Monday, August 31, 2009

Osharian myth of Atlantis

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The myth of Atlantis has been told over and over again over the ages. Many cultures have given thier own take on the story. The Oshar also have records of Atlantis. We have looked for years to find a view of Atlantis that is closest to our own. Edgar Cayce ( ) is the only person in modern times to know the correct record of Atlantis. "Be it true that there is in fact reincarnation, and that souls that once occupied such an environ are entering the earth's sphere and inhabiting individuals in the present, is it any wonder that - if they made such alterations in the affairs of the earth in their day, as to bring destruction upon themselves - if they are entering now, they might make many changes in the affairs of peoples and individuals in the present? Are they, then, BEING born into the world? If so, what WERE their environs - and will those environs mean in a material world today? The position as the continent Atlantis occupied, is that as between the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand - and the Mediterranean upon the other. Evidences of this lost civilization are to be found in the Pyrenees and Morocco on the one hand, British Honduras, Yucatan and America upon the others. There are some protruding portions within this that must have at one time or another been a portion of this great continent. The British West Indies or the Bahamas, and a portion of same that may be seen in the present - if the geological survey would be made in some of these - especially, or notably, in Bimini and in the Gulf Stream through this vicinity, these may be even yet determined".

Edgar Cayce was also an Osharian Rite Freemason. It was his readings that led to the idea of forming the Osharian research school. In his readings on Atlantis Iltar is call by name. Cayce stated that Iltar with a council of 9 others emigrated to America. Many if not almost all of his readings on Atlantis fallow along with the records of O-Notis. In 1933 he was ask to join the Osharian Rite Freemasons when an Osharian priest went to him for a health reading for his wife. Cayce's readings gave details of Osharian technologies.

Atlas: (1)King Atlas, a mythical King of Mauretania, according to legend, a wise philosopher, mathematician and astronomer who supposedly made the first celestial globe. It was this Atlas that Mercator was referring to when he first used the name 'Atlas'. (2) Christ or anointed one of divine god. He was the first to stand up to his evil father Anu and formed a rebel force against his father. (3) ATLAS was one of the second-generation Titans. He personified the quality of endurance (atlaô). In one tradition, Atlas led the Titanes in a rebellion against Anu and was condemned to Kingu (Earth). In another, he was said to have been appointed guardian of the pillars which held earth and sky asunder. He was also the god who instructed mankind in the art of astronomy, a tool which was used by sailors in navigation and farmers in measuring the seasons. These roles were often combined and Atlas becomes the god who turns the Earth on tit's axis, causing a precession of the Earth.

Plato wrote about this land called Atlantis in two of his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, around 370 B.C. Plato stated that the continent lay in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years before that.

Timaeus begins with an introduction, followed by an account of the creations and structure of the universe and ancient civilizations.
Critias mentions an ancient historical tale that he would make the perfect example, and follows up by describing Atlantis in the Critias.
Critias claims that his account of ancient Atlantis stems from a visit to Egypt by the Athenian named Solon in the 6th century BC. In Egypt, Solon met Sonchis, a priest of Thebes, who translated the history of ancient Atlantis, recorded on pillars in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

An important Greek festival of Pallas Athene, the Panathenaea was dated from the days of king Theseus. It consisted of a solemn procession to the Acropolis in which a peplos was carried to the goddess, for she had once saved the city, gaining victory over the nation of Poseidon, that is, the Atlanteans. As Lewis Spence comments, this cult was in existence already 125 years before Plato, which means that the story could not be invented by him.

