Monday, December 12, 2011

Osharian Alien theory

Well in Osharian history we find that our origins my have something to do with aliens. Up until 2012 A.D. the alien aspect has been off limits to Osharian members and even most priest. In the article ( Osharian genetic origins may have been found by scientist ), We talked about RNA to DNA. We traced male and female genetic lines of origins, see link .

In tradition Snakes around a tree trunk or wood pole with snakes going around it was used in religious records. It shows up in Osharian records but is described in a more scientific way. Later Imhotep of Egypt uses this symbol in medicine. Even now in modern times it is used for medicine. Most religions forgot the symbol's meaning. It is what it looks like. It is a diagram for human DNA. In the article ( Osharian origin of language )

We point out how advanced the first alphabets were. It almost seem like reverse engineering at work. In the first doctrine of the Oshar we find that the story of God is described as alien but in of spiritual nature. The reason behind this is the difference in form or being. The physical body is one of many forms. There are two kinds of matter or more and the same with bands of energy. So in theory there should be four or more forms. This is a low ball estament. So if there is other life form and other forms of life, then yes there are aliens. The Osharians believe that you could say Atlas was an alien form to Earth. Even the female life form that was said to have already been there when Atlas arrived here. This life also was alien. This life form had it's own story of how it came to Earth.

In DNA we can trace the difference between two alien forms having thier own history. If you look at the doctrine of the Oshar it descibes how RNA called a serpent was linked with other serpents, or RNA. It is believed by the ancient records that there were Two RNA until Atlas came to Earth. Then there were three. When Atlas was forced to flee Earth he was said to have taken one of the three with him. When we follow the genetic Adam and Eve DNA lines we can trace the 10 sons of Atlas. Atlas had five sets of twins. We don't know for sure if they all were really males, but we can prove they where of a different genetic line. The genetic Eve line seems to have been here before the genetic Adam line. So we can see that all life on this planet could be called alien.

Many people believe that aliens have come to Earth over and over again. Some would believe that they might have changed DNA. Some go on to say that civilizations were aided by aliens. This is not the total truth. We as life, in any form on Earth is alien. So the real question here is, are there other aliens other than the ones that already colonized this planet. We as Osharian don't say we came from aliens because of how they are looked upon today. No we don't think of them as E.T. but foreign forms of beings. Aliens did not gentically design us for say. Really they just migrated here and found ways to live on Earth in a physical form. And yes some of these species learned to mix and adapt to the Earth's form.

When you go far back into our origins we find advanced technology at work before the creation of civilizations came about. Some of the oldest myths of our civilizations records point out an advance time cultures. Atlantis is one of the oldest of these. Most scientist today don't believe we could have been that advanced that long ago. Osharian records disagree with this. Language and religion stem from some kind of advanced knowledge that came from us, but before we took on this form. We have evidence of this alien origin and so do other groups. This kind of knowledge is restricted from the public. Only a few get to know the truth and decide what is best for all of mankind. As Osharians we can tell you from existence that these few are corrupt and are only looking out for themselves. They have gone out of there way to cover up how they have made the masses slaves to what ever they want. We could have returned to space travel many thousands of years ago but the 1% of us held us back. They also force humankind to reset when we get back to the point that we can leave Earth again. They plan to uses up all the natural resources of this plant first. The Oshar were destroyed to make it this way. In the time of the Oshar's rule all humankind's decisions where open to the public. Our history off planet was known to the public at that time. It was only after the male forms took over. By the way once they did take over they never stopped. They rule to this day. If you are unhappy with the way this world is today, then you might want to take it up with the 1%. However you won't be invited to any of these secret meetings.

We as humans on Earth do have relationships with foreign or alien forms. However only the few have access. It has always been this way. These few keep their advanced technology threw out time.

Were is this going? Even us Osharian hide and retain knowledge from our alien origins. We just don't have the political or religious influences or power to help free mankind. We can only bring out the truth and show the knowledge of that truth.

If you observe other life forms here on Earth you will see that we as humans go out of our way to be different from all other life forms. This brings up the fact that we have some foreign or alien knowledge in our DNA that makes us stand out from even the same life form that we are from. There must be habits that we had before we joined the physical life here on this planet.

There are probably many other alien species that are close to us in form. There are even those which we came from that are like us in some ways. However we are our own species. It is up to us to decide where this species will go. Just keep in mind that for the time being the mass of the humankind has no say in what happens to our species.

We hope that some people out there will change that. We hope that some day we will come together to decide our destiny. But for now the people don't have the power.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Osharian history of Project 33

From Osharian
archive file #03.00.01 The Os artifact is some 22.5 inches on each side. It is said to have three different celestial languages, one for each side. The keys are written in a ancient preHebrew dialect. There is a record that talks about O-Notis the scribe telling an account of it. It seems that everyone that knew about the Os stone did not live to tell the tell. O-Notis was the only one given the right to record the inscriptions for the archives, but no one else knew it was stored along with other ancient records that were lost to time. Later Atlas was said to have left the planet and O-Notis fled to some unknown island and was never sighted again. Much of it until the last four years was just hear say.

" I have never seen the ' Os stone ' but O-Notis states it was a record of each ' Project ' up to 33rd. In the time period of O-Notis only 3 of these 33 sites had been built, Eden, Metropolis, and Peos (Paos). The big clue was the notes on the side of the text that had 4 glyphs, the bull, the lion, the human, and the eagle. I found that these glyphs were empire fallowed by a reset then another empire. I think it goes, Atlantis the bull, Egypt the lion, Rome the man, America the eagle. Each of these empires were part of a plan by the ' God architect '. This to date was just a theory."

However It does give a list of inventory. This was so that the masons would know what it would cost to build each site before being commissioned to be built. One Star family was picked for each project, with the only rule being that an elected Star family can only be commission for one site for every 33 sites built. This also laid a road work for all Mason site to come. Each had their own signature of architecture from each of the Star families.

The stone goes on to say that there is many cycles to all things within the universe. The ones of this planet are slow by the time of each person or generation. These cycle take thousands to millions of years to come about. Many times one event can make others happen too. Some times they over lap, and other times there are gaps where nothing at all seems to happen. Some cycles have greater impact on people than others. The great cycles make people migrate and start over. Free masons found patterns in history and time. Once they knew when one of these major events was about to happen, they could plan a head. So the different Free mason groups did. Most of the ages they where unknown members that didn't do much at all. However when one of the events was near Free masons would build and become active. This is what they do. They build before and after these great events. This is away of being public in these change over times. Then after the reset and a mass loss of population, they start over and trade there mason skills and knowledge to get them close to anyone in power. They are also funded by ' Star families'. These are Free mason families that paid dues at the time of the first 33 projects.

I know of some of the sites listed but many of them have been destroyed or have yet to be found again and some had their names changed. It would seem that Atlas was not the only off planet being to give secret knowledge to humans. The mason sites that are known of by the public are made up of three mason sects. The Oshar were one of these groups. the evidence is in the difference of their building styles.

