Thursday, September 3, 2009

Osharian Ark of the Covenant, The Mora-Tome

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The Mora-Tome is a transcendent record first written about in the Emerald Tablets of O-Notis. The words Mora-Tome means; Mora= As in the Hebrew word for the land of Moriah , a sacred mountain in Anahual= The land in the circle of the mist, Tome= book or doctrine. Here is a fragment of the text. " In the time of the meeting of the five nations of men, a chief of the white tribe in the land in the center of the mist; die in a great storm. His daughter was saved by the one that came from the sky, that lived in the stars, named Atlas son of Anu and Ani. Atlas came down from the cave on top of the mountain and save the young girl. It was at the meeting that Atlas came forth with the wisdom of his kind. The leaders of men migrated every 5 to 6 years to the center land. The tribes would trade and teach one another. The chiefs grow old and no long wished to make the migration. The leaders formed three councils to make up a central government. One son from each of the five chiefs of man. One daughter from each of the five shamans of man. One divine teacher to rule them all. But from the white tribe there was no son of the chief. So the tribe made Atlas their chief for saving the daughter of the chief. Atlas gave the forbidden knowledge of his kind to the mankind. Atlas then had two children, Alta and Atla. When they came of age, they in turn were made the leaders of the Altar (Male order of the sun) and Iltar (Female order of the moon), and Atlas sat in the throne of the Oshar ( non sex, divine ). Atlas feared the hearts of women and the minds of men. So to protect and contain the sacred knowledge of the universal consciousness, Atlas designed the Mora-Tome. 4 cubed parts were given to the sons of man. 5 sphere parts were given to the daughters of man. Then 3 pyramid parts were made for the Oshar, as keys to the box. This was so no one order could have control of the knowledge of the Divine consciousness. Only when all 12 parts, and all 12 members came together would the knowledge be used. It is said that the Mora-Tome was a device to channel the energy of the universe as one source of light. In side the Mora-Tome lies the white stone of destiny. When the Mora-Tome was taken a part the white stone of destiny was past down to the Iltarian high priestess and taken to Altea. Later Jewish priest returned the stone to Jerusalem , where it stayed until the Templar's took it from under king Solomon's temple. It was put on board a ship headed to Scotland. Some believe a group of Osharians took it before it made it to Scotland.

It is said that the idea to build a circle wall around the tribe's camp came from Atlas. This gave birth to the first Masons which built the first city state of Eden. The first covenant with God was made with Atlas when he gave to the human people the idea to build a circle wall around themselves. This is where the origin of the word ' covenant ' comes from, meaning " to cover or protect and enclose. Becuase God destoried the very first covenant it was kept secret from non priesthood people. No one wanted to tell the story of mankinds first mess up. ' The Covenant of Atlas ' is not the same as ' The Testament of Atlas '. The testament of Atlas was an agreement between God and Atlas which was fullfiled. The covenant failed and only Jesus Christ and the Osharian priesthood knew of the first covenant and testament. The Mora-Tome was the first or ' Resh Ark ha da covenant ha Elohim '.

The Mora-Tome had three locks in place. The first was the pieces themselves would have to be put together. The outer parts made a box 45 inchs long and 27 inches wide. There the three keys, one for each of the leaders would be place in the center. On the circle plates in the center, were many rings, each with a different celestial language engraved on them. 7 rings in all, that rotated around one another like planets to a star. These circles would turn every 2,152 years. When all of the glyphs lined up, once every 12,826.4 years, the box could then be opened like a time lock. However all 12 members (one member for each house or tribe) had to be there for it to open, because it picked up on the members carrier signals ( carrier signal= is the 3 points of vibration a being's soul is at in the 3 constructs ). This makes up a frequency harmonic lock. It is said that the sons of man did not wish to divide power among the other orders. After Atlas had Metropolis built, Alta was given rule over Eden. Alta banished all Osharians and Iltarians from Eden. Then he attacked the capital. Atlas on what is now known as Yom Kippur ,went up to the top of the central temple and left the Earth. In this moment of transcendent, the pyramid key became apart of Atlas. Atla and the Iltar fled the city state of Peos and went to the lands in the west. Many ages later the sons of Alta took the pyramid key from the daughters of Atla. Atla was the ancestor of Mary, mother of Jesus. When the parts the Iltarians held was taken by force by the Altarians, the coventant of Atlas was broken. God took Atlas back up into the heaveans but told Atlas that the trust between them had been strained. To repear this the female and male bloodlines must meet again when pure. The cross is a simble of the two female and male coming back together. This could only be down after the ' new ark of the covenant ' was formed, i.e. Mary is the new. Jesus Christ is the ' True covenant '. God It is said that in the time of the precession that the three orders will meet in the great pyramid of Giza to bring the pieces of the Mora-Tome back together. Atlas will come down from the stars and open the box for man once more. Only when the three become one can man change and be able to use the source energy of the universe. Only after the two parts and the hidden part which was once taken away came together again. "From once was taken away" relates to Matthew 18:11 " For the Son of Man has come to save that which was LOST." .

As stated in the Tablets of O-Notis " Man as human has been around in many forms longer than than man remembers. We as humans came from the stars, and will be visited by others and are ancestors again and again over. Let it be known that the great pyramid builders and other cultures of science is of our doing. We of our own colonies have built these inventions. We had such knowledge and will again have this knowledge. Atlas gave his soul to protect and start our own rite. In the time of the first city state Osharian Freemasons were free to share their knowledge. In this time all species work together in this goal of building and creating. After the Altar ( al-tar, meaning to build a place to worship the solar beings, the sons of god and Father or male ), order took control of the capital ( Metropolis ), all knowledge was guarded and forbidden to those that did not work as masons under Altarian rule. This knowledge was for all of mankind, not just the few that ruled over it. This is when the three orders separated. Since such times our history has been used against our selves. In the late 5th age humans will create a device of many minds to share knowledge with one another. The different sects of Freemason will war against each other for total power over the Mora-Tome and what was used to come to this place."

There will be an image add to this post later.

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