According to Critias, the sons of Atlas, lead by Alta divided the land so that each king might own a lot ( an area of Earth; Poseidon was appropriately, and to his liking, given Atlantis. He had come from some other life form not of Earth. He had been watching the Earth and the formation of life here. He at first only observed and recorded his findings. As time past on he began to want to observe first hand this planet and it's life. He then wanted to interact with the Earth. He then deigned a body that could live on this planet. The life form he had come from was different, but close enough to be modified to live under Earth's conditions. He was believed to have come here to find a habitable planet for his kind to colonize. His kind had damage their planet, and used up much of it's natural resources. So he needed to make sure that this planet could support their kind of life. This met testing on him self at first, to fine tune the body modifications need to convert his kind to this kind. He was on a test run, when he observed a power storm. In the storm he found a human girl that had been pulled into a river. He broke his kinds protocol and help the girl. He took her out of the river and took her a board his ship. She was close to death, but he revived her. He then communicated to her. He wanted to know more about this form of life. He also had been a lone for a very long time while observing the Earth. He returned the human girl to the surface of the planet. The storm had not passed, and he believed that is would be a waste to let her died after all the trouble he had gone threw to save her. He scanned her memories to find out where she lived and where she could feel safe from the storm. He could tell that she was fearful of him at first. So he took her to the caves up in the mountains where she lived. He then left her and returned to his ship. Later after the storms had past, he returned to check on her and to make sure she had lived. At that point he decided to interact with her. For he could not turn down the chance to learn more about this life form. This would help him with his job. Over time he developed a relationship with her. This was much like when human befriend cats or dogs. After a long course of time he grew fond of her. After many test he found that this creature, human could learn. He noted that humans could be trained, much like dogs can be trained by humans. In time he broke another law of his kind, and began to teach her things that was not of her world. After many years he came down to Earth once he had finished designing a body that could live on this planet, but would retain close to his natural form. Later she grew to care for him a well. Then he decided to try to create a hybrid with her and his DNA. After many years of test he found the right combination. He found that if there was too much of his DNA the offspring would not be able to survive on Earth. He then created a test tube babe that had just the right amount of his and hers DNA. He then implanted it in her. This hybrid would need to be born on this planet to survive and adapt. So he repeated the procreation test. After she had, had the first set of twin babies. He stopped the test for some time to make sure that the offspring could live in Earth's environment. He found that by modifying the human DNA just a little, it could be a Earth life form ,but still retain a little of his genetic knowledge. Each time it always came out with the same results. He then joined her on Earth in a physical form, so that he could monitor the offspring first hand. Over time he grew to like their offspring. He then joined her people so that their offspring would learn from both life forms that they had come from. Later he tot their children some of his knowledge from where he had come from. He then wanted to secure this new hybrid life form. He needed to know if this process could be repeated on a greater scale. When the children began to grow up he wanted them to have a better chance at living their full life cycle. He became a leader among humans so that his offspring could live a more healthy life than the other humans. The humans didn't live as long as their genetics a loud. He then wanted to aid the humans to see how long they could live under better condition. Every 5 to 6 years the human tribes would meet together to share knowledge of hunting skills and tool making and to also dread with other blood lines some to keep genetic problems from whipping them out from too much in breading. Around 146,000 B.C. Atlas began to create his own genetic pool. He saw that the children of his blood lines lived much longer lives and aged slower than the other humans. He also could tell over a course of time that his blood lines made for smarter humans. They also could change to Earth environment faster. He in the beginning didn't know the long term side effects of adding his genetic knowledge to human DNA. His species had evolved over a very long course of time, giving them enough time to develop into a species that could travel out into space and colonize other worlds. His species had almost unknowingly destroyed their planet and all other life on it. At first they just would relocated when their population got to great for the size of planet they were living on. This made them seek out new planets to feed their need for more natural resources and to not run out of space for their ever growing populations. Things went well for some time. How ever they began to realize that there was only so many planets that had life on them. That's when Atlas was sent far away from the home empire of colonies. Atlas was chosen because he was then son of the ruling families of their species. Anu was only one half genetically related to Atlas. Atlas had come from another species known to Anu as Ani. The Ani were similar in DNA, but the opposite in social societies. The Anu had taken things by force and when they began to run out of uninhabited planet, they then began to take over other species homes. The Ani empire learned to replace what they used up. Atlas chose to join Anu to keep them from taking over their space.

The island was larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined, but has since been sunk by earthquakes and became an impassable mud shoal in the Atlantic ocean, inhibiting travel between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Plato's record only covered the very last age of Atlantis and it's final fall. It seems that Plato took the description of the land mass of Atlantis and combined it with the description of the island city state. The two separate stories are from different time periods, and the third story or time period is not in Plato's record at all. The island of Atlantis was very close to the real dates, however his math was wrong because of the dates given by the Egyptian priests did not include the true date for the beginning of the Egyptian civilization. The Egyptians were off by 2,000 or more years. This is do to the change in the Earth's orbit because of the precession cycle. The birth of the Egyptian civilization had come from a older super civilization that was fragmented by the precession. When this happened it took many generations to start to rebuild. By that time much of the physical records had been destroyed by the last cataclysm. The civilization of Atlantis had planed for such well in advance. They had built a subterranean subsurface network to save some of their population. They also built special ships that were designed to survive and resist super freak waves. These ships were not perfect, but increased their chances of surviving. The designs for these ships were given to many other cultures in the world at that time. A hand full of them survived and started over. Some legends and myths of these ships and of the changing of the Earth's surface remained after the fourth great cataclysm. Those cultures that survived controlled and restricted this knowledge for three main reasons. One, reason was so that the leader families would retain their power and control over their peoples. The second reason was do to the misuse of technology used before the cataclysm, which almost destroyed the planet and all life on it. The last reason was to give other native undeveloped culture a chance to come into power.

Before that time all advanced technology was controlled by city state civilizations that did not share with the rest of the world. In that time period the city state civilizations felt that they were superior to the civilizations that lived in natural ways, that were closer to animal life and other organic life on Earth. In the last years before the changing of the Earth, the populations of the city states grow out of control. The civilized nations of the world began to become self indulgent and forced their way of life on all other humans on the planet. They in the end began to run out of land and built massive city states in native lands where they were not welcome.