The Os stone was said to give a blue print on how to build societies and civilizations. This program can take many generations to finish but it works very well. The Egypt, Rome, and America are samples of these super civilizations that were operated in secret by Free mason groups. The idea of banking is one of these tell tell signs of Free mason blue print at work. O-Notis states that this blue print was given to Atlas by Anu before he founded a colony on this planet. It gave instructions on how to build and rule over new formed colonies. This blue print is more of a military plan to subdue life forms and program them to meet your needs. The funny part is that Atlas did not use the blue print to start up here. He changed it all for a human woman. O-Notis claims that the pyramid shaped Os stone was place in a hall at the capital temple in Metropolis. Just before the attack on the city state, O-Notis and other priest of the house of Altea took what items they could and fled to islands. It is reported by a Osharian priest who migrated to Bolivia and started a colony some 13,000 to 12,000 years age, that the Os stone was used by his kind to build the foundation of the MesoAmerican super civilizations. The priest claims that a 120 years later the Altarian navy sunk the ship that had it on board. The priest does not give the location but states it was sunk in the western part of the Circle Sea of Atlas. This is now known as the Mid Atlantic ocean. Some Osharians believe that the Samuel Project found the Os stone but others think it is a part of the Mora-Tome.

O-Notis warns us that the Os stone will only be found and made public just before a reset point is coming. It is believed that it is a " I told you so" message to the people after the point that it is too late. Most Osharians think the Os stone is a cursed item and brings about the end of super civilizations when found. So some Osharian hope that it hasn't been found again yet.

" I think they did find it and don't want to tell even their own people. There must be some kind of cover up from thousands of years age that relates to the Os stone. There seems to be some kind of agreement with other Free masons to keep this unknown for now."

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Osharian Sephirot & Morphic field theory

In Rupert Sheldrake works he states that there is inherent memory in nature. Things are not random as it might seem. There many of these morphic fields. The term morphic came from Rupert Sheldrake in the 70's. In ancient Osharian texts sephirot was used to describe a morphic field. The global consciousness project is a scientific study of morphic fields. The magnetic field of the Earth is but only one of these fields. All living things on Earth are within a morphic field. We all relate by just being of the same collective. This is not something just for the mind. This is a physical thing that is happening. Studies have shown that there is an effect on random computers by human brain waves. It is not a lot but enough to prove the theory. Just before 911 there was a spike in the global consciousness network. This shows that some how humankind knew 911 was going to happen. The collective predicted it.

The human brain work on an electrical network and converted into chemical impulses. So these morphic field could in theory change how we think and what our range is set at. What if there was no positive or negative magnetic field? For one you would not be able to generate electricity. Some ancient records point this out and state that humans have lived through magnetic pole reversals before. In religion they believe we used more of our brain very far in the past, but it changed due to changes in the Earths magnetic fields. This in turn switched the polarity of our brains. The only modern proof of this in study, is the fact of human desire. We rotate between separating and being independent to gathering together and being a collective. "all for one, and one for all" All for one is the first polarity. Meaning unified, coming together. One for all is the second polarity. Meaning break part, every one for themselves. This could be due to powerful changes in the magnetic fields of the Earth. Pole reversal is not a joke. We can and have lived through them in the past.

Once when I was younger and engrossed in college studies I tried a mind altering drug. This turned the amplitude of the right half of my brain way up, but lowered the amplitude of the left half. In this trip I felt that other people through out time had done the same thing and changed their brain amplitude. This let them tap into the morphic field on a conscious level. This means that time is not a factor. Someone on mind altering drugs could in theory contact me when I was under the same altered state. This is not a view from religion but from science and hands on studies. I'm not saying go out and do some mind and brain altering drugs, but to see that mind waves can travel at velocities well beyond the speed of light. When this happens we can remember information encrypted in our D.N.A. You may not be able to talk to your ancient father but you can learn what physical knowledge he might have known. We have much to learn. I say this is in theory but there is someone out there that has done it. Energy can change form but is never destroyed.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Osharian Africa's Sahara cycle

"Osharians have through out time kept records of climate change to help decide migration cycles of humans. We in modern times have now found the proof of our ancient claims. The Sahara of Africa has a vast desert that has changed over and over again. It goes from wet to dry and back again. In some of the more ancient times the Sahara was even part of the Atlantic ocean. The Oshar retain records that stated that ' When the sun points more to the north, the great desert will again be as a lush garden.' New data shows proof that the Oshar have lived in the 'eye of the Sahara since the time of the sinking of Atlantis Massif. It would seem that the great city state of Atlaspolis in the Richat structure was once a great and powerful Osharian capital. How ever when the dry age returns the Osharians migrate away. The last time the Osharians migrated would have been around 13,000 B.C. to around 7,000 years from now."

In 1933 Osharians discovered caves paintings in the middle of the desert. These pre-historic works of art depicted a heavenly world filled with large animals, rivers, and lakes. The largest desert in the world must have been a tropical rain forest. Many of these areas have very high levels of fossilized pollen.

The desert beads indicated that 7,000 years ago the Sahara enjoyed it's last burst of green life, before returning to desert. New ground -penetrating radar has been used to map out locations of some aquifers of the Sahara. Freshwater shells in the beads show that 90,000 years ago, the wobble in the Earth's axis move it to the north. This cycle repeats every 20,000 years and is also a part of the precession of the axis which repeats every 25,826.4 years to around 25,920 years. There are smaller and shorter wet and dry periods. This is do to the wobble between the north and south of Africa.

The Sahara has a varied history, at one point in time around 300,000 years ago it was under the ocean. This is only one time out of many. It only takes 200 years to change from one cycle to the next.

Osharians have lived in wet times in the eye of the Sahara, ( Richat structure ). It seems that hydrothermal vents were a location of choice for ancient Osharians. In ice ages they kept them warm and with fresh water. These locations also gave them access to subsurface aquifers. These locations gave them a great amount of metals. The freshwater springs also had alkaloids which made them into large batteries. Under ground crystalline caves formed. This gave these people access to electric power and crystalline technology. Much of their knowledge used natural resources that rebuilt them selves at a very fast rate during wet times. It is now believed that the migration are set to this cycle and to the precession cycle. The Sahara is made up of three types of time periods. 1). Wet or Green Sahara: these times rain forest and lush green plains cover the lands with vast rivers and lakes. Under ground aquifers flood for thousands of years at a time. 2). Ocean sea: In theses times the Sahara is flooded out from east Africa to the west. Large inland sea covers most of the Sahara. Islands and uplifts plains dot the sea. In many times volcanoes vent just under the surface of the waters. under ground aquifers stay under water. 3). Dry: These times are what we see in modern times. All desert.

