Thursday, April 4, 2024

Osharian Abzu

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on research and ancient records.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Enki legend may be real. Eridu was not the oldest civilization found to date. Eridu was not the first Abzu. Ab=water Zu=deep, ' The water's deep. '

  The first Abzu is now believed  to be located in South Africa. Found by Johan Heine in 2003. Heine has been documenting these site for 20 years now. He originally became interested when a friend's plane crash landed near Adam's calendar. 

This site tells an important story to humanity.  The site was found in South Africa around 152 miles inland, just west of Maputo port. The site is believed to be the ancient ruins of Abzu. The central complex is 14,500 square miles. 

 Osharian researchers a long with other scientists believed the site to be around 162,000 years old. This is based on a large monolithic calendar found at one of the locations at the site. The calendar is aligned with Orion. This provides evidence that these people understood the precession cycle. The horizon calibration of the calendar is set to 160,000 BC. This was also supported by Dolerite stone erosion analysis. 

The first calculations of the age were done in 2009 by Tellinger an astronomer and Bill Hollenbach based on the rise of Orion, a constellation known for its three bright stars forming the "belt" of the mythical hunter.

The Earth wobbles on its axis and so the stars and constellations change their angle of presentation in the night sky on a cyclical basis. This rotation, called the precession completes a cycle about every 25,920 years. By determining when the three stars of Orion's belt were positioned flat (horizontal) against the horizon, we can estimate the time when the three stones in the calendar were in alignment with these stars.

This remarkable stone structure of Adam's Calendar was originally a large circular structure resembling something like Stonehenge but many thousands of years older. Its original shape is still clearly visible from satellite images. Adam's Calendar is built along the same 30 to 31 degrees longitudinal line as Great Zimbabwe, Nabta Playa and the Great Pyramid of Giza.

 Great Zimbabwe itself seems to be a larger partially intact version of the other circular site that are associated with Abzu.

Nabta Playa also has a direct alignment with Orion's belt, as well as the Great pyramid of Giza.

An astronomical observatory was found in what is believed to have be an ancient temple. The site is made up of circular structures inside a large circle around it. Based on the city state size it is guessed that it might have had a population 200,000 and even up to a million people that lived in surrounding area of Abzu.

The native people say that they have been mining in this area since the stone age.

Since these events appear to coincide with the dates of "Mitochondrial Eve" (i.e. 250,000 to 150,000 BP) and appear to be located in the richest gold mining region on the planet, Abzu. Some researchers are thinking that the Sumerian legends may, in fact, might be based on some real historical events.

The general area has a strange history.  While researching the native people of that region, We found a legend that connects it to another ancient site in Colombia, South America.

The El Dorado peoples claim to have roamed the plains of South Africa Highveld in the province of Moumalanga.
The Muisca from the high lands in Cundinamarca had migrated from the low lands around 1,270 BCE according to them. This coincides with the myth of a king of Muisca  who through gold dust had produced energy.

  All of these were masive sites buit in circles, with astronomical observatories and monolithic calendars that all some how could calculate the precession cycle and calibrate these clocks/ calendars to the time period and age when they were built. 

The structured themselves act by way of geometrical design like magnatrons. The energy produced is mind boggling. There was readings taken that picked up on cymatic wave properties in functioning within the architecture.

So back to the site at Abzu.  The geometry used at the site is very important. Most civilizations build in squares. The Osharian masons however build in circles when ever possible. They of course are not the only culture to build in circles.  The circle can represent the sphere. This tells you what type of mason sect might have built here. The sphere is related to the cosmic orders of celestial spheres.

 There was white powder residue found in the circles.  Turns out that the white powder is monoatomic gold. Johan Heine claims it levitates and becomes transdimensional at temperatures of 700 K to 800 K.  It would seem if he is correct, that these structures might have been being used to refine gold into monoatomic gold on a massive scale.

More independent testing and studies need to be done to substantiate these claims.