The Mesa-Americans had retained records of four of the precession cycles, because their astronomy charted out the repeating cycle. Their physical records only went back one precession cycle, but that was enough to calculated the cycle it's self. Also the migration patterns were retained. The native migration patterns were based on science from the advanced city state cultures, so that some of the native cultures could survive to be used as slave labor to rebuild their city states, after the great cataclysm had passed.

The Egyptians described Atlantis at it's end, as an island approximately 700 km across, comprising mostly mountains in the northern portions and along the shore, and encompassing a great plain of an oblong shape in the south "extending in one direction three thousand stadia [about 600 km], but across the center inland it was two thousand stadia [about 400 km]." The legend was a combination of two ancient myths past down over the ages. Their were many colonies that had come from the city state civilizations. They in many cases targeted people's land that they wanted to take over before the last great cataclysm. The Egyptian description of Atlantis sounds like one of the new city states that was built in the west part of Africa. There is a number of legends from just after the cataclysm. One such legend tells of a king Atlas that had come from the sea and was most known for creating the first celestial sphere. He was said to have been very advanced in science in a time when much of the world had started over and had become primitive again. The detailed account by the Egyptian priest of Atlantis points out a very accurate description of a city state design, which only could have come from a people that had designed city state in their past before the cataclysm. It seem that this group of people understood spherical navigation. Other details from the Egyptian priest tell in great detail knowledge of the planet that could only be known or obtained by viewing the Earth from orbit, and over a great period of time. The Egyptians knew the Earth was round many thousands of years before the Greeks and Romans became civilized and claimed they had invented mathematics. In our time period it has been now proven that the Egyptians had been given advance knowledge and technology that only in our modern times has been understood in depth again. The Egyptians had some how been tot by an ancient race of people the idea of pyramid building, but it took them many generations to be able to master these skills for them selves. Some legends from the Egyptian priest say that a foreign race of humans had built secret under ground complexes many thousands of years before the Egyptians had settled the Nile delta. Some words had been learned from this past dieing culture and became in part the back bone of their own new inventions, once their culture had developed to the same degree. The Jewish Hebrew bible also used words that had little to no meaning in their own languages. However they were instructed to write these terms and words down with out any changes. Now in the 21st century many if not all of these term and words are now known and used in science. Some how they were shown this knowledge and technology many thousands of years before the Romans and other new civilization were born. The Egyptians were told that this unknown knowledge was magic. Later the Jews where tot that it was God's knowledge, but it was forbidden. It seems that there were more than one colony from this lost civilization and that they had retained some of their technology. It shows a conman source that had changed and become just a little different from that source. I think that this group of advance people had changed to adapt to the new world. It is plan to see that they fought over control of what was left of their technology and over the people of the new world. Some records from different cultures, separated by location and time had created the same kind of technologies. The main thing that all these culture share in common is their building technology. It is also known in our time that many of the ancient stories of the birth of these cultures are the same.

Take the myth of Aztlan in the Americas. The name is related to Atlantis. The design of Aztlan was the same as the descriptions of the city states of Atlantis. The location and structure is the same, but in a different location and built by different cultures. The city state of Aztlan was built on a small island in the middle of a lake. This lake had river systems that ran out to the ocean. The site where this city state was located is now Mexico city. This is also the location of one of the great pyramid sites of the Americas. The legend of this great city state tell a story of a strange race of people that had come from a cross the ocean. This is the same story that is told by many other cultures in their beginnings. Almost all of these cultures claim speak of a great cataclysm by water. Many of them still to this day claim they had once in the far past, had come from a mother land some where in the ocean. They all seem to say that humans had been come from this place that is lost or is no long there. They all seem to agree that mankind had lost their connection with the animal world of this planet and had become different from nature. They also agree that many people of mankind had become self indulgent and separated them selves from the rest of life on this planet. They used the other life forms here on Earth for slaves to toil for them, so that they could live well with out having to work hard for them selves. At some point in time we lost respect for all other life here, and made our selves rulers over all living things. This in time lead to us no longer respecting even our own species. Towards the end of that age we began to use our knowledge to war against one another. This lead to major changes in the Earth it's self. We came very close to destroying the planet . Now I know that the precession and great cataclysm is part of a on going cycle of nature, and it would have happened even if humans were not here on the Earth. I believe that the Earth as a life form has always been able to save it's self from it's self, and will do so again.

There is a great deal of data pointing out in almost all cultures that there was a foreign mason civilization that had fled from a great cataclysm into other known lands. We can't disprove or prove as of yet, if Atlantis was a real place. We can how ever prove that a great number of modern civilization make claims that their people had ancestors that had migrated from Atlantis. The only real proof that can be found to date, is the ancient architecture that has been built threw out the many ages since the fall of Atlantis. These Masonic cultures have always been around. The ancient architects were basically labor unions that protected trade secrets in building and construction. The first of such labor unions was found around 50,000 B.C. In the ' Tables of O-Notis ' A scribe claims to have been instructed to keep a record of the ' Project '. Later in the text the Project is described as a world government made up of leaders from all nations of the world in that time period. The united nations of it's time. This Project was designed to bring the brains and knowledge of all peoples of the world, to defend against other animals that were over running the human lands. The Project was located in an area that could be reach in migrations from in part of the world with in 5 to 6 years. The Project brought people from all parts of the world to come up with ways to protect and advance human kind. The first major idea or project was to build a circle of rock around human cites. This is when masons as a labor union were first said to have been needed. The first walled city given the tittle of City state. This first city was named Eden, because of it's location. This Eden is not the same Eden written of in the Bible.

