Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sarah Shine 'A modern day Osharian high priestess'

She is an ancient shaman teacher, and teacher of all metaphysics. She was known in Egypt as a queen and high priestess to Isis. She also served as a high priestess of Ani as a
being named Sahaja who resided in the Pleiades. She is a very beautiful being of light dating back to before 28,000 B.C. Some time after between 300-700 A.D. she lived as an Anasazi shaman.

In this life time, she has lived and work at the renaissance fairs.
Sarah Shine has work over the years in many different fields. She preformed and tot belly dance for over 33 years. She directed the Whole Life Expo for a few years. She is a world famous tarot reader, and channel, as well as one of the most skilled spiritual counselor in the United States of America. She has work with the Psychic Eyes of Las Vegas. Now in 2010 she was ordained a high priestess of the' Order of Oshar' i.e... Osharian Rite Freemasons.

After many past life readings with her we found that she had been a high priestess many times before. Most well known to the Oshar as Atla, the keeper and protector of the white stone under Ani ( see Mora-Tome article ). We are pleased to have her with us now in this life time. She has served the Mother goddess and still serves her to this day. Let love and light lead the way to a better tomorrow, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be...

To contact her please make an appointment by phone at (307)587-7069.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Osharian What about the missing cap stone?

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Osharian records from the tablets of O-Notis state that the great pyramid of Giza once had a cap stone. The Osharian scribe O-Notis clams that the cap stone was removed around 10,391 B.C. when Altarians took over Egypt. It is believed that the pyramid was constructed between 10,490 B.C. and 10,390 B.C. Only the great pyramid and the Sphinx were built very close to the last precession. The Altarian rulers did not like the cap stone because it showed all three religions as one. It was not destroyed, but stored in an under ground vault. In modern times Free Masons were allowed to copy the text and build a model of it which is in the Cairo museum to this day. The cap stone was translated in 6 B.C. by Oshrain priest. The scribe O-Notis said that a note book would be found with the design work in it of the great pyramid, the under ground temple, and the cap stone; just inside and above the main door way of the pyramid. An earth quake covered the door way and it is still covered to this day. I found a copy of the cap stone in the Oharian archive and translated it my self. From what I was able to understand, there are three religions. Two give titles and descriptions of the religions. However the first and main religion only has two glyphs. The first glyph is of the wings of angels. The second is the eye of the divine. In Freemason society many have known of the missing cap stone, but they still remember what it was and what it said. It was taken down because it showed a single divine god many nine thousands years before Christ. And told of the origins of the three main religions of prehistory. The tablet of Set also shows a male and female order, working together for and under the divine god.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Osharian tale of the Sphinx

Please note that these are the ideas and records of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, and no other group.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

From the tablets of O-Notis comes the tale of the Sphinx. The most well known sphinx is the great sphinx of Giza, Egypt west of the Nile river. Osharian records state that there were three of them. The largest and only one built above ground still remains in Egypt to this day. The other two, one male and one female are now owned by the Scottish Rite Freemasons. It is said that the first sphinx was built around 10,740 B.C. after the great precession, by a group of Osharians priest. It was made in the image of the goddess Isis (Issis) which ruled until around 10,500 B.C. It was built for the worship of the lunar cults, and is aligned with the constellation of Leo in 10,500 B.C. The lion body was met to symbolize the lioness hierarchy and female ruled society. It is believed by Osharians to show that ancient Egyptian cultures were run like that of a lioness pride. Osharian researchers say that the Altarians changed the meaning and face of the sphinx to symbolize a male ruling class that took over close to 10,500 B.C.

The Dream Stela is a rectangular stone with a rounded top, that was set up between the front legs of the Great Sphinx at Giza.

Although the monument purports to date to the early years of the reign of Thutmosis IV of the 18th Dynasty, there are errors and irregularities in orthography that are inconsistent with this date and type of monument. It is possible that the text is an attempted restoration of a damaged original that was dated to Thoth, or that the entire monument is of a later date altogether and was intended as an attempt to enhance the importance of the Great Spinx.

The top part of the stela shows the king, on the left and on the right oriented towards the centre, bringing an offering to the Sphinx. For practical, esthetical and religious reasons, the Sphinx has about the same size as the king. This meant that the Sphinx, in real life much bigger and higher than a human being, had to be displayed as if it were lying on a podium, decorated with the recessed paneling known as serekh.

Below is a short story from the Egyptian book of the dead.

"On one of these days it happened, when a Egyptian child had arrived on his journey about the time of mid-day, and had stretched himself to rest in the shade of this great goddess, that sleep overtook him. He dreamed in his slumber at the moment when the sun was at the zenith, and it seemed to him as though this great god spoke to him with his own mouth, just as a mother speaks to her son, addressing him thus:- ' Behold me, look at me, thou, my child. I am your Mother. The kingdom shall be given to you .... and you shall wear the white crown and the red crown on the throne of the earth-goddess, the youngest (among the three orders). The world shall be yours in its length and in its breath, as far as the light of the eye of the being of the universe shines. Plenty and riches shall be yours; the best from the interior of the land, and rich tributes from all nations; long years shall be granted to you as your term of life. My countenance is gracious towards you, and my heart clings to you; [I will give you] the best of all things. The sand of the district in which I have my existence has covered me up. Promise me that you will do what I wish in my heart; then shall I know whether you are my son, my helper. Go forward let me be united to you. I am that I am " Below is a translation of the stela that sites between the paws of the sphinx.

"Once upon a time he practised a spear-throwing for his pleasure on the territory of the Memphite nome, in its southern and northern extent, where he slung brazen bolts at the target, and hunted lions in the valley of the gazelles. He rode in his two-horsed chariot, and his horses were swifter than the wind. With him were two of his attendants. No man knew them.

Then was the hour in which he granted rest to his servants. He took advantage of it to present to Horemkhu, near the (temple of) Seker in the city of the dead, and to the goddess Rannu, an offering of the seeds of the flowers on the heights [and to pray to the great mother Isis, the lady of] the north wall and the lady of the south wall, and to Sekhet of Xois, and to Set. For a great enchantment rests on this place from the beginning of time, as far as the districts of the lords of Babylon, the sacred road of the gods to the western horizon of On-Heliopolis, because the form of the Sphinx is a likeness of the lioness goddess, the very great god who abides at this place, the greatest of all spirits, the most venerable being who rests upon it. To her the inhabitants of Memphis and of all towns in her district raise their hands to pray before his countenance, and to offer her rich sacrifices."

What a bout the two guardian sphinx? Well it is believed that they guarded the gates to the hall of records in the sunken temple of Osiris. It is said that Thoth (Alta) had them built to protect the hall of records from unwanted visitors. Each of them had the gray cloaks of the Order of Oshar. The male one was made in the image of Thoth, (Alta son of Atlas), and the female one was made in the image of Isis, (Atla daughter of Atlas). The Osharian tell goes on to say that only someone that was willing to use the knowledge for all of mankind could inter the hall of records and that any one else would die. Some Osharians believe that this proves that the Freemason found the lost hall of records. These masons removed the guardians so that they could keep the hall of records for them selves. It is believed that they hold the scrolls of Thoth in their under ground vaults to this day, to protect them until the time when the three orders come back together.