must have access to a river or canal that connects to the oceans.
(4) Must have subterranean volcanic tubes.
King Atlas, was said to be a King of Akassa, Mauretania, according to legend, a wise philosopher, mathematician and astronomer who supposedly made the first celestial globe. It was this Atlas that Mercator was referring to when he first used the name 'Atlas'. 

The original name was lost to time. However somehow due to the trade routes and the Atlas mountains just north of there it kept it's name in the Greek and Roman languages. The name Atlas was not derived from the Greek. But from an earlier language root of the ancient Atlantic civilizations.

There are more than one theory on what destroyed Akassa was destoryed by mud floods at the end of ' Younger Dryis ' around 9,558 BC due in part to the volcanic eruption of Emi Koussi around 12,400 years ago and a proceeding tsunami and flood at the end of the Youngerdris period. The white area in the caldera of Emi Koussi is not ice or snow. It is salt left over from the flood water event that happened after the last eruption. 

 The Richat structure is now 1,480 feet above sea level but was above that level farther back in time. The Richat structure is a hydrothermal volcanic symmetrical uplift. There is three types of mineral, in the center lime stone. The rings are made up alkaline volcanic rock that was formed by magnetic spirals. The outer ring and wall are made up of quartzite rock. There are hot spring rivers that spin around the rings and have a strong current, going from the inside out, which then turns into the Ated sea that leads out into the Atlantic ocean near Cape Deverd islands. There lived a king Atlas which was said to have been an astronomer that was known for his knowledge of spherical navigation, and celestial spherical math. He used this spherical math to navigate in subsurface volcanic tunnels. Every 20,000 years the axis shifts to create a tropical wet time period. The last one end around 13,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. Africa Sahara region was warm and fertile. Large amounts of water flooded in from the Giza delta and then ran across the Sahara. Vast underground water ways run to Akassa Then these salt waters are heated up by volcanic heat under it. Then it springs out into the circle enclosed rings. Large underground temples were built on a network of water ways. All of them use 'Polis' as the ending of the name. Polis meaning city state inside a circle. In Egypt it was the Necropolis or ancient sunken temple of Osiris, and store house of Thoth. Atlas and his people, the Athanasius fought the Arians and won. Later Berber and then became known as the Phoenicians, which controlled the trade routes from Americas to the Mediterranean.

The Richat structure is a Cretaceous alkaline complex in the Mauritanian part of the Sahara Desert in West Africa. Due to its level of erosion, Richat provides a rare opportunity to study the summit of a complex, particularly its dissolution and fracture processes, and allows its volcanic and magmatic evolution to be established. Its age and geographical location were used to determine the cause of its emplacement and its position within the dynamic context of the Atlantic Ocean opening.

Above is a stone found in the middle area. If you look closely you can see multiple designs of ringed city-states which could mean there were several of these sites.

Petrological and fractal analyses, as well as 40 Ar/39 Ar age dating, were performed on samples from the central breccia of the Richat structure. Results indicate the presence of a large-scale hydrothermal event responsible for breccia formation by dissolution and collapse of the host sedimentary unit. The breccia core was genetically related to plutonic activity because doming and the production of hydrothermal fluids must have been instrumental in creating a favourable setting for dissolution. The Richat structure presents a wide variety of extrusive and intrusive rocks from different erosional levels. Several analyses were performed on these igneous rocks, including geochemical, petrological, isotopic (oxygen and carbon), structural, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. Magnetic and satellite data were also used. Our work shows that Richat represents the superposition of a bimodal tholeiitic series and crosscutting undersaturated carbonatitic and kimberlitic magmas. The alkaline magmas may have been derived from the asthenosphere, whereas the tholeiitic magmas could have come from metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle. In such a scenario, pre-existing anisotropies could have acted as a pathway for ascending asthenospheric and subcontinental melts, allowing for the coexistence of alkaline and tholeiitic magmas within the same igneous complex. The erosional contrast between the central and outer parts of the Richat complex is explained by a piston-like collapse that preserved the central extrusive felsic facies and the hydrothermal karst infilling.
Above is what has been called ' Poseidon's belt '. It is a carving with the layout of Akassa on it. It was found on a mound near the center of the complex.

Possible massive flooding washed away the top soil in this region down to the bedrock. There is a large deposit in the Atlantic ocean that is evidence of a great flood. 

There are other sites that might be Atlantean that show great promise for be of the ten city-states of Atlantis like Plato stated.  Also goto: Directory of Enoch 4 for more of these possible sites found.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

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