How ever it could have been the reason why Eden was chosen to be the starting place of mankind in the Bible. The physical locations are not even close. We do find that a few of the historical stories of the Bible were based on older legends and myths past down from the far ancient past. So it is possible that Eden as a name was past down threw time. At any rate we can prove that almost all cultures that claim they came from Atlantis, had the same basic type of architecture in their ancient pasts. So why have cultures claimed Atlantis as there mother land many of thousands of years before Plato or the Holy Bible came into the question. We may never know for sure. We can only see that ancient ancestors believed in it, and that it has had an effect on all history since that time.

You can find more on this subject at: and for readings on the subject of Atlantis goto: To see GPS image goto:,-26.762695&spn=3.760973,7.042236&z=7

Osharian friends at T.A.O.

Support your local scientist. We here at the research school hope that under water extraditions can move forward, but we need your support. Bill is a nonfictional researcher that is in the field of under water research. Follow the link below if you wish to donate to this organization. We thank you.

Bill is the founder and editor of The Atlantis Organization (T.A.O.), a scientifically oriented research and networking organization and newsletter focusing on archeology and alternative theories & technologies. More recently, he formed the non-profit corporation A.P.E.X. Institute to investigate archaeological anomalies with a general focus on underwater sites. The world is filled with mysterious sites, lost cultures, megalithic structures, sacred palaces and unusual occurrences that have stirred the imagination and led to speculation about our true origin. The Quest for Atlantis and the search for a forgotten ancient mother culture has intrigued and inspired generations of scientists, explorers, philosophers and psychics throughout the ages. The Quest for Atlantis is like the Holy Grail and it stands as a metaphor for the human yearning to explore the unknown and follow the path of truth wherever it may lead. The Atlantis legend credited to the Greek Philosopher Plato has endured and symbolizes a dream of a golden age and a lost paradise waiting to be rediscovered. The enigmatic similarities between ancient cultures, legends of worldwide floods, and megalithic construction in the Old and New World points to lost culture vastly older than we realize. Could the origins of world cultures be so close in the Bahamas? Is Bimini part of the lost continent of Atlantis? The Quest Begins! Bill Donato received his masters degree from Cal State Fullerton on the basis of thesis regarding ancient maritime culture in the Caribbean.specific to the Atlantis legend, has performed hands-on research of the so-called Bimini Road, and nearby locations for three decades. If you want to know more about this subject goto: Quest for Atlantis. Donato has sent an up date with new discoveries at these links: and .

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Osharian testament with God, the tablets of Atlas

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharian Rite Freemasons, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The ancient religion of the Oshar of Earth was founded in 50,722B.C. at the spring equinox. It was in that year that the great congress and meeting of the five nations of man met. As history O-Notis states "Under God there is only one true god. All others are a break down of the aspects of the divine god. Atlas was born to the Mother goddess. Then Atlas came to the Father god. Atlas had traveled from the Pleiads to Sirius. While with the father ( Anu, or chaos ) , he was given the task of setting up a colony in the name of Anu. Atlas traveled to the Milky Way where he created a colony on Mars (Marduk). Things were well for some time as the colony grew. It was at this time that Atlas began to search for other planets to colonize. Atlas came upon the Earth (Kingu). It was there that Atlas came upon a unclassified, by Anu life form. This new life form was half mother goddess ( order, Ani) and half divine god (Ana ). When Atlas came in contact with this life form it awoken him to the knowledge of order. Under Anu only the knowledge of chaos was known. It was in that moment that divine god warned him. " Do not harm this life form, for it is of my seed. There is only but one law that I command over all of my creations. No being of free will may force it's free will on to another being with free will. There is nothing I am not. I am not of order or of chaos. I am above all these things. I will teach you the knowledge that came before the One. You will be given the task of protecting the tree of truth, that lies in the sphere of thought with in the divine. I will make a covenant ( agreement, or testament) with you and all your descendants. Your charge is to bring forth the new age. This will come at a great cost to you. You must first sacrifice your self by falling from the grace of Father god and loose the abilities granted by him. Do not fear, for I will protect you, so long as you believe in the god of unity and divinity and worship no other god or master. You must then sacrifice your self for all of those that do not believe in you, but believe in me. Do not fear, for as long as I remember your deeds you can never be destroyed. The last sacrifice is to aid the life form that is of Earth and my seed. You must take an oath to protect and serve all of my life forms of this universe. If you can do this, then you will be given my glory and become my heir to the throne of creation, above the heavens. You will under go three sacrifices. If you can do this, then I will make good on my promise to you and your descendants."

