Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Osharian search for water

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (AFP) – Technology used to discover underground ice on Mars could also be used in the search for water on Earth and help ward off conflict in the arid Middle East, a NASA scientist said Thursday.

A probe designed by a group of O.S.P. scientist leaked out back in 2007. The probe was launched by the US space agency NASA discovered in 2007 that the desert which covers Mars sat on enough frozen water to submerge the Red Planet. This supports the doctrine of O-Notis. O-Notis claimed that Mars once was home to a colony from Sirius C star system. It is believed that the physical bodies of the Anu were genetically altered to make bodies that could live on Mars. It goes on to say that the Marians were the first design for a body that breaths oxygen. This in part lead to other alteration to design a body that could live on Earth. It also said that the people of Mars became independent of Anu, which lead to attack by Anu. Anu sent his second son ( Marduk) to stop the rebels. How ever Marduk's brother (Atlas) showed him a life form that Anu had never found before. Marduk aided Atlas and made a oath to protect the life form found on Earth (Kingu). Atlas began a new colony on Earth. Later Atlas left to go protect the Plieades. While he was at war, Anu attacked Mars (later named Marduk) again. Marduk and the rebel colonies destroyed the planet to protect the new biological design and to save their souls from being under Anu's rule again. Many of those souls then came to Earth.

The same radar technology should be used in the vast deserts of the Middle East and North Africa, scientist Essam Heggy told a UN-sponsored water conference in the Egyptian coastal city of Alexandria. "We (in the region) are best placed to use this technology," Heggy told participants at the United Nations Development Programme-sponsored conference. The equipment, dubbed Marsis, consists of a radar sounder with a 40 metre (131 foot) antenna fitted to an orbiter that is able to bounce radio waves 3.7 kilometres (2.3 miles) beneath the surface of Mars. Heggy said the technology could detect water up to one kilometre (0.6 mile) beneath the dense deserts that cover much of the Middle East and North Africa and which experts say threaten to consume more land in the next century. Scans taken by NASA showed an especially arid region of Darfur in Sudan sat on top of 6,000-year-old valleys and lakes.

With this new technology Osharian scientist hope to find the hidden under ground world of the Oshar. They state that at one point and time they built large under ground cities and used the subsurface levels for travel over long distances. The Oshar hope to one day map out this very ancient net work of ancient volcanic tunnels by 2012 A.D. This could lead to new arks being built. We also hope to maybe find artifact left by ancient Osharians over 50,000 years ago.

The "water that was at the surface is now on the subsurface level," said Heggy, a planetary scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "If we don't have these images we're shooting in the dark." Middle East countries, which include the world's largest oil exporters, spend more on oil discovery than any other region in the world but devote the least amount of funds to water exploration, Heggy said. "Water has no substitute. But still, we're not looking for it," he said, adding that its scarcity could trigger potential water-related conflicts in the region. "Water is a resource, like any other resource. And we have seen conflicts over resources," he said.

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