All most all of the great city states are gone now. The Osharians built their dry time homes out of lime stone and salt. Then when a wet time comes they are washed away. Only the temples that are built for wet time remain over the ages. Many of these sites are taken apart for their granite stone and used for other sites. There are a large number of under ground temples that remain all the time. These sites are hidden deep inside of subsurface aquifers. They will be found in a time when they are needed again.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Osharian mother land of Atlantis Massif

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on research and ancient records.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The ancient Atlantis Massif rises 14,700 feet above the seafloor. This is now known as the Atlantis fracture zone. There is a mountain which is apart of the off-axis hydrothermal vent field called ' Lost City'. New evidence shows that hydrothermal vents field occur along the mid-ocean ridges. 'Lost City' is located at around 30 degrees North, nearly 15 Km from the spreading axis, which is driven by heat from exothermal seperation between sea water and the mantle. The dome-like massif is made up of carbonate chimneys, rather than sulphide chimneys. The vent fluids are cooler than sulphide vent fluids. This site supports microbiological life. We see the remnants of slowly cooling melt form fossilized magma chambers. These volcanic magma chambers became over pressurized due to the influx of new melt from the mantle. The roofs became fractured and let basaltic material rush in, which caused eruptions of basalt. 
The Atlantis mountain contains a large volume of water which can form uplifts and elevates the topography. The fossilized magma chambers take on sea water that is heated by the mantle under it. This converts sea water into fresh water, but forms alkaline. This circulation of water makes the water magnetic. The alkaline magnetically charges the water. The volcanic fossilized magma chambers run in subsurface canals that connect to other hydrothermal uplifts. When the Sahara is in it's wet stage, it floods these fossilized chambers and travels from the Giza delta in Egypt to Richat structure, then runs to the Atlantis massif and then ends up in Mexico. These chambers only work when the axis is aligned during tropical wet time periods. This is when the subsurface chambers are filled with mass amounts of water that creates water pressure that pushes the water up into warm springs.

The Atlantis massif is the first home land of Atlas and the Order of Oshar. Later a volcanic eruption along the mid-Atlantic ridge sunk the island mountains. This is when the Atlanteans seperated and migrated to other lands.

Ringwoodite: A special water crystal found at a depth between 400- 440 miles underground. Discovered in 2014
The discovery of a very large under water pyramid first discovered by Diocleciano Silva between the islands of São Miguel and Terceira in the Azores in September of 2013. Which sits on the De João de Castro seamount.  The surrounding area is at a depth of 1600 feet deep.

Oriented to the cardinal points. Current estimates obtained using GPS digital technology put the height at 60 meters with a base of 8000 square meters. So 40 meters ( 134 ft. ) In depth.

The pyramid was found in an area of the Mid-Atlantic that has been under water for 20,000 years, according to mainstream scientists.

To further support the idea that this pyramid could have been built by different civilizations, archeologists from the Portuguese ' Association of Archaeological Research ' have recently discovered evidence on Pico island that suggests their belief that humans existed in the Azores region before the arrival of the Portuguese thousands of years ago.

Know as Atlas Massif, meaning one of three capital cities of the mythical Atlantis. Keep in mind the Atlanteans never referred to themselves as Atlanteans.

There according to the ancient Osharian records, there were 3 such city-states.

(1) Aden (sapphire )
(2) Athl ( ruby )
(3) Payos ( emerald

Atlantis was not a specific city. It was a political Republic empire of the Mid-Atlantic region. There are 10 capital city-states of the Atlantean empire that were built using the same criteria and design. Plus other city-states within the 10 kingdoms of Atlantis ruled over by the five sets of twin offspring of Atlas. Numbering ten. Five females, five males, one from each of the band of the hand. Red, white, brown, yellow, black. The alignment of this site dates back to between 58,321 to 56,161 BP in the age of Tuarus.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Osharian origin of language

From ' The tables of O-Notis' "There are 12 sets of plates and 12 seer's stones. The plates were created for the Watcher angels. Later in the time of Atlas the plates were past down to the priest of the three orders. Here is the only list of the plates." Osharian priest state that from this record the date of around 146,000 B.C. is given as the date of creation of the plates.

1) gold 2) silver 3) iron 4) platinum 5) lead 6) aluminum 7) tin 8) titanium 9) chromium *10) emerald *11) ruby *12) Sapphire.

Language goes back to pre-history. By modern public records it starts around 6,000 B.C. or so. The main families of language formed around 3,500 B.C. or so.

Ugaritic= 6,000 B.C. Berber= 5,000 B.C. Phoenician= 3,600 B.C.

It is believed that hieroglyphic date back 10,908 B.C. Phoenician dates back to between 28,000 B.C. to 11,000 B.C. The oldest known alphabet is the three main Celestial alphabets followed by the other four common celestial alphabets. The three main alphabets go in order of location in time and space. 'Angel alphabet': This is said to be the alphabet used by angels of heaven. It is a thought based alphabet. Then is 'Crossing of the river': which is an alphabet of dark light and positive light energy, used by angels just out side of heaven. The last is ' The king's alphabet': Which is said to be used after angels could become physical. These alphabets are called keys. The first key with the second and third key give locations within the total sphere of space. When the four lesser keys are added it gives you your 4 corner points. So when all 7 are used together it gives spherical navigation. There is inner, outer, origin/destination ( you only need origin or destination, not both.), 4 points north,south,east, and west. Atlas is said to be the first to use all three main keys first. It was forbidden to give knowledge of the Elohim to lesser beings. The keys were transcribed onto plates or tablets for use by angels. When Atlas designed the first D.N.A. from R.N.A. of Anu and R.N.A. of Ani. Anu was energy based beings. Ani was physical. Atlas designed this D.N.A. first then later designed a total being of three R.N.A. strings of 23 chromosomes. The full D.N.A. is called T.N.A. R.N.A. is one string. D.N.A. is two strings. T.N.A. is three strings. It is said that the first children of Atlas had T.N.A. After the fall of the watcher angels one third was taken away. Each part went to the constructs. First construct is thought based body or spirit. The second was light or soul. The third was physical.

According to the sapphire and emerald tablets, Atlas took a third of all knowledge with him. The part that came from the divine source. The three councils and orders were disbanded. The Altarians took over the Oshar and Iltar. Atlas left and took the knowledge of the Oshar with him and a key part to the Mora-Tome. After Alta the son of Atlas tried to obtain all of the Mora-Tome. This was done by Alta ( Thoth ), which went out and took over many of the tablets. Around 10,908 B.C. Atlas had reincarnated. Alta and Atlas fought over the tablets while in the main Atlas tower. Alta used the emerald tablet to turn one of the three main reactor towers all the way up. This off set the other towers and caused a massive shift in the Earth's orbit and plates. This lead to a chain of catastrophes. Atlas and Alta caused a time/space rift that lead to humans seeing time in a line. All other life on Earth still sees time as a circle. Atlas and Alta were trapped in the rift and part of them is stuck there until the next alignment, which could be in 2012 A.D.

Origins of language:

The Osharians believe that the ' Celestial keys ' might be the first written language. We find that a great deal of alphabets started out with 22 character or letters. Greek, Hebrew, Chaldean, Runic, Egyptian, and Phoenician are but a few of these. Some of these had more than one alphabets and others changed to add letters later. Many believe that Celestial came after Hebrew, but this is not the truth. This is yet another cover up. As an Osharian priest I was tot the truth but before that I had research the origins of language for many years. While researching I came across a book that talked about the origin of language in Egypt. In this book it tells a story about Thoth coming to Egypt. It goes on to point out how it was used to corrupt the Egyptians. This might not have been the first time this happen or the last. Here is the article:

Plato believed writing had come from Egypt and from the Phoenicians before that from over seas. In Plato's ' Phaedrus ' " Thoth ( Alta ) came to Egypt as an Altarian priest king. His people had come from some where in the Atlantic after a great volcanic eruption destroyed there main island. Thoth wish to make a trade. He had many inventions to offer Osiris the king and his wife Isis (Issis). Among them was written language. Thoth said that the letters would make his people wiser and give them better memories. Osiris was not convinced. He argued that the discovery would create forgetfulness, because his people would no longer rely on their own memory but rather trust in external written characters. " The story goes on to state that Thoth was dismissed from the king's court. Then he found Orisis' brother Seth. Seth was the second born son. Osiris retained the throne because he was the first born. Seth always felt that he should have been king. So when Thoth shows up with inventions, well Seth thought he could over throw the king and take the empire for himself. Thoth and Seth teamed up and attack. Orisis was cut into pieces so that he could not be at rest in the after life and could not return to life.The body parts were sent out to the four corners of the world. Isis was raped and had the four sons called Horus. Thoth tricked Seth and sent him with an army to seek out other Altarian, Iltarian, and Osharian colonies. Later Isis returned all of Osiris and put him to rest in secret.