As stated in the Tablets of O-Notis " Man as human has been around in many forms longer than than man remembers. We as humans came from the stars, and will be visited by others and are ancestors again and again over. Let it be known that the great pyramid builders and other cultures of science is of our doing. We of our own colonies have built these inventions. We had such knowledge and will again have this knowledge. Atlas ( Jesus Christ ) gave his soul to protect and start our own rite. In the time of the first city state Osharian Freemasons were free to share their knowledge. In this time all species work together in this goal of building and creating. After the Altar ( al-tar, meaning to build a place to worship the solar beings, the sons of god and Father or male ), order took control of the capital ( Metropolis ), all knowledge was guarded and forbidden to those that did not work as masons under Altarian rule. This knowledge was for all of mankind, not just the few that ruled over it. This is when the three orders separated. Since such times our history has been used against our selves. In the late 4th age humans will create a device of many minds to share knowledge with one another. The different sects of Freemason will war against each other for total power over the Mora-Tome and what was used to come to this place. Let there be no other book that is kept as god's word, when in times of questioning of faith let the Holy bible speak the truth. Do not worship false profit or their mistruths".
This is the doctrine of the Oshar. Many times over the people and temples of the Oshar have been destroyed by the sons of Anu ( Lucifer ). Yet our doctrine and traditions have lived on in fragments passed down in other religions and biblical records. The Osharian Rite Freemasons was founded again in 1903 and in 2007 Here is a small list of texts that contain Osharian records.
1) the Tulmud 2) the Torah 3) the Merkabah 4) the Keys of Enoch 5) the free mason book of Tau and Ts 6) the egyptian book of the dead (scrolls of Thoth) 7) the tablets of Sumerians 8) the Dead sea scrolls of the Qumran 9) the Emrald tablets of Ana, Anu and Ani. 10) The tablets of O-Notis 11) the Holy Bible!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Osharian capital Of Atlas before the flood

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Oshar, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