Many more sites of the Abzu have been found in South-Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia, Kenya and Mozambique. As well as recently ones found in Syria, Arabia and Jordan.

There is a strange possible connection to the Annunaki mythology. Although Atlas seems to have had some kind of contract with them that seems to have been violated.

From the book of O-Notis it states that Kingu ( Earth ), had been discovered 16,000 years before the founding of the Oshar of Earth. This means a 110,000 year before the construction of the city state of Aden.

Atlas gives an account of this time period. In his record he states that while developing the Altarian colony on Marduk (Mars) for Anu, many other probes where sent to the near by area. From the probe data Atlas found life already living on Earth. He  goes on to say he personally visited the planet long before Anu and his colony forces had made the hyperspace jump to there. He goes on to say he did not report his discovery back to the home command. 

Anu commission Atlas to explore this region of space which could indicate that these mining colonies never returned to Orion. The fact that the city state's calendar is aligned to Orion's belt shows that this colony was of Anu. But Altarians build in squares. So how was an Osharian colony found before this time. This site is evidence that Atlas had been mining while he still was building on Mars. Apparently Atlas did not want the gold claimed by them. This means that this gold may still remain hidden deep underground in the Atlas vaults on Mars in theory. 

Special note[

 73,920 BC ~ Phantom Annunaki of Orian v.s. Pleiadian-Annunaki of Marduk ( Mars ). This colony was founded by Atlas and Kingu, later named after Kingu's brother Marduk. The Orian Annunaki chose to mix with the Pleiadian colony from Earth. v.s. Pleiadian-Annunaki of Marduk then fought and defeated the advances of the Nibiruian Anu-Anunnak by blowing up the surface of Marduk ( Mars) while Nibiru was docking with Marduk. ]

On a personal note, I must bring up Edgar Cayce and his readings about that time period. He makes a reference to a source,  Dr. Robert Broom in 1948 discovered a fossil jaw of a giant ape hominid. This was later dated to between 100,000 to 300,000 BC.

 It was found only 30 miles from Abzu near Johannesburg, South Africa.

 Another noted scientist found pygmy homo erectus skull in this same area. Homo sapien being one of five sapiens that have a major genetic mutation. which changed them from hominids into sapiens.

The primary information in this article is referenced from Dan Eden, Cyril Hromnik, Richard Wade, and Johan Heine. 

Abzu which is the same as Abzul in the Sumerian culture. The Abzu is an subterranean river and aquifer system that runs from the Nile delta south to the southern most part of South Africa.  It branches off and also runs west under the Sahara to the west coast. To date very little verification of this has been made. Although the Osharian records state this clearly and even have ancient maps of this subterranean water network.  This is not been released to the public yet.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Osharian City-state of Tartarus

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on research and ancient records.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Tartarus:   Tartessos,  ' Tartarus ' also named Tarishish. According to Osharian researchers, Tartarus was one of the 10 city-states of the alleged Atlantean empire. Due to it's location was well know for it's trade with western Europe and the Mediterranean. 

Home to Atlantic Basque and Berber settlers as early as 45,000 BC.

In the historical records, Tartessos (Greek: Ταρτησσός) appears as an ancient harbor city with a culture in the south coast of the Iberian Peninsula (in modern day Andalusia , Spain), at the mouth of the Guadalquivir. It appears in sources from Greece and the Near East starting during the first millennium BC. Herodotus, for example, describes it as beyond the Pillars of Hercules. Roman authors tend to echo the earlier Greek sources, but from around the end of the millennium there are indications that the name Tartessos had fallen out of use and the city may have been lost to multiple floods.

The Tartessians were rich in metals. In the 4th century B.C. the historian Ephorus describes " A very prosperous market called Tartessos, with much tin carried by river, as well as gold and copper from Celtic lands ". Trade in tin was very lucrative in the Bronze age.  A king of Tartessos, Arganthonios, presumably was named for his wealth in silver.

