Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Osharian Halloween

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Many cultures and peoples celebrate Halloween. The origins of Halloween varies from culture to culture. The Osharian tradition of Halloween comes from the records of the last cataclysm. It was in this time that hundreds of millions of humans died. So, for Osharians this is a day to morn the loss of human lives. 
The cause is due to the Taurus impacts that were extreme during all three Dryases.
Tuarids: The Taurids are an annual meteor shower. The Southern Taurids are active from September 10th to November 20th. With the Northern Taurids being active from October 20th to December 10th.Encke and the Taurids are believed to be remnants of a much larger comet, which has disintegrated over the past 50,000 to 30,000 years.

The Dyras periods of meteor impacts : 16,500- 15,000 BC ~ Oldest Dryas
11,900 - 11,600 BC ~ Old Dryas
11,000 - 9,600 BC ~ Younger Dryas
Oct 31, 11,860 BC marks one of the most violent impacts.  This is the day when the souls are said to return. Those that die and are not at rest. It is also when Osharians remember the changing of the ages. The fact is that the cataclysms happened just after the fall equinox that marks the end of summer. This change in orbit combined with Precession of the axis gives this day many deeper meanings related to a great destruction when millions died. 

From the records of O-Notis states:

" In the time when the age of ice will come to an end, when world's water levels will rise. The axis will shift from the change in celestial bodies. The pole star will change. It is in this time after that a tropical age will begin. This is the galactic change of the seasons. At this time of great change, many lands will be covered by water; those closest to the coasts. Other lands will be attacked by volcanic eruptions, earth quakes, and super storms. It is in the ten years after the large ice sheets melt and flood the world, that another small age of ice will return. This will be a short period of time. After this time it will be half a full age of tropical weather. The end of this tropical time will be at the end of the 4th age. This will bring in the beginning of the 5th age."

"At the time of the change between the 3rd and 4th ages 90% of the human population, some 133 million people will die in the first month after the fall equinox. This is the way the planet will protect it's self from human over population. This will take place around the 10,800 year before the first return of Atlas. 10,622 years before the return of Atlas, ancient knowledge will create pyramid sites to mark the time of greatest destruction. These pyramid sites will become a network to protect humans from the times when ages change. Each full age is 25,826.4 years. Each age is marked by the Earth axis change. This is the galactic change of seasons. In the time at the beginning of the 4th age a day will be set aside to morn the loss of the 133 million human lives lost. This is just after the fall equinox. This will be the best day of the year to contact the souls of those lost from the physical worlds. This day should also remind us and warn us of the great changing of the ages."
"In the 4th age many secret orders will aid mankind in the construction of pyramid sites. Some of these will be Osharian and Iltarian. However the Altarians will control the central site in Egypt, Africa. The seed of a new Altean nation will be born in this time period. This will be 1,800 years after the first return of Atlas. From the lands south ( east in the 4th age ) of the Middle sea, will come Atlas at the time of the bright star. This bright star is the result of the end of the war between the Pleiades and Sirius. All 12 species of our galaxy will be enslaved to the Anu. Only the 1st and 12th species that will mix together will remain. These 1st and 12th species come from the Pleiades and Sirius C. Many souls from all over our galaxy will emigrate to Earth because of the galatic war. In this time Atlas will plant the seeds to over throw the Altarians of Earth, which worship Anu of the Sirius. A religion of Atlas will be formed from his first return. Atlas will return to Earth at the end of the 4th age. It is his physical death that will seed the new religion of the cross to be born. By this time Atea will have great power and be the super power by the end of the 4th age."
" At the end of the 4th age Atlas will return again. It is in this time that Anu will attack Earth again. Earth will in this time be the last strong hold of Ani. Because of free will, it is not known if mankind will be ready. Atlas said to us scribes that at the time of his second return, a great galatic war will come to Earth. It is said that Atlas will bring the power of Ana with him. Atlas will force Anu to return to his own universe. All species of our galixy will revolt against Anu."
To understand the science behind these records, go to the article on Precession. Go to ‘ Book of O-Notis scribe of Atlas’ then ' Fall of the last Osharian tower' also 'Legand of the Mora-Tome'

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