It is believed that this city state was modeled after the ancient city state of Eden ( shown at top). The image at top is just a guess of how the first Capital might have looked like. The pictures below that shows how the new capital might have looked in it's golden age. The bottom picture shows how this area looks to day and is a G.P.S. over view picture. This was the Osharian city state capital named after Atlas. In the time before the flood (33,000 B.C. to 13,000 B.C.), that destroyed the main islands that were just east of there. It is located in Mauri, Africa. Some of the remaining Osharian people built their city state on top of a large hydrothermal volcanic symmetrical uplift, which at that time was surrounded by fresh water, which formed a lake that ran to a water way that lead to the Atlantic ocean. Many believe that the Phoenicians were the descendants of this Atlaspolis city state. The warm springs have long been gone, but the tribes that still live in this area claim there was a great city state in that location. They go on to say that there was a king that had come from the sea which colonized before the last great flood, some where around 28,000 B.C. Later the tropical condition of the Sahara changed around 13,000 B.C. to 10,908 B.C. at the end of the last ice age. The Sahara is wet lands for 20,000 years at a time, then dry desert for the same amount of time. Meaning of the word Atlas (1):King Atlas (Alpheus), a mythical King of Mauretania, according to legend, a wise philosopher, mathematician and astronomer who supposedly made the first celestial globe. It was this Atlas that Mercator was referring to when he first used the name 'Atlas' In Antiquity, Mauretania was originally an independent Berber kingdom on the Mediterranean coast of north Africa (named after the Mauri tribe, after whom the Moors were named), corresponding to western Algeria, northern Morocco and Spanish Plazas de soberanía. The Mauri people were indicated with the Greek word mauros, black. Some of the earliest recorded history relates to Phoenician and Carthaginian settlemen. The Mauri tribe came from south west Africa and move a long the Atlas mountains to the north and east. This is one of the few fragments that proove to Osharians that Lord Atlas left around 50,422 B.C. then returned around 28,000 B.C. and the last return was around 6 B.C. It is believed that he will return again some 12,826.4 years later. Atlas city state is some times referred to as the "Eye of Africa". This prominent circular feature, known as the Richat Structure, near Atar ( Atar is named after Altarians or Ataranta, not to be misstake as Athanasius), and Quadane in the Maur Adrar desert in the Sahara region of Mauritania is often noted by astronauts because it forms a conspicuous 50-kilometer-wide (30-mile-wide) bull's-eye on the otherwise rather featureless expanse of the desert. Initially mistaken for a possible impact crater, it is now known to be an eroded circular anticline (structural dome) of layered sedimentary rocks formed by an ancient hot spring. The high levels of salt show that it might have connected to the Atlantic ocean by way of canals. Osharian scientist claim that paleozoic quartz crystal, forms the resistant beds outlining the structure. Osharian geologist state that the Richat structure (Sahara, Mauritania) appears as a large dome at least 50 km in diameter within a Late Proterozoic to Ordovician sequence. Erosion has created circular cuestas represented by five rings dipping outward from the structure. The center of the structure consists of a limestone-dolomite shelf that encloses a kilometer-scale siliceous breccia and is intruded by basaltic ring dikes, kimberlitic intrusions, and alkaline volcanic rocks. The archive inventory shows a record of three objects being found in the center area in 1934, a year after Tesla founded O.S.P. The objects them selves are not disclosed, but were log in as being "Ancient Osharian objects from between 28,000 B.C. to 10,908 B.C." The inventory records are restricted to only archivist and high council members only. The object are locked away in a vault that only someone with a written P.O.A. (Pass of Access) can get in. This would mean all members of the ' Council of the tree of truth ' would have to approve it first. This by the way has never happened before. Those Osharians that follow the Bible believe that the vault will not be open until the end days when all three orders are said to meet again."
:New science up date:
"In the case of the Richat Structure, it is evident that the force uplifting the area also cut the concentric crater walls. In crater formation, the electrical forces constrain the arc to contact the surface at a 90-degree angle. Because the arc typically consists of one or more pairs of channels rotating around a common axis, a stationary arc will etch a circular crater and, in stratified terrain, will machine out concentric circles." In Osharian mason tradition city state sites are chosen for only a few reasons. Magnetic and geomagnetic energy was used as a green power source for Osharians. Volcanic venting for energy was also common to the Oshar. Lay line locations where electric volcanic power is common are a key signature to Osharian sites.
:Here is the first record from Greeks of the Atlas city state:Herodotus:
The Histories, c. 430 BCE to 550 CE. Mauretania: "Necos, the Egyptian king, who on desisting from the canal which he had begun between the Nile, sent to sea a number of ships manned by Phoenicians, with orders to make for the Pillars of Hercules, and return to Egypt through them, and by the Mediterranean. The Phoenicians took their departure from Egypt by way of the Erythraean sea, and so sailed into the southern ocean. Joseph was taken to Egypt in 2276 age 17, nearly 200 years after Abram’s visit. He was sold to Pharaoh B’s official named Potiphar. From Augila there is again a salt-hill and a spring; palms of the fruitful kind grow here abundantly, as they do also at the other salt-hills. This region is inhabited by a nation called the Mauri, a very powerful people, who cover the salt with mold, and then sow their crops. These people are called the Atarantians, who alone of all known nations are destitute of names. The title of Atarantians is borne by the whole race in common; but the men have no particular names of their own. The Atarantians, when the sun rises high in the heaven, curse him, and load him with reproaches, because (they say) he burns and wastes both their country and themselves. Many of these people live by salt-mines, these people dwell round it who all of them build their houses with blocks of the salt. No rain falls in these parts; if it were otherwise, the walls of these houses could not stand. The salt quarried is of two colors, white and purple. The tribes here tell of the ruins of an ancient capital. They say it fell many thousands of years before this time. They go on to give details of a king that had come from the sea that had very lite skin. They go on to say the spring they lived by dried up and those that lived in the city state migrated to Egypt and for many hundreds of years sold the stones block of their city state to the Egyptian kings to pay their way in Egypt. They also say that many migrated to Cainis now known as the Gaza strip." Some Osharian believe that Jews picked up the tri-deity idea from them, but later chose to join as one sect after a long war between the three sects ended. In this belief there is three parts to god's being, ' YHVH ' Meaning the male or solar cult. Then came the ' YSVH ' meaning the female or lunar cult. In the end the ' YHWH ' divine or cosmic cult was chosen to be thier deity." Osharian scientist hope by 2011 to send a research group to this area. You can copy and paste this source link:

Osharian homes over the ages

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Oshar, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The records of O-Notis state that there was a seperation between Alta and Atlas. The Altar banished all Osharian and Iltarian religions from the Eden city state. Alta attacked the capital "Metropolis" but his father had already left Earth. The higher knowledge of the position of 0 (zero) within the councel was gone. With that action Atla took over Metropolis and started a vast army. Atla and the Iltarians migrated across the Atlantic ocean to modern day America. It was there that their first temples were built. Many now know them as the Omeck peoples. Later Alta's quest for power grow and he formed a great navy. The Atlantic ocean was ruled by the Altarians for 19,000 years. Later they would be called the Great sea kings, known as the navy of Phoenicia. The Altarian navy later before the birth of the Greeks, formed a lie; that stated that the Atlantic ocean was unpassable. This is where the myth of the Earth being flat came from. They knew for thousands of years before that, that the Earth was round. This disinformation was base on some truth. Around 28,000 B.C. there was a great diseaster and the Atlantic mountain chain became very active. Due to the valcanic activity the Atlantic was not safe for some time. The Altarians used this to base their claims that the Atlantic was unpassable. The Altarian navy and army took over most of the eastern parts of the world at that time. A Osharian colony formed on a yin yang mountain near the mid-atlantic ridge. An Altarian colony formed in Mauri Africa. The Alta and his army went to Egypt. It was there that at around 10,700 B.C. that the Egyptians civilization was born. It was taken over by Alta ( known as Thoth is Egyptian), at around 10,630 B.C. This is when the Altarian Temple was built ( the great pyramid ). Since that time the temple has been ruled by the solar, sun religions. Any and all Sun religions come from an Altarian background. At a round 10,901 B.C. the last Osharian temple was destoried by a volcanic eruption and sank. The ruins still remains there under the ocean to this day. See maps here above. The Osharians built three other city states. Past homes of Oshar in order? (1)Eden west of the Azores islands. (2) Atlas islands south of Azores. (3) Puma Panku, Bolivia. (4)Atzland, Mexico city. (5) Pueblo Atlas (New Mexico, Chaco canyan. Aztland):is the legendary ancestral home of the Anasazi. legends relate that seven tribes lived in Chicomoztoc, or "the place of the seven caves". Each cave represented a different Nahua group. hese tribes subsequently left the caves and settled "near" Aztlán, or Aztatlan. some legends describe Aztlán as a paradise, the Aubin Codex says that the Aztecs were subject to a tyrannical elite called the Azteca Chicomoztoca. Guided by their priest, the Aztec fled, on the road. According to the legend, the southward migration began on May 24, 1064 CE; 1064 is also the year of a volcanic explosion at Sunset Crater in Arizona and the first Aztec solar year, beginning on May 24, after the Crab Nebula events from May to July of 1054. Modern scientist date Aztland to have been built around 3114 B.C. by Osharian and Ilraian masons. Teotihuacan was later built over the site after a earth quake destoried Atzland. Atzlan: The city was later rebuilt as Tenochtitlan by the Aztecs on an island of Lake Texcoco: Lake Texcoco (Spanish: Lago de Texcoco) was a natural lake formation within the Valley of Mexico, a basin with an average elevation of 2,236 metres (7,336 ft) above mean sea level located in the southern highlands of Mexico's central altiplano. It formerly extended over a large portion in the southern half of the basin, where it was the largest of an interconnected chain of five major and several smaller lakes (the other main lakes being Xaltocan, Zumpango, Chalco (Chaco) and Xochimilco lakes). Lake Texcoco was the lowest-lying of all the lakes, and occupied the minimum elevation in the valley so that water ultimately drained towards it. The Valley of Mexico has been a closed basin since at least the Late Pliocene, and the lakes subsequently had no natural surface outflow, with the drainage basin forming an endorheic system. The lake basin is now occupied by Mexico City. The disarticulated remains of seven mammoths dated between 14,615 B.C. to 12,220 B.C. ) were found, suggesting human presence. By roughly 800 BCE, Cuicuilco had eclipsed the Tlatilco cultural centers and was the major power in the Valley of Mexico during the next 200 years, when its famous conical pyramid was built. The Xitle volcano destroyed Cuicuilco around 30 CE, a destruction that may have given rise to Teotihuacan. After the fall of Teotihuacan, 600–800 CE, several other city states appeared around the lake. According to a traditional story, the Mexica wandered in the deserts of modern Mexico for 100 years before they came to the thick forests of the place we now call the Valley of Mexico. The state religion of the Aztec civilization awaited the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy: that the wandering tribes would find the destined site for a great city whose location would be signaled by an eagle eating a snake while perched atop a cactus. The Mexicas, guided by their god Huitzilopochtli, saw this vision on what was then a small swampy island in Lake Texcoco, a vision that is now immortalized in Mexico's coat of arms and on the Mexican flag. The layout of they city, which they named Tenochtitlan, forced the Aztecs to build artificial islands and create a series of canals to allow the growth of the metropolis. In fact, although the lake was salty, dams built by the Aztecs kept the city surrounded by clear water from the rivers that fed the lake . A number of causeways were also constructed from the shoreline to the central island. These causeways are the foundation of the various calzadas which are today principal avenues in Mexico City. The Anasazi then migrated to New Mexico around 600 A.D. Each of the seven groups is credited with founding a different major city-state ( A city-state is an independent country whose territory consists of a city which is not administered as part of another local government.) The city-states reputed to have an Aztec foundation. According to Aztec legends, the Mexica were the last tribe to emigrate. When they arrived at their ancestral homeland, the present-day Valley of Mexico. Modern day Mexico city was built on a small island in the middle of a lake. This lake had a river that ran into the Gulf of Mexico. The Aztlan legend above is from the view of the Aztec peoples. Osharians claim that canals were dug to reach a near by river. Anasazi later picked the north river. This north river goes to Chaco canyon. The city state was very close in masonry design. Osharian records from the tablet of O-Notis stated that the Iltarian had emigrated to the now west of the Atlantic. In modern day Mexico the ancient seattlement is called TEOTIHUACAN II. It is by Osharian records a sister city state that just happens to have the same design, both from natural and man made means. For more on this see Anasazi article).