This is a great point. At that time in history language was past down by word of month. Written language is based on what we call idealism. Where as oral language was based on transcendents.

In Hekatios, he states that Isis was instructed by Thoth to invent different writings for each nation, in order to confuse all people. In later times the same thing seem to happen with the tower of Babel. The works which came from many different lands used a mason writing that was universal. This is why the tower fell. Because the language of science was changed, not the oral language of these nations.

As with some other religions the Osharians believe that written language once was designed for science. The Adamatic or language of Adam goes back to when he named all the living things. This story as well as many others in the holy Bible came from much older history Adam or Atom language holds some ties to science. Each of the first names gave instructions on what it was made of and in what order these part go together. Some believe it encoded the atomic structure of things. H2O, one Hydrogen and two Oxygen. This shows us what the parts are of the elements and the order they are in. If you knew the vibration rate of hydrogen and oxygen, then you could tune into the harmonics of each element and if put in the right order, like a sounds put together in a song it could effect the structure of the thing ( water). We now know again that mind waves can effect the structure of water molecules. If this is true then anything with water in it could be effected by mind waves. So Adam was not the first to understand this and use it. Altarians between 50,000 B.C. and 13,000 B.C. used this knowledge. When Thoth came to Egypt he retained this science. He how ever never wanted anyone else to retain the true names used in written language,so he changed it just a little. This is all it took to take the power out of written language for others. Osharians claim that Moses learned the true languages from the remaining council members of the Oshar, Iltar, and Altar priest that were taken over by Alta at the fall of Metropolis. Once Moses understood how and why written language had been changed he fled to the mountain top with two of the original tables to pray. He new then that Thoth had tot the Egyptians to believe in a lie or false god. This is why God came before him and in the end destroyed the false gods of Egypt. By god's instructions he was told how to use the keys to manipulate elements as Thoth had. Armed with this knowledge he was able to part the Red sea and do many other things.

It was this article that first got me to take a deeper under the surface look at language. This article does show that written language can be corrupted and changed. This in turn means history has the same problem. This is one of the reason why the Oshar remained in hiding for so many ages. We have been fighting to protect mankind from the corrupt orders, such as the Archons and other serpent orders. There are a few of these orders that are not evil like us but they are way out numbered by the evil ones. By the way written language goes back over 146,000 years that we the Oshar know of. It could go back even before that point. Keep in mind thathumans have been around for 3-9 million years. So no the people of Summer were not the first culture to have written language. The Egyptions used written language starting around 12,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C. It seems that every civilization thinks they were first, and that no other people could have created it before them. We as Oshar do not think or claim to have been the first to create written languages.

Other secrets of the origin of language:

From the ' Sapphire table or plate', we know that a great deal of our technology came from our origin. The Oshar of Earth ( Kingu ) claim that their knowledge is in fact a result of reverse engineering. Much of this knowledge was imported from space. After the fall of Atlas it was decided than mankind could not be responsible with technology. This is why it was forbidden by Enoch time period ( around 17,000 B.C. ). Only a few humans were tot this knowledge. However there were those that we to day would call fallen angels that tot this forbidden technology to humans to influence them and mankind.

We to this day are still fighting to bring as much of our uncorrupted history back to the public.

More about the first written language:

Celestial is believed to be one of the first languages due to it's origins and it's structure. We find that it is not a simple alphabet based on sounds or pictures that mean things. Celestial is layered. At first you can find that it is made up of sounds as well as characters. It is also numerical. It is also a language of science. The letters in order also make up a periodic table of anatomical structures. We find that when the seven 7 alphabet keys are combined they make up a celestial coordinate navigation system. This relates to the myth of Atlas the king of Mauretania. According to the legend, he was a wise philosopher, mathematician and astronomer who supposedly made the first celestial sphere. This is the same Atlas that formed the Oshar around 50,722 B.C. This also means that the Greeks knew the Earth was round many of thousands of years before they were tricked into believing the Earth was flat. The Oshar believe that the Phoenicians navy tricked the Greeks. There was a volcanic eruption in the Mid-Atlantic ocean and sediment kept ships from crossing the Atlantic at that time. The Phoenician new the truth and new this was only for a short time and then ships could pass again. However the Phoenician told the Greeks that it was the end of the Earth and if you past the Mid-Atlantic ridge that you would fall off the Earth. The Phoenician back this legend up by destroying any ships that went to far out. this gave them control of trade between the west and east. Only a few rulers new the truth. This is why drugs only found in the Americas were found in the dead bodies of Egyptian kings, but was not put in record. It was secret to only royal leaders up until Freemasons crossed in 1363. Later Freemasons passed this information down to Columbus and in 1492 he sailed the ocean blue. The rest is history that we know. As it were we now know that Columbus wasn't even close to being the first to cross the Atlantic. The Clovis native Americans might have been some of the first to cross around 60,000 years ago. And they were not the first to cross ether.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Osharian Akassa Richat structure

Written March 20, 2011

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on research and ancient records.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

In Maur Adrar desert, Mauritania Africa. In modern times it is now called the Richat structure.

Richat structure being it's modern name. Among the Mauritanians records they state there once had been a king Atlas that ruled much of northwestern Africa. He was not a man from their lands but built great cities that traded with most of Africa and all of the Mediterranean regions as well as all coast lands that touch the Atlantic ocean. This was in a time when only the ancient Amazigh, ( Berber ) controlled Atlantean territories directly after the sinking of the last Mid-Atlantic island nation of Atlantis.
Of the great cities one stood out the most the city-state of Akassa. 

Berber relation to the name Atlas: 
The Amazigh, Berber of Tamazight ( Name for Berber of Morocco ) or Atlasic ( Atlas - ic ) is what the Berber refer to as their native language. ic, is used to convert a noun into an adjective. So Atlasic, translate to " language of Atlas ".
This name being give to the Atlas mountains by them. Which means the Atl in the Berber language may reach back to 45,000 BC when the Basque also migrated into Europe and Africa.

Moorish connection to the name Atlas: 
Moors are named after the Maghrebine Berbers and are their descendants. The Berber are where the Atlas mountains get their name from.   This region being called Akassa in antiquity, which lied within the Zahara- Suz.  Zahara, this referred to the pre-Sarah desert Northwest region. Suz referred to the later Eye of the Sahara ( Richat structure location ). This was just south of the Atlas mountains.
  So this doesn't refer to the Greek or Latin name origin of Atlas. This instead referred to Akassa. Meaning the Berber also named Akassa originally, but did not call it Atlantis.
Simply the Moors are descendants of two ethnic groups of Atlanteans.