This might have been the longest standing Atlatean city-state of all time. It was best known for it mines and vast verity of metal that never seem to run dry through the 10's of thousands of years. It had been so important that it was rebuilt many times over the centuries and it's name changed many times over. Archaeologist recently rediscovered this site.

Tartessos is an older name for " Tartarus ". Which many false Greek legends and myth speak about. As the legend goes, the Titans, also known as the elder gods, ruled the earth before the Olympians overthew them. The ruler of the Titans was Cronus who was de-throned by his son Zeus. Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus and were punished by being banished to Tartarus.

Simply this legend is away to describe political wars between the Atlantic cultures and the Greeks. The elder gods ( Titans ), represents the ancient Atlantic peoples in theory and the later and newer Greeks ( Olympians ).

Which represents the distinctions between the before world and the new world that came about after the Younger Dryas time period. An allegory for the antiderivantian time period and the later reset after the great flood possibly.

This shows neighboring civilizations much later in the Bronze age after the great flood.

Artist depiction of what the harbor city-state might have look like before the Younger Dryas event.

Lidar images:

Initial scans and GPS.

There is a site farther inland called ' Cancho Roano '. It is believed by the local people that this was a ceremonial model that was a memorial to the fallen Atlantic capital city-state.

This stone stood in the front arch way of the site. As you may see the symbol here could represent the original capital city-state that was located in the current day Azores islands.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Osharian Great pyramid of Giza SAR

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on  research and ancient records.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Computer rendering of compiled data. So much to see here.

New evidence has come to light that is still very mostly unknown to the archaeological community. Osharian researcher have been working for years behind the scenes with others. Waiting for permits and permission to continue our on going research on the Great pyramid of Giza.
Our efforts and the efforts of other in the field finally made a holy Grail type of breakthrough. 

This being the work of Corrado Malanga and Filippo Biondi that are independent scientist.

 SAR scans show so much that has never been seen or even speculated.
( Synthetic Aperture Radar )
Doppler tomography reveals details of undiscoveries that are mind blowing. 

On August 30, 2022 the results of the scan were submitted for review.

The results are estimated by processing series of SAR images from the second-generation Italian COSMO-SkyMed satellite system, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed method. Muon sensors were also used to confirm the current data. set.
The sult have brought about many new theories. However the ideas proposed in this article are not new among the Osharians. The sacred records go into deep details of certain technologies that were employed. It is only now that supporting  data has been brought to light that allows us to bring for a certain information.

As you can see in this image, there is an indication that there is probably more than one structure within. 

This one shows a very deep multi-level border shaft. This tunnel system boarders what is now observed to be the remains of an earlier pyramid structure.

This image shows that in fact there are two tunnels shafts that run down from the boarder tunnels around the first pyramid.

This image goes on to show many substructures underground. 
This shows how the border tunnels system connects.
This image shows several large void, chambers.

From the image above, and combined with the image below, you can clearly see a row of coffer shaped chambers below in front of the pyramid.

These images show the vast network of tunnel systems and chamber voids.

This show the from entrance chamber and how at one point in time it connected to the queen's chamber.

This image is a especially interesting.
Some observations.
(1) You can see the clear outline of the first and inner pyramid. 
(2) You can see that the grand gallery is located on the outer slop of the inner pyramid.
(3) The king's chamber sits perfectly on top of the inner pyramid and is aligned with the center of the second, outer pyramid's pinnacle point.
(4) It appears that the inner pyramid contained the queen's chamber and shafts. The outer pyramid is of the same design but on a large scale. This might mean it was used at the least to times for the same purpose.
Of course there is much more going on in this image.

Outer SAR scan pointing out the orientation of certain shafts.

New research evidence of some of the verified large causeway tunnels. This data being provided by Travis, and William Brown.

Also new data on the out casing stones and the process of their construction.

What these images above are indicating, is the individual layers. New data indicates that each layer was built outward from the center towards the edges. The red blocks are arch stones. Arch stone are cut at an angle to lock each layer in place.