Osharian record of The ancient Orders

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Oshar, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The Oshar were founded in 50,722 B.C. at the spring equinox. There in that time were Three groups. The Oshar of Anna, the Altar of Anu, and the Iltar of Ani. Each group came from different belief system. The leader of the Oshar was Atlas, which believed in the divine energy being. The Altar were ruled by Alta, which believed in the dark energy being (Male domain). Then there was the Iltar ruled by Atla, which believed in the positive light energy being (Female domain). The three groups formed religious groups called councils. The council of the tree of Truth, the council of the tree of the knowledge of Order and Chaos, and the council of the tree of Life. Later these group became government groups called orders. Each group had their areas to rule over, and things were well for a time. Each group were kept in balance with one another and by one another. Alta was the son of Atlas, and Atla was daughter of Atlas. Alta was given control over "Eden" the eastern city state and first city state also home of the temple of the sun. Atlas controlled "Metropolis" the capital city state in the Atlas mountains. Atla was given control over "Peos" the western city state, home of the temple of the moon. All religions came from these tree groups. There are little records in our time to prove this. Many of these records were destroyed in wars, or are now housed in Private places ruled by other later formed orders. There is one tablet that shows all three orders, which was the cap stone of the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt. This was crafted after the last precession around 10,630 B.C. This is a image of it. The Tablet shows the origins of all three orders and how they were together once.

Osharian Sirius Myth

Please keep in mind this article is only the opinion of the Osharians, based on ancient research.

For more information please refer to the " Directory of the Atlanteans " which is updated every week.

The Dogon peoples claim that 5,000 years ago a people called by them "Nommo" visited "Kingu" or Earth. The Dogon state that Sirius C i.e... Anu or "Enome Ya" revolves around Sirius A. The star of Anu had one main planet called "Nebiru" that orbited around it. This was the home planet of the "Annunaki". Nebiru was called "Tiamat" at that time. It is beleived that the Anu came from the Dark energy underverse and were made up of dark matter. Their ruler and leader Anu had two sons. One son that was of Anu and Ani ( The mother, is of light energy and positive matter) was named "Marduk" There was another son that came from Ani and Anna (Divine or non energy being) named "Atlas". Atlas had the knowledge of Anna. Anu projected it's self into the positive universe. This in turn caused Sirius C to supernova. When this supernova happened, it sent Tiamat out of Sirius C's orbit and into Our solar system. It was then that Tiamat hit into Jupiter's largest moon (Kingu). From the inpact hit Kingu and broke it into two bodies. This formed the Earth and moon orbit. It is said that Tiamat is now oribitting between the two star systems every 3,600 years. Osharian myth backs up this beleif. The Oshar beleive that we came from Atlas which formed a colony on Marduk (Mars) Then later relocated to Earth when his brother Marduk came to this star system. The Oshar claim that Anu is our ancestor and that we are a rebel colony from Anu, but of Atlas. Atlas is the Osharian "Yashau" i.e...Christ. "The one choosen to save our universe from Anu". If you have any questions or wish to give other source information please feel free to post here. Visions I have had over the year point to an alien invasion due to happen in our life time. We will not see them in physical form on this planet. They will attack by remote in orbit. Their ships will be the only sign of their invasion. I can only hope that the ancient Ordriarians will come to our aid. The Ordriarians are the origin species of the Oshar. They are peaceful keepers of universal balance. This is why in the past they have not come to our aid. They migrate around the outer part of the sphere of our universe. It is believed in Osharian doctrine that they are all coming to gather to take on Anu. We as human don't understand that there are a great number of universal species that war over religion and land. For many thousands of years they have fought with one another over Earth. This is the out post and last fall back point for many species. The last great war is on our door step as we fight with one another here. Soon will come a time when all species will have to come together to protect the last of the species of positive light energy. I pray that all humans will unite to save our selves and the other species of light. This is not a joke. When the Anu return many billions of humans will be taken up in their ships to be sent all over the galaxy to work and be slave to the Dark light energy beings. The Mora-Tome is our great protection against the Anu. I fear that the great Orders will not work together to save our species. They only care about their own groups.
They watched the red star appear near Sirius, and possibly watched some of its motion through the constellation of Canis Major. The perihelion passage was marred visually for the Dogon, just as it was for the Romans, Egyptians and Mesopotamians. The sense of the motion having occurred around the Sun was thus lost. It is easy to see how the Dogon would attribute the star’s appearance to Sirius the Sirius system itself: the red star appears near Sirius, moves across it and disappears. To the Dogon, the ‘Nommo star’ must have appeared to move along its elliptical orbit, brightening whilst coming towards us, and than receding back to Sirius. The tradition of the Sirius system as being the home of the gods would have been visibly played out in the heavens for the Dogon observers. A piercing bright red star appeared near Sirius in 25AD and the seemed to move around it before again disappearing. The Dogon, disconnected from the rest of the civilised world, interpreted this star as that of the Nommo, and thus believed that they had seen the invisible companion of Sirius appear in the sky.
This information is impossible to obtain without using modern telescopes. Not only that, but the figure of 50 years that they allegedly claim for the orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A is absolutely accurate. The Dogon claim that this ‘sacred knowledge’ was given them by a race of god-like extra-terrestrials that came to earth from the Sirius system itself.