Thursday, February 18, 2010

Osharian What about the missing cap stone?

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Osharian records from the tablets of O-Notis state that the great pyramid of Giza once had a cap stone. The Osharian scribe O-Notis clams that the cap stone was removed around 10,391 B.C. when Altarians took over Egypt. It is believed that the pyramid was constructed between 10,490 B.C. and 10,390 B.C. Only the great pyramid and the Sphinx were built very close to the last precession. The Altarian rulers did not like the cap stone because it showed all three religions as one. It was not destroyed, but stored in an under ground vault. In modern times Free Masons were allowed to copy the text and build a model of it which is in the Cairo museum to this day. The cap stone was translated in 6 B.C. by Oshrain priest. The scribe O-Notis said that a note book would be found with the design work in it of the great pyramid, the under ground temple, and the cap stone; just inside and above the main door way of the pyramid. An earth quake covered the door way and it is still covered to this day. I found a copy of the cap stone in the Oharian archive and translated it my self. From what I was able to understand, there are three religions. Two give titles and descriptions of the religions. However the first and main religion only has two glyphs. The first glyph is of the wings of angels. The second is the eye of the divine. In Freemason society many have known of the missing cap stone, but they still remember what it was and what it said. It was taken down because it showed a single divine god many nine thousands years before Christ. And told of the origins of the three main religions of prehistory. The tablet of Set also shows a male and female order, working together for and under the divine god.

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