Monday, August 10, 2009

Osharian capital Of Atlas before the flood

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Oshar, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

It is believed that this city state was modeled after the ancient city state of Eden ( shown at top). The image at top is just a guess of how the first Capital might have looked like. The pictures below that shows how the new capital might have looked in it's golden age. The bottom picture shows how this area looks to day and is a G.P.S. over view picture. This was the Osharian city state capital named after Atlas. In the time before the flood (33,000 B.C. to 13,000 B.C.), that destroyed the main islands that were just east of there. It is located in Mauri, Africa. Some of the remaining Osharian people built their city state on top of a large hydrothermal volcanic symmetrical uplift, which at that time was surrounded by fresh water, which formed a lake that ran to a water way that lead to the Atlantic ocean. Many believe that the Phoenicians were the descendants of this Atlaspolis city state. The warm springs have long been gone, but the tribes that still live in this area claim there was a great city state in that location. They go on to say that there was a king that had come from the sea which colonized before the last great flood, some where around 28,000 B.C. Later the tropical condition of the Sahara changed around 13,000 B.C. to 10,908 B.C. at the end of the last ice age. The Sahara is wet lands for 20,000 years at a time, then dry desert for the same amount of time. Meaning of the word Atlas (1):King Atlas (Alpheus), a mythical King of Mauretania, according to legend, a wise philosopher, mathematician and astronomer who supposedly made the first celestial globe. It was this Atlas that Mercator was referring to when he first used the name 'Atlas' In Antiquity, Mauretania was originally an independent Berber kingdom on the Mediterranean coast of north Africa (named after the Mauri tribe, after whom the Moors were named), corresponding to western Algeria, northern Morocco and Spanish Plazas de soberanĂ­a. The Mauri people were indicated with the Greek word mauros, black. Some of the earliest recorded history relates to Phoenician and Carthaginian settlemen. The Mauri tribe came from south west Africa and move a long the Atlas mountains to the north and east. This is one of the few fragments that proove to Osharians that Lord Atlas left around 50,422 B.C. then returned around 28,000 B.C. and the last return was around 6 B.C. It is believed that he will return again some 12,826.4 years later. Atlas city state is some times referred to as the "Eye of Africa". This prominent circular feature, known as the Richat Structure, near Atar ( Atar is named after Altarians or Ataranta, not to be misstake as Athanasius), and Quadane in the Maur Adrar desert in the Sahara region of Mauritania is often noted by astronauts because it forms a conspicuous 50-kilometer-wide (30-mile-wide) bull's-eye on the otherwise rather featureless expanse of the desert. Initially mistaken for a possible impact crater, it is now known to be an eroded circular anticline (structural dome) of layered sedimentary rocks formed by an ancient hot spring. The high levels of salt show that it might have connected to the Atlantic ocean by way of canals. Osharian scientist claim that paleozoic quartz crystal, forms the resistant beds outlining the structure. Osharian geologist state that the Richat structure (Sahara, Mauritania) appears as a large dome at least 50 km in diameter within a Late Proterozoic to Ordovician sequence. Erosion has created circular cuestas represented by five rings dipping outward from the structure. The center of the structure consists of a limestone-dolomite shelf that encloses a kilometer-scale siliceous breccia and is intruded by basaltic ring dikes, kimberlitic intrusions, and alkaline volcanic rocks. The archive inventory shows a record of three objects being found in the center area in 1934, a year after Tesla founded O.S.P. The objects them selves are not disclosed, but were log in as being "Ancient Osharian objects from between 28,000 B.C. to 10,908 B.C." The inventory records are restricted to only archivist and high council members only. The object are locked away in a vault that only someone with a written P.O.A. (Pass of Access) can get in. This would mean all members of the ' Council of the tree of truth ' would have to approve it first. This by the way has never happened before. Those Osharians that follow the Bible believe that the vault will not be open until the end days when all three orders are said to meet again."
:New science up date:
"In the case of the Richat Structure, it is evident that the force uplifting the area also cut the concentric crater walls. In crater formation, the electrical forces constrain the arc to contact the surface at a 90-degree angle. Because the arc typically consists of one or more pairs of channels rotating around a common axis, a stationary arc will etch a circular crater and, in stratified terrain, will machine out concentric circles." In Osharian mason tradition city state sites are chosen for only a few reasons. Magnetic and geomagnetic energy was used as a green power source for Osharians. Volcanic venting for energy was also common to the Oshar. Lay line locations where electric volcanic power is common are a key signature to Osharian sites.
:Here is the first record from Greeks of the Atlas city state:Herodotus:
The Histories, c. 430 BCE to 550 CE. Mauretania: "Necos, the Egyptian king, who on desisting from the canal which he had begun between the Nile, sent to sea a number of ships manned by Phoenicians, with orders to make for the Pillars of Hercules, and return to Egypt through them, and by the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians took their departure from Egypt by way of the Erythraean sea, and so sailed into the southern ocean. Joseph was taken to Egypt in 2276 age 17, nearly 200 years after Abram’s visit. He was sold to Pharaoh B’s official named Potiphar. From Augila there is again a salt-hill and a spring; palms of the fruitful kind grow here abundantly, as they do also at the other salt-hills. This region is inhabited by a nation called the Mauri, a very powerful people, who cover the salt with mold, and then sow their crops. These people are called the Atarantians, who alone of all known nations are destitute of names. The title of Atarantians is borne by the whole race in common; but the men have no particular names of their own. The Atarantians, when the sun rises high in the heaven, curse him, and load him with reproaches, because (they say) he burns and wastes both their country and themselves. Many of these people live by salt-mines, these people dwell round it who all of them build their houses with blocks of the salt. No rain falls in these parts; if it were otherwise, the walls of these houses could not stand. The salt quarried is of two colors, white and purple. The tribes here tell of the ruins of an ancient capital. They say it fell many thousands of years before this time. They go on to give details of a king that had come from the sea that had very lite skin. They go on to say the spring they lived by dried up and those that lived in the city state migrated to Egypt and for many hundreds of years sold the stones block of their city state to the Egyptian kings to pay their way in Egypt. They also say that many migrated to Cainis now known as the Gaza strip." Some Osharian believe that Jews picked up the tri-deity idea from them, but later chose to join as one sect after a long war between the three sects ended. In this belief there is three parts to god's being, ' YHVH ' Meaning the male or solar cult. Then came the ' YSVH ' meaning the female or lunar cult. In the end the ' YHWH ' divine or cosmic cult was chosen to be thier deity." Osharian scientist hope by 2011 to send a research group to this area. You can copy and paste this source link:

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