Sunday, October 11, 2009

Osharian testament of God part 2 ( The hidden records )

( Book of O-Notis )
[section 2, Atlas story]
Translated by: Kohen Indollen Atlas Oshar Copyright 2008

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

“ Let it first be known that you must record my word for others, of another to learn of in the end days. Keep it secret and sacred. To only the families of David and Zadok will this be known until the time of the end days. In the land call Anahual (meaning: The place in the circle of the mist. ), named by the Qaddinim ( meaning: Masters who judge the dimensions of higher intelligence from within the order of Michael, which operate as a security force in the balance of the cosmic law ). In the time before Adam was the time keeper. There were those of human and animal forms that had become the servants and workers of man. It was felt that reform for all individuals would give the right of free will and choice. In this time period there was much self indulgences of those that had began to put on matter. In Osharian time when individuals first saw the changes that eventually made for that opening for needs of, or the preparation for, the universal consciousness to bring into the experience what is known to man as the first created man, that was an advisor to those who would change their form, which later was called the rib of materiality. In those days the sons of God came into the elements, as man in a physical form. This led to a time when those that had died were put on the altars for sacrifice. This is were the Altarian name comes from and the order of Altar, or founded as 'The council of the Tree of the Knowledge of Chaos and Order'. With the continued disregard of the females and priestess, which were the keepers of the pure blood lines of all five races, the males brought in destructive forces to be used for the rights of the Altarian males that ruled as kings. These destructive forces were combined with gases, electric, and other natural resources, which caused mass volcanic eruptions in the once slow cooling Earth. A portion of the crust went under the ocean near what will be called the Sargasso sea. Machines of destruction were built to move across air, water, and land. Then the male Altarians attempted to use the creative forces for the separation of the physical life forms from the thought forms. Then came the separation between Iltarians, which were pure forms against the Altarian, which had projected into matter. The Iltar were founded as 'The council of the Tree of Life'.The Iltarians or females were the protectors of the white stone in side the Mora-Tome, which was used to contact the universal consciousness. The Altarians males used the other life forms for their own personal gain, with out consideration of the hardships of others, and became those with out a standard of morality. The Altarians rejected that their souls had come from the Anu ( meaning: Dark light energy), and then entered from the out side and into projections of mental and spiritual form. Then came the need for a great congress. The meeting of nations of the five tribes was held in 50,722 B.C. at the spring equinox, in the land of Anahual. The meeting was to talk about the gathering of human nations to combat the animal kingdom. At this time enormous animals over ran the Earth. The order of Oshar formed a world government, which was given tempory power to set a side land for the Project. This land was independent of any one tribe or nation of the world. The Project was given the power to use resources and people from all five nations. They made new technology to combat the animal kingdom. Atlas had been a thought form that projected into a positive light wave form, then into a semi-physical form. Atlas was of both Iltarian and Altarian orders. What would be called in that time Osharian. It was believed that Atlas could understand both points of view, of those species that came from the Pleiads and then those that came from Sirius. This is when humans first gained the knowledge of the Oshar. The Oshar of Earth where founded as the 'Council of the Tree of Truth'. The order of Oshar was given rule over the other orders, in the goal of balancing the two orders. The Project came up with it’s first invention the ‘ circle ‘. A 120 foot wall was built around the Project’s camp ground. This later was built into the first city state. The new city state was named Eden ( meaning: the eastern garden ). Atlas saved the leader of the white tribe’s daughter, when a super storm wiped out many people of that tribe, including the chief of that nation. Atlas married the daughter and became the new chief of that tribe. Atlas had two children, a son named Alta and a daughter named Atla. The land of the white tribe was picked out to be the home land of the Project. This was because of it’s location. It was at that time towards the center of the lands of all tribes. This island was the greater of the white tribe's lands. This gave the white tribe an unequal power to supervise the world government at that time. It was in the city state of Eden that the first of other tribes combined to form the 6st race or tribe of man. The mixed peoples lived in side the walls of Eden. This is when a new social structure was first formed. The new tribe was made up of peoples within the city state. Other tribes remained the same within their relationship with the Earth as it had been since the time that man and animal lived together. The great walls kept unwanted animals out, but also kept it’s people in. These people no longer hunted and gathered what they needed. The Edenians learned to domesticate animals and learned irrigation to grow plant life inside of the walls. This in turn led to over population of domesticated animals and plants. The value of life became less to the people. At first the over stock was sent to other lands to aid other nations of man. Many peoples began to emigrate to Eden to get animals and plants. It was in this time that the leaders of Eden invented the idea of trade. Trade in turn created merchant markets in Eden. Trades such as masons were formed to build in Eden. The first was the Osharian Rite Freemasons. These people worked for them selves at first and where contracted out for many jobs within Eden. The population of Eden grew out of control. This led to the first civil war of Eden. This war was to gain rights for those of trade within Eden against those of royal families that where given lands and resources with out question at that time. Temples were built for health and worship. Edenians invented math