Thursday, March 17, 2011


(Japan and global crisis )
By: Kohen Oshar
copyrighted: 03-15-2011

U.S. officials took pains not to criticize the Japanese government, which has shown signs of being overwhelmed by the crisis that began after last Friday's devastating 9.0 magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami.
But Washington's actions indicated a divide with the Japanese about the perilousness of the situation.
U.S. President Barack Obama told Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in a telephone call that the United States will do all it can to help Japan recover, the White House said.
"The president briefed Prime Minister Kan on the additional support being provided by the U.S., including specialized military assets with expertise in nuclear response and consequence management," it said in a statement.
The State Department recommended that U.S. citizens within 50 miles of the plant leave the area or stay indoors.
Japan's government has asked people living within 12 miles to evacuate and those between 12 miles and 18 miles to stay indoors.
Gregory Jaczko, the top U.S. nuclear regulator, cast doubt on efforts to cool overheating reactors, saying workers may be hit with "lethal doses" of radiation.
"It would be very difficult for emergency workers to get near the reactors," Jaczko said.
A United Nations forecast projects the radioactive plume from the Fukushima facility would reach the Aleutian Islands on Thursday and hit Southern California late on Friday.
The U.S. military has ordered its forces to stay 50 miles away from the plant, the Pentagon said. There are at least 55,000 members of the U.S. forces in Japan and offshore assisting the relief operation.
A nuclear power plant damaged by fire and explosions emitted a burst of radiation Tuesday, panicking an already edgy Japan and leaving the government struggling to contain a spiraling crisis caused by last week's earthquake and tsunami.
Radiation levels in areas around the nuclear plant, which rose early in the afternoon, appeared to subside by evening, officials said. But the unease remained in a country trying to recover from the massive disasters that are believed to have killed more than 10,000 people and battered the world's third-largest economy.
Radiation from the toxic plume swelling from the reactor is set to hit California by Friday. It is predicted that the plume will head in land from California into Nevada, Utah and Arizona. This will become the greatest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

" Is this the beginning of the end? The timing is a clue to what Osharians have been planing for since 10,500 B.C. What about the side effects to the world economy? What about the nuclear fall out? This could start a chain reaction that could change the world for ever. The side effects will take many years to come to it's full impact on the world. We are no long in an age where what happens in one place stays in that place. The world is in this together now. This event will change history as we know it. This is only one of many more super disasters to come. Some day 10 to 20 years from now, the children will ask, How did the world end. Those that live will say I was there on 12-26-2004 when it began. We will say that we had no idea that this was the start of the end. Nature is not going to let up any time soon. In 2012 the great alignment of planets will change the magnetic field of our Earth. In the same year the sun will release mass reaction waves into all planets in orbit around it. We are the 3rd planet out. This means we will be changed by it. So hang on to anything you can and take cover if there is any place to hide! Many billions of people will die and much of this world will be lost. The only good news is that not all life will be gone. A new world age is just around the corner."
Also see article on TSUNAMI effects on orbit

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1 comment:

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