Akassa was not ruled over by Atlas Azera until 16,450 BC when Atlas returned from the Palisades. The record of Atlas the King of Mauritania would not have been until after Atlas returned.
So Atlas ruled for 4,850 years.

 Atlas was the same Atlas that ruled over Atlantis but after the sinking of the last island state in the Azores, he set up a new city- state capitol in North- West Africa in Maruaitania. However the confusion of the city-state of Atlantis is the fact there was 10 of these city states throughout the world. All of these Altean city-state meet the same design. Meeting the same criteria.
(1) Are located in a volcanic caldera. 
(2) Must have natural volcanic springs.
(3) must have access to a river or canal that connects to the oceans.
(4) Must have subterranean volcanic tubes.
King Atlas, was said to be a King of Akassa, Mauretania, according to legend, a wise philosopher, mathematician and astronomer who supposedly made the first celestial globe. It was this Atlas that Mercator was referring to when he first used the name 'Atlas'. 

The original name was lost to time. However somehow due to the trade routes and the Atlas mountains just north of there it kept it's name in the Greek and Roman languages. The name Atlas was not derived from the Greek. But from an earlier language root of the ancient Atlantic civilizations.

There are more than one theory on what destroyed Akassa was destoryed by mud floods at the end of ' Younger Dryis ' around 9,558 BC due in part to the volcanic eruption of Emi Koussi around 12,400 years ago and a proceeding tsunami and flood at the end of the Youngerdris period. The white area in the caldera of Emi Koussi is not ice or snow. It is salt left over from the flood water event that happened after the last eruption. 

 The Richat structure is now 1,480 feet above sea level but was above that level farther back in time. The Richat structure is a hydrothermal volcanic symmetrical uplift. There is three types of mineral, in the center lime stone. The rings are made up alkaline volcanic rock that was formed by magnetic spirals. The outer ring and wall are made up of quartzite rock. There are hot spring rivers that spin around the rings and have a strong current, going from the inside out, which then turns into the Ated sea that leads out into the Atlantic ocean near Cape Deverd islands. There lived a king Atlas which was said to have been an astronomer that was known for his knowledge of spherical navigation, and celestial spherical math. He used this spherical math to navigate in subsurface volcanic tunnels. Every 20,000 years the axis shifts to create a tropical wet time period. The last one end around 13,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. Africa Sahara region was warm and fertile. Large amounts of water flooded in from the Giza delta and then ran across the Sahara. Vast underground water ways run to Akassa Then these salt waters are heated up by volcanic heat under it. Then it springs out into the circle enclosed rings. Large underground temples were built on a network of water ways. All of them use 'Polis' as the ending of the name. Polis meaning city state inside a circle. In Egypt it was the Necropolis or ancient sunken temple of Osiris, and store house of Thoth. Atlas and his people, the Athanasius fought the Arians and won. Later Berber and then became known as the Phoenicians, which controlled the trade routes from Americas to the Mediterranean.

The Richat structure is a Cretaceous alkaline complex in the Mauritanian part of the Sahara Desert in West Africa. Due to its level of erosion, Richat provides a rare opportunity to study the summit of a complex, particularly its dissolution and fracture processes, and allows its volcanic and magmatic evolution to be established. Its age and geographical location were used to determine the cause of its emplacement and its position within the dynamic context of the Atlantic Ocean opening.

Above is a stone found in the middle area. If you look closely you can see multiple designs of ringed city-states which could mean there were several of these sites.

Petrological and fractal analyses, as well as 40 Ar/39 Ar age dating, were performed on samples from the central breccia of the Richat structure. Results indicate the presence of a large-scale hydrothermal event responsible for breccia formation by dissolution and collapse of the host sedimentary unit. The breccia core was genetically related to plutonic activity because doming and the production of hydrothermal fluids must have been instrumental in creating a favourable setting for dissolution. The Richat structure presents a wide variety of extrusive and intrusive rocks from different erosional levels. Several analyses were performed on these igneous rocks, including geochemical, petrological, isotopic (oxygen and carbon), structural, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. Magnetic and satellite data were also used. Our work shows that Richat represents the superposition of a bimodal tholeiitic series and crosscutting undersaturated carbonatitic and kimberlitic magmas. The alkaline magmas may have been derived from the asthenosphere, whereas the tholeiitic magmas could have come from metasomatized sub-continental lithospheric mantle. In such a scenario, pre-existing anisotropies could have acted as a pathway for ascending asthenospheric and subcontinental melts, allowing for the coexistence of alkaline and tholeiitic magmas within the same igneous complex. The erosional contrast between the central and outer parts of the Richat complex is explained by a piston-like collapse that preserved the central extrusive felsic facies and the hydrothermal karst infilling.
Above is what has been called ' Poseidon's belt '. It is a carving with the layout of Akassa on it. It was found on a mound near the center of the complex.

Possible massive flooding washed away the top soil in this region down to the bedrock. There is a large deposit in the Atlantic ocean that is evidence of a great flood. 

There are other sites that might be Atlantean that show great promise for be of the ten city-states of Atlantis like Plato stated.  Also goto: Directory of Enoch 4 for more of these possible sites found.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Osharian Sephirot quantum theory

3985 N=0.503985 N/(A.m=T)
Sigma[summation] N=A.m, (m.v)=0,1,or 2
0= Neutron 1= Photon (q
6) multispectral laser
This devise produces a Tachyon/Graviton/Nuetreno field and sends light wave message transmissions into 4th and 5th dimensional space. 
For more on this subject and base information see The O.S.P. Foundation at: Sorry this site was taken down by the United States government. 

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Osharian history of TSUNAMI

"  "The Oshar since the time of the councils have kept records of Tsunami. It is a story that repeats both in the 'Emerald tables' and the 'sapphire tables'. It is told of in 1 Enoch and in the holy bible. Even the Egyptians and Greeks have stories of Tsunami. Even the legend of Atlantis ended with 120 foot Tsunami. As many know in to day's modern time period, that Tsunami have not lost any effect on the planet and life here. In past articles we have gone over the effects of Tsunami in ancient history, but not modern ones. What about the effects of the Tsunami on 12-26-2004? Close to a million people were killed by a Tsunami. 80,000 in Indonesia a lone. This was known as the Sumatra Tsunami. My focus is on the effect it had on the Earth's axis and orbit path. This displacement changes the timing of the Earth obit and effects the alignment of the axis. This happens every so many years since 1999 A.D. This is still up for debate, but as the Osharian understand it. 2000 was a land marker of end of days. It let us know how people would deal with the end of the world as test run. The world didn't end in 2000 and everyone had to go back to work the next day. The main difference is now there are physical side effects to each of these disasters. I hope it isn't what it seems to be. Science can now point out that many physical things could happen to the Earth. Solar flares with gamma radiation to precession of the Earth's axis."