and writing in this time, which was used for construction, trade, and navigation of trade. Astronomy and other science came about in this time. This is when I came into the service of Atlas, to log and record history of the before time, this time, and the end of the 4th age. Within less than a hundred years Eden’s inner construction was finished. Atlas contracted the Osharian Rite Freemasons to build two new city state to deal with the over population of Eden. Metropolis was the first of these two to be built. Atlas had Metropolis built close to the caves in the mountains that his wife’s people had come from. It was at this time when Metropolis was built so that over 2 million people could lived in Eden. Metropolis was built to contain 5 million people. Metropolis took over a hundred and 40 years to build. At the same time construction of Peos began. Peos was to be the new Iltarian capital city state. Eden then became the Altarian capital, and Metropolis then became the Osharian capital. Atlas moved to Metropolis and gave Metropolis rule over all other city states. This was to be the great meeting place of all nations, which was held every 5 to 6 years on the equinox and solstice. As trade grew in Metropolis trade declined in Eden. Atlas gave rule of Eden to his son Alta, which ruled over the Altarian order. Atlas gave rule of Peos to his daughter Atla, which ruled over the Iltarian order. The Altarians believed that they had come from their father Atlas and that the Iltarians came from their mother. Because Atlas was not from Earth and of God the Altarians believed that they were above the Iltarians. It was in this time period that many animals were wiped out. The war against the animals was won in this time. Many leaders of native nations believed that the purpose for the Project had come to an end. The native nations had changed little in this time, but the city state nations had changed very much. This was the end of the age of peace. Alta and the Altarians traded goods all over the world at this time. At the second great meeting of nations in Metropolis, the native nations spoke out against the ways of the city state peoples. The native nations believed that the Edenians had become corrupted, self indulgent and lost their connection with nature and with god. The leaders of the native nations told Atlas that the city states should be taken down and all people should return to the nations that they had come from. By this time many no longer knew their origins and chose to stay in the city states. Some migrated back to their native lands, but were no longer the same. Alta told the leaders of native nations that Eden would no longer aid native nations. Alta returned to Eden and ordered the Altarians to banish Osharians and Iltarians from Eden. He believed that they were better and more wise than the native nations of people. The Iltarians sided with the leaders of the native nations. Atlas only wanted peace among the nations of all man, and took no one’s side. Atlas told me in this time that humans were not ready for the knowledge of the stars, that he had brought with him. Atlas warned me that his ancestors from the stars of Sirius, where on their way to Earth. Atlas and his brother Marduk had stood against Anu for thousands of years. Their home colony on Marduk ( Mars ), was blown up in the time of the last invasion from Anu. Atlas told me that he must return to the Pleiads to aid his mother Ani from an invasion from Anu. Atlas told me to relocated to the Atlas islands ( nere the Azores islands ). Atlas said that human must learn on their own how to work together to save them selves. He then told me that I would be the last Osharian high priest. He told of many wars to come and many changes of the peoples of Earth. It was at that time that Atlas left Kingu ( Earth ). I did as I was told and set up an Osharian colony in the Atlantean ocean. I sent forth another colony of Oshar to the islands in the greater outer ocean. Atla sent the Iltarians to the ancient lands of the north ( In the 4th age the west ). Alta and his Altarians lost respect for all other nations of people and physical life. He believed that all other nations were of a lesser priest craft. It was soon after, that Alta took control of the other city states. This is when the Altarian kings took by force many lands and peoples of the world. The Altarians built city states in native lands. Only Altarian masons were given access to technological tools. This led to a war between native nations and the Altarian kings. The Altarians invented many machine of war in that time. The Iltarians formed colonies that would be the ancestors of the Aztland peoples of the 3rd age. Later Alta came into the land of Egypt and was called Thoth in Egyptian. The Altarians claimed this land as their new capital. Alta knew of the time of the great precession of the axis. He took over the native black tribes of Africa. It was at this time that Altarians took over the Middle sea between Africa, Lemuria, and the Pyrenees. The great central Altarian city state was covered by the water in volcanic eruptions at the beginning of the tropical time period. It was at this time that many of the first colonies of the 4th age came into being. Alta made Issis ( Isis ) design languages for each tribe and nation. Only Alta and the order of Altar knew the ancient first language in this time period. Alta sent his priest out to find and destroy all other Osharian and Iltarian colonies that had come from Anahual before it split apart and sank. It was in this time that the Atlas islands also sank. The remaining colony of the Osharian Rite Freemasons emigrated to the great warm springs in western Africa, The circle of Atlas . It was surrounded by a large lake that turned into a river that ran to the Atlantic ocean in that time period. It was there that we built the new city state of Atlas. The warm springs formed many rings of land towards the center. We used the land’s natural form to build and design our city state. It was in this time period that Atlas returned the first time. He came from the bottom of the middle sea ( in the 4th age will be in the east ). He told me that he had lost the war in the Pleiads. He said that the Ana, ( divine God ) which is where the name of Anahual comes from, ( meaning: Ana = Divine and Hual = place ) had made an agreement with him.” This ends ‘ section 2 Atlas story’ go to ‘ Book of O-Notis scribe of Atlas’ then ' Fall of the last Osharian tower' also ' Osharian Halloween' and 'Legand of the Mora-Tome'

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