" I have never seen the ' Os stone ' but O-Notis states it was a record of each ' Project ' up to 33rd. In the time period of O-Notis only 3 of these 33 sites had been built, Eden, Metropolis, and Peos (Paos). The big clue was the notes on the side of the text that had 4 glyphs, the bull, the lion, the human, and the eagle. I found that these glyphs were empire fallowed by a reset then another empire. I think it goes, Atlantis the bull, Egypt the lion, Rome the man, America the eagle. Each of these empires were part of a plan by the ' God architect '. This to date was just a theory."
However It does give a list of inventory. This was so that the masons would know what it would cost to build each site before being commissioned to be built. One Star family was picked for each project, with the only rule being that an elected Star family can only be commission for one site for every 33 sites built. This also laid a road work for all Mason site to come. Each had their own signature of architecture from each of the Star families.
The stone goes on to say that there is many cycles to all things within the universe. The ones of this planet are slow by the time of each person or generation. These cycle take thousands to millions of years to come about. Many times one event can make others happen too. Some times they over lap, and other times there are gaps where nothing at all seems to happen. Some cycles have greater impact on people than others. The great cycles make people migrate and start over. Free masons found patterns in history and time. Once they knew when one of these major events was about to happen, they could plan a head. So the different Free mason groups did. Most of the ages they where unknown members that didn't do much at all. However when one of the events was near Free masons would build and become active. This is what they do. They build before and after these great events. This is away of being public in these change over times. Then after the reset and a mass loss of population, they start over and trade there mason skills and knowledge to get them close to anyone in power. They are also funded by ' Star families'. These are Free mason families that paid dues at the time of the first 33 projects.
I know of some of the sites listed but many of them have been destroyed or have yet to be found again and some had their names changed. It would seem that Atlas was not the only off planet being to give secret knowledge to humans. The mason sites that are known of by the public are made up of three mason sects. The Oshar were one of these groups. the evidence is in the difference of their building styles.
The Os stone was said to give a blue print on how to build societies and civilizations. This program can take many generations to finish but it works very well. The Egypt, Rome, and America are samples of these super civilizations that were operated in secret by Free mason groups. The idea of banking is one of these tell tell signs of Free mason blue print at work. O-Notis states that this blue print was given to Atlas by Anu before he founded a colony on this planet. It gave instructions on how to build and rule over new formed colonies. This blue print is more of a military plan to subdue life forms and program them to meet your needs. The funny part is that Atlas did not use the blue print to start up here. He changed it all for a human woman. O-Notis claims that the pyramid shaped Os stone was place in a hall at the capital temple in Metropolis. Just before the attack on the city state, O-Notis and other priest of the house of Altea took what items they could and fled to islands. It is reported by a Osharian priest who migrated to Bolivia and started a colony some 13,000 to 12,000 years age, that the Os stone was used by his kind to build the foundation of the MesoAmerican super civilizations. The priest claims that a 120 years later the Altarian navy sunk the ship that had it on board. The priest does not give the location but states it was sunk in the western part of the Circle Sea of Atlas. This is now known as the Mid Atlantic ocean. Some Osharians believe that the Samuel Project found the Os stone but others think it is a part of the Mora-Tome.
O-Notis warns us that the Os stone will only be found and made public just before a reset point is coming. It is believed that it is a " I told you so" message to the people after the point that it is too late. Most Osharians think the Os stone is a cursed item and brings about the end of super civilizations when found. So some Osharian hope that it hasn't been found again yet.
" I think they did find it and don't want to tell even their own people. There must be some kind of cover up from thousands of years age that relates to the Os stone. There seems to be some kind of agreement with other Free masons to keep this unknown for now."
For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.