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, December 26, 2004 at
December 26, 2004 (2004-12-26)
30 km (19 mi)
Epicenter location
3°18′58″N 95°51′14″E / 3.316°N 95.854°E / 3.316; 95.854Coordinates: 3°18′58″N 95°51′14″E / 3.316°N 95.854°E / 3.316; 95.854
Undersea (subduction)
Countries or regions affected
Indonesia (mainly in Aceh)Sri LankaIndia (mostly in Tamil Nadu)ThailandMaldives
(the sixth deadliest earthquake
in recorded history) , with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The quake itself is known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake. The resulting tsunami is given various names, including the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Asian Tsunami, Indonesian Tsunami, and Boxing Day Tsunami.
The earthquake was caused by
subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (100 feet) high. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history. Indonesia was the hardest hit, followed by Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand.
With a
magnitude of between 9.1 and 9.3, it is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. This earthquake had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. It caused the entire planet to vibrate as much as 1 cm (0.4 inches) and triggered other earthquakes as far away as Alaska. Its hypocenter was between Simeulue and mainland Indonesia.
The plight of the many
affected people and countries prompted a worldwide humanitarian response. In all, the worldwide community donated more than $14 billion (2004 U.S. dollars) in humanitarian aid.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


(Japan and global crisis )
By: Kohen Oshar
copyrighted: 03-15-2011

U.S. officials took pains not to criticize the Japanese government, which has shown signs of being overwhelmed by the crisis that began after last Friday's devastating 9.0 magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami.
But Washington's actions indicated a divide with the Japanese about the perilousness of the situation.
U.S. President Barack Obama told Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in a telephone call that the United States will do all it can to help Japan recover, the White House said.
"The president briefed Prime Minister Kan on the additional support being provided by the U.S., including specialized military assets with expertise in nuclear response and consequence management," it said in a statement.
The State Department recommended that U.S. citizens within 50 miles of the plant leave the area or stay indoors.
Japan's government has asked people living within 12 miles to evacuate and those between 12 miles and 18 miles to stay indoors.
Gregory Jaczko, the top U.S. nuclear regulator, cast doubt on efforts to cool overheating reactors, saying workers may be hit with "lethal doses" of radiation.
"It would be very difficult for emergency workers to get near the reactors," Jaczko said.
A United Nations forecast projects the radioactive plume from the Fukushima facility would reach the Aleutian Islands on Thursday and hit Southern California late on Friday.
The U.S. military has ordered its forces to stay 50 miles away from the plant, the Pentagon said. There are at least 55,000 members of the U.S. forces in Japan and offshore assisting the relief operation.
A nuclear power plant damaged by fire and explosions emitted a burst of radiation Tuesday, panicking an already edgy Japan and leaving the government struggling to contain a spiraling crisis caused by last week's earthquake and tsunami.
Radiation levels in areas around the nuclear plant, which rose early in the afternoon, appeared to subside by evening, officials said. But the unease remained in a country trying to recover from the massive disasters that are believed to have killed more than 10,000 people and battered the world's third-largest economy.
Radiation from the toxic plume swelling from the reactor is set to hit California by Friday. It is predicted that the plume will head in land from California into Nevada, Utah and Arizona. This will become the greatest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.

" Is this the beginning of the end? The timing is a clue to what Osharians have been planing for since 10,500 B.C. What about the side effects to the world economy? What about the nuclear fall out? This could start a chain reaction that could change the world for ever. The side effects will take many years to come to it's full impact on the world. We are no long in an age where what happens in one place stays in that place. The world is in this together now. This event will change history as we know it. This is only one of many more super disasters to come. Some day 10 to 20 years from now, the children will ask, How did the world end. Those that live will say I was there on 12-26-2004 when it began. We will say that we had no idea that this was the start of the end. Nature is not going to let up any time soon. In 2012 the great alignment of planets will change the magnetic field of our Earth. In the same year the sun will release mass reaction waves into all planets in orbit around it. We are the 3rd planet out. This means we will be changed by it. So hang on to anything you can and take cover if there is any place to hide! Many billions of people will die and much of this world will be lost. The only good news is that not all life will be gone. A new world age is just around the corner."
Also see article on TSUNAMI effects on orbit

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Osharian myth of Celestial plates/ tablets.

From ' The tables of O-Notis' "There are 12 sets of plates and 12 seer's stones. The plates were created for the Watcher angels. Later in the time of Atlas the plates were past down to the priest of the three orders. Atlas designed and engineered them. They had all the knowledge of the two sacred pillars within each of the three primary tablets/plates.  The plates/ tablets were not simple books or written records. They were interactive tables that could in simple modern terms, wifi to the reactor. A pure crystal was paired up to the table/plate much like modern day blue tooth. These tablets were used as interface with the computer system of the reactors. The tablets have a symbiotic relationship with the reactors. The reactors themselves are sentient. Each of them link up together to make a primary network database. This database is multidimensional. The primary database now resides in the Andromeda Galaxy within an undisclosed dimension and star system. This technology can never be fully destroyed or or unmade. The Divine primary creator consciousness and source chooses to keep the descendant technology of the Azerians, ancestor creator root race in place as an extension of its own will. 

The three primary plates/tablets and related reactor:
(1) Asalvia, 528 Hz. Ruby reactor.
(2) AEtta Ji, 329.63 Hz. Sapphire reactor.
(3) ABotta Tolbring, 427 Hz. Emerald reactor.

Here is the only list of the plates." Osharian priest state that from this record the date of around 146,000 B.C. is given as the date of creation of the plates.

1) gold 2) silver 3) iron 4) platinum 5) lead 6) aluminum 7) tin 8) titanium 9) chromium *10) emerald *11) ruby *12) Sapphire

"These tablets will be the physical copies of the 'Celestial records' in the time of man."

Osharian priest claim that these plates were used to control the great crystalline reactors, and also accessed the data that operated the towers. Many of the plates were taken by Alta son of Atlas and leader of ' The council of the tree of chaos and order', and ruler of the Altarians. This took place around 50,422 B.C. when the capital city state of Metropolis in the Moriah mountains in the land of Anahual was sacked. However the Sapphire tablets were kept in secretcy for tens of thousands of years by the Osharian priesthood which also remained secret until 2008 AD. This was the appointed time to make the  Osharians public once again. To aid and assist all of humanity through the transitional stage, as they have done in the past four previous cataclysms/worlds/resets.

To share the records of the past knowledge and experiences of the Oshar of Earth which date back to 73,000 BC.

I have researched on the subject and have tracked down were all the plates went to from there.

Egyptians: Egyptian priest state that Moses took the emerald plates from the temple and destroyed them after after making copies. Moses was said to have found out about Thoth. Thoth had used the plates to create other languages that were past on to the other nations and Egypt. This was to cover up the true purpose of the plates. Moses and the Egyptian priest made this story up to fool Thoth. It is believed that the emerald Celestial plates were past on to Osharian priest and taken out of Egypt.

Osharians: Osharian priest claim to have the emerald plates and also the sapphire plates. The sapphire plates were given to the high scribe, O-Notis by Atlas before the fall. This is where the Osharian obtained their doctrine and science. The emerald tablets were renamed the Tablets of O-Notis to cover up the origins of were they had come from.

Anahual: the Celestial chromium plates are recorded in the sapphire plates, to have been taken from Earth by Atlas at the fall of the first priesthood. No other record of the chromium plates have been recovered as of yet.

