Friday, December 11, 2009

Osharian Super Relativity theory and multiverse theory

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

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The Theory of Super Relativity is a philosophy that describes a physical model of reality. All phenomena that occur can be explained by the one unifying object of our existence, which is space itself. Super Relativity can be most accurately described as an extension of the Einstein’s Special Relativity. There exists only one thing that is real and physical – space itself. Our entire reality stems from this object. Scientific evidence suggests because light has been proven to be a transverse wave and these occur in solids rather than gases or fluids. In the Super Relativity model particles are not separate from space. Since Super Relativity says that space is an object, it therefore attempts to define it by describing its properties. There are only three true forces of nature – Magnetism, the attractive and repulsive fields of Electrostatic charge and the attractive force of Gravity. Within Super Relativity, particle interactions are caused by the three primary forces of nature. The strong force is considered to be a special form of Force or a kind of atomic gravity, which quark fields are entangled and not separate field configurations like electrons or photons. Only subatomic particles such as tachyons and gravitons can reach the velocity of light and beyond. If tachyons and gravitons are trapped in an egg of Columbus field, then you can reach the velocity of positive light (186,282 miles/second) and above. This in turn lets you vibrate above the speed of light or the speed of a closed string. The closed string creates a membrane in the shape of a sphere. Open strings like tachyon can cross over this membrane and into other closed strings of that are set at a different vibration rate. Scientist like Einstein proposed that the source of the gravitational field must stem somehow from the motion of electromagnetic particles. They simply did not have enough physical data to construct a completed theory of everything according to popular belief. The Theory of Super Relativity recognizes that the origin of Gravity is the result of the action of accelerated motion of unbalanced charges. This type of charged particle motion generates the mechanical, spatial distortion in which space is slightly contracted by the orbital motion of quarks and electrons. Therefore the possible explanation for the bridging mechanism between gravity and electromagnetism is now explained.

String Theory and now unified string theory or M-theory help support the new Super Relativity theory. M Theory basically combines or compresses all the other String Theories into 1 single theory. In this theory there are 11 plus 0 strings or 12 total spheres that each have their own harmonic vibration rate. In the Merkabah it also shows a 12 spheres over lapping each other. For more on this type of topic see Dr. Michio Kaku article.

They had gathered to debate what Ellis considers the most dangerous idea in science: the suggestion that our universe is but a tiny part of an unimaginably large and diverse multiverse.

To the dismay of Ellis and many of his colleagues, the multiverse has developed rapidly from a being merely a speculative idea to a theory verging on respectability. There are good reasons why. Several strands of theoretical physics - quantum mechanics, string theory and cosmic inflation - seem to converge on the idea that our universe is only one among an infinite and ever-growing assemblage of disconnected bubble universes.

What's more, the multiverse offers a plausible answer to what has become an infuriatingly slippery question: why does the quantity of dark energy in the universe have the extraordinarily unlikely value that it does? No theory of our universe has been able to explain it. But if there are countless universes out there beyond our cosmic horizon, each with its own value for the quantity of dark energy it contains, the value we observe becomes not just probable but inevitable.

Raphael Bousso of the University of California, Berkeley, has also been grappling with the multiverse, and in the past few months he has found a way round the troubling problem of unobservable universes. At a stroke, he has transformed the multiverse from a theory so problematical that it threatens to subvert science, into one that promises predictions we can test. His insights are steering physicists along the path to their ultimate goal of uniting quantum mechanics and gravity into one neat theory of everything.

Bousso's achievement is all the more impressive because he has succeed where so many others have tried and failed. The problem they all encountered boils down to this: like quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, multiverse cosmology is an exercise in statistics. Given a universe within the multiverse, you cannot predict what its key characteristics will be - how much dark energy it contains, say. The best you can do is calculate the probability that it looks the way it does based on how likely it is that a universe with its particular set of characteristics will occur in the multiverse. Calculating probabilities, though, requires a "measure" - a mathematical tool that tells you how to define relative probabilities. And finding the right measure for the multiverse is far from easy.

Implicit in previous approaches was the idea that the multiverse can be described from an observerless, God's-eye-view, and Bousso realised that this was what lead to all those intractable infinities. So he decided to calculate probabilities based on what any one observer can see from within their own universe.

Quantum mechanics tells us that the vacuum of space is not empty; instead, it crackles with energy. It also tells us that, sooner or later, any given universe will decay spontaneously into another one with lower energy. Indeed, most cosmologists envisage our big bang as precisely such an event, during which the vacuum we live in emerged from a higher-energy vacuum that constituted a universe before ours. What matters here, though, is that there are a plethora of possible universes that can be produced in this way - each one with its own probability. By adding up these probabilities, Bousso was able to work out the various probabilities of the observer ending up in a universe with a particular set of characteristics.

This artist’s drawing shows Gravity Probe B orbiting the Earth to measure spacetime. A new study proposes that spacetime could be both discrete and continuous simultaneously. Credit: NASA.
( -- Space time, which consists of three dimensions of space and one time dimension, is such a large, abstract concept that scientists have a very difficult time understanding and defining it. Moreover, different theories offer different, contradictory insights on space time’s structure. While general relativity describes space time as a continuous manifold, quantum field theories require space time to be made of discrete points. Unifying these two theories into one theory of quantum gravity is taking it to the next level of understanding.

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