Hebrew Jews: There is a copper scroll found in 'The dead sea scrolls', which was the only metal scroll found. As stated by Enoch the aluminum Celestial plates were transcribed onto copper around 30,000 B.C. Later Hebrew records state it was transcribed again around 3,500 B.C. which is the copy that was found with 'The dead sea scrolls. According to Enoch the plates were in very bad condition and had to be put on another piece of metal by his time period. The sapphire tables are record by the Jews from the Qaddinim, which were Osharian priest. The Ten Commandments or the "Ten Words" (Hebrew" Asereth HaDebarim) were originally uttered by the divine voice from Mount Sinai in the hearing of all Israel. Later, they were written by the finger of the Almighty on a pair of tablets of stone. Moses shattered the first pair of tablets symbolizing Israel's breaking of the covenant by their sin with the golden calf. A second pair was produced and deposited in the Ark which the people of Israel carried across the wilderness until they reached the land that was promised to them.

Native Americans: The platinum Celestial plates resurfaced around 18,000 years agThe Ten Commandments or the "Ten Words" (Hebrew" Asereth HaDebarim) were originally uttered by the divine voice from Mount Sinai in the hearing of all Israel. Later, they were written by the finger of the Almighty on a pair of tablets of stone. Moses shattered the first pair of tablets symbolizing Israel's breaking of the covenant by their sin with the golden calf. A second pair was produced and deposited in the Ark which the people of Israel carried across the wilderness until they reached the land that was promised to them.o in Puma Punku, Bolivia. A group of Osharian or Iltarian priest. these plates were moved from Azland to Puma Punku where they were transcribed onto Diorite and granite. It is believed that they were taken by the Anasazi around 2,600 B.C. The Anasazi claim that they were lost or destroyed in volcanic disasters while being transported back to Chichen Itza, Yucantan, South America.

Celtic Druids: The Celts claim that Ogma had gotten the iron Celestial plates around 2,000 B.C. Ogma founded astronomy and written languages from these plates. By Ogma's time the plates had been transcribed onto iron 12 times. In Ogma time they were copied on to the trunk of an oak tree that had been hit by lightning. Latter it was said to have been a sign from Thore. Latter the plates were put on stones which lead to the runic languages.

Phoenicians: The lead Celestial plates are claimed to be transformed from lead into gold by way of alchemy around the 5th centry B.C. The Phoenicians were said to be the descendants of 'The Altarian sea kings'.

Aramaeans: They had the tin Celestial plates around 1,200 B.C. The plates were transcribed onto tin between 925 to 700 B.C. They were photographed around 1946 A.D. before being returned to Osharian priest.

Hermetic order of the golden dawn: The ruby Celestial plates were obtained from Thoth of Egypt. The Egyptian priest claim Thoth had them when he took over Egypt around 12,000 B.C. The plates were past down to Thoth's sons. Latter brought from Egypt to Hermes in Greece. Chronis a Osharian scribe to Hermes stated that he had seen Hermes with the ruby plates, using some kind of stone to read it. Latter they were moved out of Greece and given onto a Golden dawn priest of the house of Horus from Giza, Egypt.

Catholic Church: The ' Knights Templar' had found two sets of the Celestial plates during their 9 year dig under the temple mound. When the plates were found they were sent to the coast to be shipped to Scotland. King Philip IV of France block their ships. The one of the captain of the ships reported that the Templars offered two sets of plates for safe passage to Scotland. King Philip took the silver plates because their value was known but the titanium was an unknown metal to them. Once the captains returned to France, king Philip IV had them killed. However not all of the ship's logs were destroyed. Philip then sent the silver plates to the Vatican, where they remain to this day.

33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemasons: The ' Knights Templars' transported the titanium plates to the main temple in Scotland after near the end of the crusaides.
The gold plates of the Nephi are the source from which Joseph Smith, Jr. translated the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the faith. Some witnesses described the plates as weighing from 30 to 60 pounds, being golden or brassy in color, and being composed of thin metallic pages engraved on both sides and bound with one or more rings. Smith said he found the plates on September 22, 1823 at a hill ( Cumorah is the name of the land in which the Hill Cumorah is located. It is one of many drumlin hills in the Finger Lakes region in Western New York in Manchester. This is where Joseph Smith, Jr. said he found a set of golden plates which he translated and published as the Book of Mormon. In the text of the Book of Mormon, "Cumorah" (misprinted Camorah in the 1830 edition) is a land situated in “a land of many waters, rivers and fountains”. In this hill Book of Mormon figure Moroni ( Moroni (pronounced /məˈroʊnaɪ/), according to the Book of Mormon, was the last Nephite prophet and military commander who lived in North America in the late fourth and early fifth centuries. The Book of Mormon tells that Moroni served under his father, the commander in chief of 23 groups of about ten thousand Nephites each, who battled against the Lamanites. Upon the Nephites' defeat, Moroni was forced to go into hiding and to wander from place to place to avoid being killed by the victorious Lamanites. Moroni then writes that he had seen and spoken to Jesus face to face and that he had been shown extensive visions of the future. Moroni was the last prophet to write in the Book of Mormon. An 1841 engraving of Cumorah (looking south), where Joseph Smith said he was given Golden Plates by an angel named Moroni, on the west side, near the peak.), deposited a number of metal plates containing the record of his nation of Nephites, just prior to their final battle with the Lamanites in which 230,000 men, women, and children were killed. This may have been the location for the last battle of the Jaredite nation centuries earlier, although the hill where that battle took place was called Ramah.), which was near his home in Manchester, New York after an angel directed him to a buried stone box. The angel at first prevented Smith from taking the plates because he had not followed the angel's instructions. In 1827, on his fourth annual attempt to retrieve the plates, Smith returned home with a heavy object wrapped in a frock, which he then put in a box. Though he allowed others to heft the box, he said that the angel had forbidden him to show the plates to anyone until they had been translated from their original "reformed Egyptian" language ( According to the Book of Mormon, originally written in reformed Egyptian characters on plates of "ore" by prophets living in the Western Hemisphere between 600 BC and AD 421. Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the movement, published the Book of Mormon in 1830 as a translation of these golden plates. Scholarly reference works on languages do not, however, acknowledge the existence of either a "reformed Egyptian" language or "reformed Egyptian" orthography as it has been described in Mormon belief. No archaeological, linguistic, or other evidence of the use of Egyptian writing in ancient America has been discovered.)
Smith dictated a translation using a
seer stone ( In early Latter Day Saint history, seer stones were stones used, primarily (but not exclusively) by Joseph Smith, Jr., to receive revelations from God. Smith owned at least two seer stones, which he had earlier employed for treasure seeking before he founded the church. Other early Mormons such as Hiram Page( Page was born in Vermont. Earlier in his life, he studied medicine which he practiced during his travels throughout New York and Canada. On November 10, 1825, Page married Catherine Whitmer, daughter of Peter Whitmer, Sr. and Mary Musselman. The two had nine children together: John, Elizabeth, Philander, Mary, Peter, Nancy, Hiram, Oliver, and Kate. Page became one of the Eight Witnesses during June 1829. He and Catherine were baptized on April 11, 1830, by Oliver Cowdery. On June 9, he was ordained a teacher in the church, one of the first twelve officers. While Page was living with the Whitmers in Fayette, New York, Joseph Smith, Jr. arrived in August 1830 to discover Hiram using a "seerstone" to receive revelations for the church. The only available detail about the stone was that it was black. The revelations were regarding the organization and location of Zion. Oliver Cowdery and the Whitmer family (and probably others) believed the revelations Page had received were true. In response, Joseph Smith received a revelation during the conference in September of that year to have Oliver Cowdery go to Hiram and convince him that his revelations were of the devil (Doctrine and Covenants, Covenant 28:11). At the conference there was considerable discussion on the topic. Hiram agreed to discard the stone and the revelations he received and join in following Joseph Smith as the sole revelator for the church. The members present confirmed this unanimously with a vote. Later, the stone was ground to powder and the revelations purportedly received through it were burned.), David Whitmer( Whitmer and his family were among the earliest adherents to the Latter Day Saint or Mormon movement. Whitmer first heard of Joseph Smith and the Golden Plates in 1828 when he made a business trip to Palmyra, New York, and there talked with his friend Oliver Cowdery, who believed that there "must be some truth to the matter. "Whitmer eventually accepted the story and brought his father's family to join the Smiths in Palmyra. David Whitmer was baptized in June 1829, nearly a year prior to the formal organization of the Latter Day Saint church. Perhaps during that same month, Whitmer said that he, along with Joseph Smith, Jr. and Oliver Cowdery saw an angel present the Golden Plates in a vision. Martin Harris reported that he experienced a similar vision with Smith later in the day. Whitmer, Cowdery, and Harris then signed a joint statement declaring their testimony to the reality of the vision. The statement was published in the first edition of the Book of Mormon and has been included in nearly every subsequent edition. Whitmer later said that Smith had received a revelation that Hiram Page and Oliver Cowdery would sell the copyright of the Book of Mormon in Toronto. After Page and Cowdery returned from Canada empty handed, Whitmer asked Smith why they had been unsuccessful, and Joseph received another revelation "through the stone" that "Some revelations are of God: some revelations are of men: and some revelations are of the devil." When Smith organized the Latter Day Saint "Church of Christ" (as it was initially called) on April 6, 1830, Whitmer was one of six original members. (In his 1838 history, Joseph Smith said the church was organized at the home of David's father, Peter Whitmer, Sr., in Fayette, New York, but in an 1842 letter, Smith said that the church was organized at Manchester, New York.) Whitmer had been ordained an elder of the church by June 9, 1830, and he was ordained to the office of High Priest by Oliver Cowdery on October 5, 1831. Soon after the organization of the church, Joseph Smith, Jr. set apart Jackson County, Missouri as a "gathering place" for Latter Day Saints. According to Smith, the area had both once been the site of the biblical Garden of Eden( The Garden of Eden (Hebrew גַּן עֵדֶן, Gan ʿEdhen; Arabic: جنة عدن, Jannat ʿAdn) is described in the Book of Genesis as being the place where the first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve, lived after they were created by God. Literally, the Bible speaks about a garden in Eden (Gen. 2:8). This garden forms part of the Genesis creation narrative and theodicy of the Abrahamic religions, often being used to explain the origin of sin and mankind's wrongdoings. Cherubim and a flaming sword, are said to be guarding the Gate to the Garden of Eden. The Genesis creation narrative relates the geographical location of both Eden and the garden to four rivers (Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, Euphrates), and three regions (Havilah, Assyria, and Kush). There are hypotheses that place Eden at the headwaters of the Tigris and Euphrates (northern Mesopotamia), in Iraq (Mesopotamia), Africa, and the Persian Gulf. For many medieval writers, the image of the Garden of Eden also creates a location for human love and sexuality, often associated with the classic and medieval trope of the locus amoenus ), and would be the "center place" of the City of Zion, the New Jerusalem. On July 7, 1834, Joseph Smith ordained Whitmer to be the president of the church in Missouri and his own successor, should the Prophet "not live to God". Although early church documents state that Whitmer, like Joseph Smith, Jr. and Oliver Cowdery, was ordained to the priesthood office of apostle, there is no record of this ordination, and Whitmer—as with Cowdery—was never a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles ( In the Latter Day Saint movement, the Quorum of the Twelve (also known as the Council of the Twelve, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Council of the Twelve Apostles, or the Twelve) was one of the governing bodies (quorums) of the church hierarchy organized by the movement's founder Joseph Smith, Jr., and patterned after the twelve apostles of Christ (see Mark 3). Members are considered to be apostles, with a special calling to be evangelical ambassadors to the world. The Twelve were designated to be a body of "traveling councillors" with jurisdiction outside areas where the church was formally organized (areas of the world outside of Zion or its outlying Stakes), equal in authority to the First Presidency as well as to the Seventy, the standing Presiding High Council and the High Councils of the various Stakes (Doctrine & Covenants 107:25-27, 36-37). After the death of Joseph Smith, Jr. on June 27, 1844, permanent schisms formed in the movement, resulting in the formation of various churches, many of which retained some version of this high council of twelve apostles. In 1835, the Three Witnesses were asked by Joseph Smith, Jr. to select the original twelve members of the church's Quorum of the Twelve. They announced their choices at a meeting on February 14, 1835. The Three Witnesses also ordained the twelve chosen men to the priesthood office of apostle by the laying on of hands. Below is a list of members of the quorum prior to the succession crisis of 1844. Ten of the eighteen followed Brigham Young to Utah Territory and remained part of the Quorum in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (indicated below as "LDS after 1844"). Thomas B. Marsh and Luke S. Johnson later rejoined the Latter-day Saints in Utah, but did not resume their former places in the Quorum. Three of these apostles went on to be apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Strangite). One, John E. Page, went on to be an apostle in the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) or "Hedrickite" church. Another, William Smith, later asserted his claim to head his own "Williamite" church organization before ultimately joining what is now the Community of Christ (where he did not resume his place in the quorum). Lyman Wight, likewise, organized his own branch of the church. William E. M'Lellin joined with multiple post-1844 church organizations in succession, each of which recognized his apostleship. ) Rather, Cowdery and Whitmer were chosen to be a selection committee, empowered to choose and ordain the original members of the Quorum of the Twelve, which they did in 1835 with the assistance of Harris.), and Jacob Whitmer ( Whitmer's younger brother David became a close associate of Joseph Smith, Jr.. In June 1829, Jacob Whitmer joined his brothers in signing a statement testifying that he personally saw and handled the Golden Plates said to be in Smith's possession. On April 11, 1830, he was baptized into the newly organized "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." He gathered with early church members to Jackson County, Missouri, USA, but was driven by non-Mormon vigilantes from his home there and later from his home in Clay County, Missouri as well. He then settled in Caldwell County, Missouri where he served on Far West's High Council. He was excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1838 along with the rest of the living members of the Whitmer family, and driven again from his home — this time by Mormon vigilantes.[citation needed] He settled finally near Richmond in neighboring Ray County where he worked as a shoemaker and a farmer. He died on April 21, 1856 still affirming his testimony of the Book of Mormon. ), also owned seer stones. Seer stones are mentioned in the Book of Mormon and in other Latter Day Saint scriptures. James Strang, who claimed to be Joseph Smith's designated successor, also unearthed what he said were ancient metal plates and translated them using seer stones.) in the bottom of a hat, which he placed over his face to view the words written within the stone. Smith published the translation in 1830 as the Book of Mormon.

More research is in the works at this time. This article will be finished later. Thank you for your time.

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